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  1. Can't speak for TN but I was referring to us; American citizens. The target of the crowd's ire in NC last night, the ones they wanted "sent back" were four American citizens. Send them back where exactly? Their home districts? Well, their constituents can do that any even numbered year by voting them out of office. The greatest threat to Americans has always been other Americans. When they time comes and the powers that be of that day decide there are a bunch of people they would be better off without the targets of those "purges" in whatever form they end up taking, will be Americans. That is why political leaders denigrating whole swaths of the citizenry as "deplorable", "racist', "ignorant", "unpatriotic", etc is dangerous. It may be unpleasant or cynical politics or it may be the fabrication of a pretext to do something terrible. How are we to know? Now couple that with the knowledge that one of the two parties wants the citizens completely disarmed, the other wants them partially disarmed, and both are all for stepped up surveillance on us. They are also lock step on increasing power of the state to operate in secrecy. Anyone who isn't more than a little concerned by all the players in the government, not just one side or the other, is either an optimist or an utter fool. There is a quote I recall reading, "The governance of men is the domain of devils. Power is sought for iniquitous acts and exercised with absence of morality. No saints may be found in Hell"
    4 points
  2. Not really. Audience members have *always* gotten pissy about media putting forth a message that they didn't like. In the 30's and 40's audiences would get *REALLY* upset and angry about plays and movies that were about transgender themes, "loose" sexuality, communists, gay people, interracial relationships, drug use, criticism of religion, etc. Hell the first national organization dedicated explicitly to screaming their heads off about "objectionable content" was founded by religious folks in *1933*, and people were flipping their **** about belly buttons in the 1960's. ****, in the late 1990's there were staged protests over movies. This crap is why we had the Hays Code and the Comics Code Authority and all sorts of ****--because people have *always* flipped their **** over the content of media. Audiences have *always* wanted to force certain political, cultural, or religious messages into or out of film, comics, books, and yes now video games since it's become a mature industry. It's ****ty, but it's not new. Audience members have been trying to force story-tellers to include or exclude certain content forever.
    2 points
  3. That is a racist statement!
    2 points
  4. Also, coming to the forum, one doesn't need to ASK for very much at all. There's a lot out there that's been given away for free. That's how sharing works. I haven't had much unique to contribute- the only thing I believe I have independently discovered is the ability to instant-cast cast-time spells in turn-based mode in some circumstances by hovering the cursor over the Delay Turn button but not clicking it. I don't know if that's even of any use for any Ultimate attempts, but I put it out there anyway. Hell, I don't even know if it's enough of an exploit to get disqualified over, because it kind of feels like it. I, too, question Fuze's motivation in trying to dangle "discoveries" in the thread. It doesn't seem like anything but a cry for attention. It seems to be working, after a fashion, but it's not exactly positive attention.
    2 points
  5. She racist. She claims to believe Biden isn't racist yet attacked him as racist ;largely because she knew he was an easy target him being an 'old white male'. That is racism and sexism. targeting someone because of their race and gender.
    1 point
  6. There's a subquest with Tenebrous Depths about killing some boss monsters in there, and there's some writing on items you can find there. But that's all there is, AFAIK. This is from playing it during the main campaign, completed 2nd tier. It's different if you just play it rogue-like, but I haven't tried.
    1 point
  7. You don't need to kill "little" Nemnok. I took him as a pet.
    1 point
  8. As far as I've heard it's just a randomized place for people that love to dungeon dive. Supposedly dungeon depth is partially locked to your progress in the game if you play it as part of the campaign but I don't think there's any story to be found inside.
    1 point
  9. Oh btw I wanted to show (but forgot cause they moved the topic) that Belranga fight where she kills herself over my Arcane Reflection (I think potions would also work). So no need of Scordeo's Edge and Wall of Draining here. Also there's a VERY FUNNY momment with Nemnok which almost killed me at 50:10 xD (forgot to turn off auto attack)
    1 point
  10. First of all hello to everyone, I am new to the forums and I am also working on an Ultimate-Run. I am from Germany, 27 years old, I am a software dev but currently on nice vacation and so I got some spare time to invest into the Ultimate. Unfortunatelly I RIPed on Nemnok and only had to beat Belranga, Sigilmaster and then Ukaizo ... Too bad. Everything was recorded aswell. But I'll try again, ofc. The order might be strange to you but on my next run I planned on doing a different route anyways. Big surprise! I am using SoP for the Brilliant aswell to sustain ressources. Priest / Wizard as Skaen/Bloodmage. Works like a charm on most encounters, but sometimes Arcane Dampener on certain encounters can be suuuuper dangerous. I like to play at a fast pace, that's why I don't like to play on slow combat speed all the time. However this was probably the reason I died ... I take it easy at least As already mentioned I only had to do 4 more bosses and my real time of the run was something around 8 hours, which can be still cut by alot ... (Brilliant proccing sometimes takes 20-30 mins ... just luck, it's annoying). In game time was totally fine, I still had 18 days left to do Nemnok-> Belranga -> Sigil -> Ukaizo. It is not weird. I do understand very little aswell ... His argumentation doesn't even make sense at all. The moment you ever looked something up in the wiki, which is mostly written by players even tho it says offcial, you already get information for "free". How do I know the Wiki is written by players? Well simply because I also made some contribution there. Same applies to the forums. But that is something fuze does not understand. I actually have absolutely no problem if he found something totally game-breaking and does not want to share it. I don't care, I really don't. But stop bragging with it.
    1 point
  11. It was just a straightforward question. When you mentioned WK it made me remember back and iirc, there was definitely some good stuff inside that dungeon crawl. Also, Im a powergamer so that type of loot always has appeal to me.
    1 point
  12. I've always enjoyed the OP EDs by Thomas Friedman. He had a pretty good one in the NYT today. It's behind the pay wall so I'll post a few excerpts here: Pragmatism is usually a great riposte to it's absence. And it is absent everywhere these days. The problem is, just three of the current Democrat candidates check these boxes. One is an elderly buffoon the left will never suffer and the other two are polling around 1%. So, no matter who wins the 2020 election we're all pretty much f----d.
    1 point
  13. Pushing my LF pally from 65 to 120, or at least 110. Sort of strange to run through old zones, doing quests and remembering my doing of them 12 years ago. Hellfire is indeed a dreadful zone visually, but the music and feel is still pretty cool. As I'm levelling a tank, I will have good dungeon queue times but tanking can be an annoying task (granted, we can still faceroll our way through leveling dungeons)
    1 point
  14. Working from home the rest of the week. I love that I get to do that. The pups and other critters love it too.
    1 point
  15. This is a really great idea and I like the idea of building around using specific keywords for Priests who seem to be the most boring of the caster classes. Here's some suggestions Wael: A flat increase to all duration would be fitting the theme and less open to abuse than +5 sec beneficial duration on hit, because that seems to be able to completely erase the usefulness of Salvation of Time if you've got consistent ways of causing Mind Afflictions. And I think weakness to perception would be a better malus because it's not a repeat of Tactical Dilemma for a Tactician/Priest of Wael. Skaen: I think bonus damage and accuracy against sneak attack and wounded targets fits Skaen's lore, maybe increase duration from condemnation under these circumstances as well. For a malus you could reduce the range of spells, emphasizing the need to hit from stealth and targets close to you, which I think also fits Skaen's lore. Magran: I like your idea for Magran, but I think it'd be interesting to have effects that encouraged alternating weapons and spells, like weapon hits/crits give accuracy and damage with Fire/Punishment/Cleansing spells while spell hits/crits grant penetration with weapons, both can clear on successful hit with relevant attack. Restoration spells can clear this bonus, or even provide a malus to weapons and spells for a short time. Eothas: Your idea fits very well, but maybe swap Inspiration for Protection and change the malus to reduced accuracy or duration for Punisment and Condemnation. Gaun: Sort of a hybrid between Eothas and Berath, but making healing more effective near death (and less effective above 50%) to emphasize the rebirth aspect of Gaun and dropping bonus the healing from Eothas. Rymrgand: Hits with Condemnation spells increase the duration of hostile effects on foes, like an anti-salvation of time. Restoration spells do the same thing to allies, so you get punished for going against entropy.
    1 point
  16. By the way, Wotcha, I've used your discovery a bit. Once in awhile, such as at the start of combat against the Dragonslayer group in SSS, or in an emergency during a tough combat, it is really great to have as an option.
    1 point
  17. https://variety.com/2019/tv/news/warhammer-40000-series-eisenhorn-in-the-works-the-x-files-frank-spotnitz-1203270041/ Frank Spotnitz (X-Files) and his production company Big Light in conjunction with Games Workshop will be making a Warhammer 40,000 tv series based on the Dan Abnet penned novels about Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn.
    1 point
  18. A probe to see if what was common knowledge? No one even knows what you're talking about. I respect to not share something I just think it's weird to march on a forum, where as far as I can tell you have not contributed but have used knowledge other people shared to get where you are, and announce you ahve found something gamebreaking but can't share it anyway. What's the motivation of even posting that? How would you "probe" if it was common knowledge by not actually posting what you found out? For all you know it IS common knowledge, because that is all your empty post actually availed you. You could just read the entire thread, but your posting "hey I found smth" will not show anyone what you found.
    1 point
  19. Since Shady showed interest in City of Heroes, here is me earning the Shady badge in game
    1 point
  20. Couple of snakes seem to be living in the backyard. I call the bigger one Mr Snakey Cornelius S. Cornwallis Snakeypants III of the Connecticut Snakeypants and the smaller one Snek.
    1 point
  21. I totally agree that the sprites are too big. Frankly, I'm astonished that a problem like this can exist in a game of this kind. It beggars belief that directing characters in a battle can be difficult because the sprites are too big. I also agree on the haste thing. It is a built-in problem in the D&D world that casting a combination of haste on your own group and slow on your enemies is too effective. Hey, what about the "slow mode activating at random" thing? Does that bother you? That's another thing that frankly astonishes me -- I think it's nice that there's a slow movement mode in the game (although I never use it myself), but it's basically inexcusable that it tends to activate almost at will in battles simply because you occasionally press pause. I mean, there's no justification for that. Despite all that, I also enjoy the game a great deal. I think there's a lot of wonderful stuff in it, and I wouldn't want to be drawn to discussing which one's better, P:K or Deadfire. I mean, they're both really good if you're into games like this. As for the cheating that I mentioned, what I mean is something like this. I'm sure you remember the nymph encounter that you have to do alone -- right? I believe the location is called Verdant Chambers, or something pretty close to that, anyway. Well, once you enter the courtyard and sort of trigger the encounter, several things happen that are just blatant cheating and a definite no-no in my book. Traps appear in places that you walked over fifteen seconds ago, traps that definitely weren't there and you absolutely couldn't spot. A monster also appears outside the courtyard, just like that. You could argue that somebody teleports the monster there, but even that is a stretch, and there's just no justification for the sudden appearance of the traps. That's cheating. This is not the only example. There are spots where you walk in consecutive spaces or rooms, let's call them ABCD (so you start in a corridor or a sequence of rooms from spot A and travel into D; they're all connected to each other). When you travel from A to B, B is empty, but once you get to C, monsters appear in B, and there are also monsters in D, so you're attacked from both sides at once. And in most instances like these, there can be no outside agency that teleports the monsters there. I think this is a blemish on the game. I like challenges, even tough ones, but I also think that the game should play fair. Traps and monsters shouldn't appear out of nowhere in places you just checked and confirmed were safe.
    1 point
  22. My wife has been making fun of me because every song I sing to our son ends with " in a half shell, turtle power."
    1 point
  23. Devs need to stop pussyfooting around the matter of politics in videogames - if you're making a game set in a future which is literally run by corporations and showcasing a battle for power amidst the same, there is no way in Hell that isn't political. Same with Ubisoft denying their TOM CLANCY games are political, if any of these companies don't want to make political or "politically-charged" games they shouldn't exploit those bloody topics. They don't get to exploit the buzz and controversy of political hot topics and then wash their hands of the matter, ****ing own up, there's no shame in it, that's why we've made art and told stories throughout history in the first place. That said, I saw the video interviews with Brian Heins and Leonard Boyarsky and albeit as loosely or softly as stated above, they did at the very least acknowledge The Outer Worlds had some basis and influence from their personal political beliefs. And again, that's fine. Mind you, Hannah Kennedy is also correct - I have also worked in films and TV shows that I didn't necessarily agree with ideologically, but again, this doesn't preclude the fact that what I was working for did have an ideology or touch on themes from a particular perspective regardless.
    1 point
  24. Here's 101 achievements for those needed it ;p global.achievements
    1 point
  25. Just watched your video ... you get the Ultimate achievement indeed ... oh wow that is so sad ... for me. But thanks alot! =D
    0 points
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