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  1. https://schecktersraw.com/menu/ So one of brothers is in CPT for business tonight and we going out for dinner but he is a Vegan so we going to this hardcore Vegan restaurant in the link, Im not really a big fan of Vegans for several practical reasons like its not natural based on our historical diet to eat only what Vegans eat...where is the precedent ? Anyway I like to try new things and tonight I am going to be very objective and really not be negative ....I am going for the Vegan burger, it looks tasty
    2 points
  2. Made it to level 23. Played over 30 hours last week... maybe I should calm down a bit. My eyes are feeling sore now. Best go outside and get some sunlight or something. New WoW went in a completely different direction to what appealed to the original player base. Fans have been saying they want that old school style back for years but someone from Blizzard even once said 'You think you do but you don't really'. Well obviously people do because they are enjoying Classic.
    2 points
  3. It depends a bit at which level you are looking. Generally: Berserker/Fury can be very strong - especially once you get Blood Thirst. Nature's Terror + Relentless Storm (supported by an initial cast Plague of Insects do all trigger Blood Thirst on kill. Also all your elemental spells will have +3 PEN (Berserker Frenzy + Fury passive). That makes the build very good on PotD right from the start (both obtainable at lvl 1). If you go melee with Lord Darryn's Voulge and Deltro's Cage your Storms will have +5 Power Level and Nature's Terror still +2. Supported by Blood Thirst your Carnage will apply a ton of Static Charges in an AoE. It's an offensive beast but you have to heal him with party member (Berserker Frenzy hurts and Fury can't have Rejuvenation spells). And/or use Savage Defiance (but comes a bit late). This build would not spiritshift. DoT + Blood Thirst is a very effective combo. You can also use Whispers of the Endless Paths + Taste of the Hunt. The healing is still only applied once but the DoT (which is quite potent) will get applied to all enemies in the cone. This can lead to even more kills which will trigger Blood Thirst. Just a variant to Lord Darryn's Voulge. Also works with Barb/any other Druid. Another nice alternative is Helwalker/Druid. Especially if you cast a lot of DoTs. Here I would pick a Nature Godlike Ancient on the Druid part and the Spine of Thicket Green as weapon with the +3 to Beast PL. The high MIG and INT from Helwalker boost your DoTs as does the +1+1+3 Power Levels. You will be casting DoTs mostly. But it's also a great healer. If you want a superb healer you can use the same combo but with a Livegiver instead of a Ancient. Enchant the Spine with +2 PL to Rejuvenation instead, spiritshift right at the start of combat (+7 Power Level to Rejuvenation) to cast healing over time in advance. After the shift your PL will drop to -1 PL which is not too bad. You can also cast some Dots at the start of combat and only shift if you feel the need for healing. Choose cat form since it can cast very fast (Cat Flurry). The high MIG and INT of Helwalkers combined with the Power Levels do immense healing. Another good healer+support is Livegiver/Priest of Eothas with the Spine again. You will have a ton on spells in general but the best part is: shift to Cat form and dish out +7 PL Rejuvenation. Once you shift back do +2 PL Restoration spells with the Priest side. The PL malus for Rejuvenation after switching doesn't apply to your Restoration spells. If you are looking for a very sturdy melee druid based on Spiritshift: Goldpact Knight + Bear form is very sturdy due to the immense AR (Gilded Enmity +4, Exalted Endurance +1, Bear Form +2 + several paladin passives) and the healing. The damage output is good due to Wildstrike + Flames of Devotion + Sworn Enemy. Eternal Devotion also applies to spells by the way. And lots of support capability of course With the Community Patch you can combine Barbarian/Stag Form for dual Carnage. It's not super OP but great fun. If you pick Spirit Frenzy you can stagger opponents twice (double chance) per hit. The cumulated AoE dmg is nice. If you combine it with Blood Thirst (cast some long lasting DoT spell and then go melee) you can destroy entire mobs quickly. In an unmodded game the Stag form is crap though. For a Shifter of course the Rogue is another obvious option. Wildstrike + Sneak Attack and Deathblows is a good melee combo. Especially as a Cat you can do enormous melee dps. Don't forget to cast some supporting spells before going into melee. Honorable mention goes to Arcane Archer + Fury. The jumps of the Fury attacks don't work with Driving Flight (you might want to skip that) but they are not affected by the accuracy malus. And every jump (so, basically two attack rolls) will trigger an Imbue spell. You can use that to apply damage + double Imbue:Web at the enemy (later also double Imbue:Pull of Eora) and then nuke the immobilized/cramped enemies with spells and attacks. The double appliance of web /pull makes sure that every enemy gets affected. Also nice: Bleak Walker/Fury. With Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay and Heart of the Storm you get +3 PEN for your FoD attacks which will pack a punch even against high AR foes. At the same time you can cast spells as usual. Eternal Devotion works with spells as I said. There are a lot more variants. It really depends on the role your character is supposed to play. Even a summoner centered Chanter/Ancient is very good in some cases because he can have summons on the field all the time and can boost several summons (Wurm, Drake, spores) with Wild Growth which makes them very sturdy (indef. duration of Wild Growth). A Bellower isn't the type of chanter that comes to mind when thinking about summons, but his PL bonus makes them last a long time and Wild Growth on then makes then tanky. Since he can't put out chanter summons as quickly as as a Troubadour he can fill the gaps with spores. If you like summons it's quite nice. And of course there is single class: Fury with Dual Mortars and Avenging Storm is devastating. That's because Blinding Smoke on Hand Mortar triggers Avenging Storm, too and Fire in the Hole jumps (incl. AoE). Gun-Fury basically. Also a SC Nature Godlike Ancient with Spine of Thicket Green is very good with all Beast DoTs. So is SC Fury with Deltro's Cage, Darryn's Voulge and other elemental PL boosts with Maelstrom (and other elemental spells). Spiritshifting is not very great on its own as a SC druid though.
    2 points
  4. That's why it's so important to take care of your knees when you are young.
    2 points
  5. I have been dipping my toes in mod programming, and got bashing shield scaling working! It's slightly less than perfect, because I wasn't able to find a way to leave Tuotilo's monk-based scaling alone. If I didn't take away Tuotilo's Unarmed keyword, it would double-dip on scaling, and I couldn't come up with a way to have the Quality buffs selectively ignore Tuotilo. I thought I had one by setting an InclusionCondition (for the item mod GUID of Magran's Blessing or The Best Defense) on the acc/dmg/pen scaling quality status effects. That did work, at least right upon startup, but the buffs would fall off when you switched weapons or un/re-equipped them, and I couldn't figure out why that was happening. If you're curious, Woedica spiritual weapon sidesteps the double-dipping issue by only giving the summoned fists the unarmed weapon type (which lets things like proficiency modal work), but doesn't attach the Unarmed keyword (which is what TS/MUT key off of), so the only scaling they get is from the summon's variable scaling. So I took away the Unarmed keyword and left it scaling strictly with Quality. That broke Pugilist/Precision Striker from buffing the shield bash itself (they still buffed your actual Unarmed attack if you were dual wielding with a fist). I solved that by sticking an invisible second status effect on those enchantments which applies the identical bonus to the shield itself. Once I get it cleaned up and properly tested, I'll put it up on Nexus so those who are interested can give it a shot.
    2 points
  6. Please resist the urge to get personal. Seeing as how the question is answered and there is already a thread for STEAM/EPIC/Mircosoft, I am going to close this one. You are allowed your opinions, but we don't want 20 threads about the same thing.
    1 point
  7. For the 40k lovers out there, prepare to have your pants blown off.
    1 point
  8. I guess I would go Devoted/Fury with the Voulge (non-shifting) and use the Fighter part for more sturdyness and self-healing (since Fury can't). I think I would use Tactical Barrage instead of Disciplined Strikes. +1 PL is +5% multiplicative dmg in all cases (except auto-attacks) and in my books that's better than 25% crit cinversion (which - if we think about 100% hit chance at best, would only lead to 0.25*0,25 = roughly 6% additive dmg increase). In reality you don't have 100% hit chance, so... Besides stuff like PEN and ACC and also the higher INT. For me Disciplined Strikes is only the favored pick if you do somethung special that's dependend on crits. The Voulge is better on a Barb since Carnage applies Static Charge, but it's still good - especially once you get Clear Out (and can apply static charge to multiple enemies at once). Another nice synergy between Fighter and Druid is with Clear Out and a Morning Star: you can apply Body Blows in an AoE which makes it a lot easier to land the next fortitude-based spells (like most DoTs). Same would work with Reflex and Will based spells and a flail or club of course.
    1 point
  9. It's ok but nothing I'm too excited about. The +5 PER and either +5 INT, +1 PL (Tactical Barrage) or +25% crit conversion (Disciplined Strikes) are nice for casting. Unbending and Clear Out are always useful of course. It's too bad that there's no way to bring the Devoted and Spiritshift together. That would be interesting. Also Clear Out + Avenging Storm would be very nice if only Avenging Storm wouldn't be PL8. I personally think a lot of multiclasses awesomeness was prevented by that spell being in the SC-only tiers. They should have done a PL6 version and an upgrade at PL 8 maybe. Also Wildstrike Frenzy needs a boost. In it's current form it is not very tempting. SC shifters are not good. They would be better if their weapons scaled with PL rather than char level (see Transcendent Suffering) and if Wildstrike Frenzy either came with an additive or even base dmg boost and/or a bigger lash.
    1 point
  10. I've been jumping around on a few characters. The starting areas are very lively, and that is a welcome change from the ghost town speed levelling moat mmo's are today. My dwarf hunter is currently the most fun to play, should have named him Volourn.
    1 point
  11. Ok, I bought (six, overkill is my name) batteries for the old DLSR which means the camera works. My ability to take hand-held macros, through plastic with the built-in flash, is still iffy tho. Didn't want to disturb him, he was chowing like a fiend. :lol: ... he's probably too busy eating to be much of a threat.
    1 point
  12. ^The answer is that they tried banning ISIS and instead got a lot of innocent Muslims nobody talks about.
    1 point
  13. I couldn't play for a while, but now I finally finished chapter 1. I don't know if this was possible before the expansion, but I fought the Stag Lord after reaching level 5. The new content sure made it easy. There is even a cave that allows you to give capes and rings of protection to everyone who didn't have it yet.
    1 point
  14. Steam Stockholm Syndrome
    1 point
  15. Oh my, yet another steam whinge fest... You are so into steam, yet don't know you can refund a game if played less than 2 hours??? There is no "exclusive" you can buy Outer Worlds at a variety of stores, try the publishers store in fact: https://store.privatedivision.com/en_US and cut out all middle men, like epic or steam. steam currently has a strangle hold on game distribution, taking a disproportionate cut of profits and disrespecting game developers, yet developers feel like they need to sell there to even have a chance. These new digital game stores are finally emerging, and its about time developers have a choice where they can sell and can get more for their efforts.
    1 point
  16. Played Pathfinder with my wife and friends. GM and 8 players. We broke open a bottle of a two year old bottle of home brewed blueberry mead. Two years = smoooooth. High ABV. Still, with all these people, always it's just me in a room with a lot of others. :faint grin with one raised eyebrow: I'm one of the most self-centered people I know. It's both sad and pathetic while being quite focused at the same time. Mead was good. Soooo, now I need to make a big batch for my Pathfinder friends. Cinnamon citrus? Raspberry? heh. Something. BTW: the wife looked up a rule for the group and read it to them. She's come to love the game. I guess the transition to gamer geek chick is complete! lol :polishing my halo:
    1 point
  17. Good to know every Horde player is insecure still. As a Paladin main, I agree TBC was the high point and want them to give us that version Grinding along, though I am having more fun trolling all the smug vanilla people more than anything else. Also they cleared MC already, dang.
    1 point
  18. Your fault for picking the inferior faction Anyway, Inside Gaming actually got a reply from Blizzard on the topic of WoW classic, nothing really mind blowing there, but here anyway. Summary of couple of points I thought might be interesting: they try to not launch too many servers at once since realm community was important so they'd rather not have empty realms down the line. They do have spare capacity though that they will (and are) using to make sure there are always realms without queues available for new players that join. To me that seems to indicate they expect a sizeable community to stick around with classic. they'll roll out "new" features in the same order they were released (more details in the video) they'll decide based on the community response on how to proceed after they're done with "vanilla". Personally I suspect "adding" TBC might be likely (since that expansion was WoW's high water mark and I'm sure some of the "pro" raiders of today would want to experience the pain that was Sunwell Plateau) *or* they could decide to continue classic down a more "hardcore" path and have a "soft reboot" of the game in an alternate timeline. Realistically I'd expect that either as a continuation of vanilla or after TBC (*if* that is in the cards at all). Given the reception of the latest expansion and the ever decreasing playerbase (WoW even lost their number one spot to Final Fantasy based on leaked numbers) this might be a great opportunity for Blizzard to avoid some of the mistakes they made with "regular" WoW, and make new ones instead Assuming the popularity of classic holds up, of course...
    1 point
  19. x2 on that I tried DOS 1 briefly. What the hell is that? My god. different strokes i guess. Im a bit surprised those games sell so well.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, I resubbed last night. I am weak.
    1 point
  21. @xzar_monty, what @Boeroer laid out is exactly what I meant as well. Thanks for laying it out so well @Boeroer.
    1 point
  22. A bit of that as well, but I guess the somewhat lighter tone wasn't that much of a repellent. I suspect that the lighter tone (not goofy, but lighter than PoE) was established because of feedback from PoE and because the D:OS games have it and they were/are a big success. Again, no quote on or proof for that. Anyway - I presume what @kanisatha meant - and what I mean - is that many "hardcore" CRPG players prefer a "Lord of the Rings" setting over a "Pirates of the Carribean" setting. I use those books/movies because they show a much bigger picture than I could paint just with a few words. In PoE we also had a post-medieval, renaissance-ish world in the background, but it wasn't very obvious because the game took place in the Dyrwood... which is, culturally speaking, very different and fairly "behind" compared to some of the more advanced nations (Old Vaillia, Rauatai and so on). Basically in PoE it's just the guns that remind you of it. That and some rare Vaillian haute couture... The rest is gritty, quite dark, kind of backwards and medieval: the architecture, the common people, the items - even the tone is dark like the dark times (besides Edér, Hiravias, Zahua and Aloth sometimes). I mean Durance alone puts the whole setting back for at least a hundred years for the player. In Deadfire all that stuff (overall presentation, architecture, clothing, even the weather) is obviously fitting the more "modern" and light setting of Pirates! (Arrrr!). There are some cool things mixed in to loosen it up, but you can't know that by simply looking at screenies and stuff at the storefront. So - if you are not into that then you might be put off even before purchasing it. You can immediately see from screenshots and videos about the game what the setting is. This may influence your decision to give it a try. Lots of gamers really have to think about on what they want to spend their money. Lots of them are young and don't earn their own money - and if they do then it's probably not enough that they just can spend 40-50 bucks just to see if the game is nice despite that non-preferred setting. I would argue that if there are second thougths about the overall setting then that's bad for such game (which is not cheap compared to many others you might want to try). That's just my highly subjective and speculative theory though.
    1 point
  23. If it has the look and feel of D:OS I or II I'm out.
    1 point
  24. OMG no!!! I hate turned based. I wouldn't want a turned based only game... there's always baldurs gate 3 if PoE3 becomes turned based. Still would be depressing
    1 point
  25. Mobile app card game is the future that awaits...
    1 point
  26. I guess I am the only one who does not like turn-based then.
    1 point
  27. I have a vague memory of the guy in charge saying it will be and action RPG.
    0 points
  28. why would you think BG3 isnt turn based. that game is being made by THE turn based crpg company
    0 points
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