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  1. A were-illithid ? They are taking the were-sheep joke a bit too far.
    3 points
  2. Anyway, the question about ruleset is probably answered. Courtesy by GOG: Created in close collaboration with the Dungeons & Dragons team at Wizards of the Coast, Baldur’s Gate III is based off current D&D mechanics and spells and is the official new chapter in the legendary series.
    3 points
  3. 5E I'd mostly describe as a mash of 2E and 3E, but with 4E's resting rules. Feats are rare, only taken in lieu of stat gains, instead of 3E's feat deluge. And there's multiclassing, but I've not played around with it. The Fighter in my campaign took a level of Cleric. Otherwise familiarity with 3E serves well aside from class changes. Like Warlocks don't do that shape/essence thing at all. It's Eldritch Blast, some utility abilities, and some limited spellcasting. I've got like 8 spells I picked, but I can only cast two a day. And it still likes doing the kit thing that 4E did. My Warlock is Infernal, we've got a Wild Mage (Chaos Sorcerer), and our Barbarian has some sort of elemental rage thing going on. Oh, and you don't assign points to skills at level. You just have proficiency and bonuses.
    2 points
  4. That was an entertaining talk. While it seems like Josh identified many of these issues with hindsight, it does make me wonder what the game could have been like if they were able to just cut the ship-combat minigame. Maybe we would have seen some more interesting scenarios with ship to ship combat, sea monsters, or some other feature that would have resonated a bit more.
    2 points
  5. Am I the only one hoping the main bad guy turns out to be an Illithid Bhaalspawn?
    2 points
  6. It's official Website
    2 points
  7. I've only ever finished Original Sin 2 and found myself thinking "that's it?" at the end. No real complaints beyond thinking it was kind of bare in the story department. Anyway, there's a teaser trailer out. Interesting direction. I was hoping for more ties to the saga, but I can't really complain about this. Aside from the fact that they're cheap buggers that I hated fighting.
    2 points
  8. the post mortem is revealing, as much for what he don't talk 'bout as he does. as a person who were fine with the amount o' vo in poe, is disheartening to hear how the narrative team were stifled by the late added goal o' full vo. am not certain poe2 writing woulda' been any better w/o vo, but the possibility for improvement were limited by a choice which did little to improve our game... stress am recognizing Gromnir's relative indifference to extensive vo. w/o context is difficult to figure out just how much effort went into ship combat, more than tb, but... *shrug* regardless. assuming ship combat were indeed sucking "quicksand," then am sympathizing with the regret sawyer feels. to us, ship-to-ship combat were a mildly exploitive minigame, but it didn't add much to our overall appreciation o' deadfire. if developer efforts coulda' been spent elsewhere on more relevant features, am feeling loss for the mighta and coulda beens. ... am thinking the postmortem also reveals josh blind spots. for example, when speaking 'bout what he describes as plot ambiguity, he fails any mention o' how a sandbox game impacts the pacing and ambiguity issues he recognizes. pacing is necessarily gonna be affected the existence o' dozens o' potential tangential sidequest opportunities, each with their own insular and discrete subplots. move to sandbox compared to poe less open clear impacted pacing, but not a mention in post mortem? why? how he talks talk 'bout plot ambiguity also reveals a conceit josh has 'bout narrative, 'cause he ain't talking character or thematic development. most fantasy plots is... dumb. heroic fantasy is even more limited and is no shock when folks wanna compare every new epic fantasy story to tolkien. destined hero or everyman, must overcome a series o' character defining obstacles which eventual makes possible for him/her to deal with the Great Threat to _______. plot is often a secondary concern in modern writing. plot provides opportunities for character growth and it reinforces theme, but plot itself may be lackluster w/o story suffering. nevertheless, josh fixates on plot. etc. regardless, we watched the post mortem in its entirety, so congrats to josh for holding our attention for near an hour. were enlightening. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  9. Besides that, stuff like Consecrated Ground scales its duration and healing per tick with Power Level (5% base each). That means double multiplicate scaling for the healing since it not only scales the healing per tick but also adds more ticks. This makes it a lot better at higher Power Levels than Restore which only scales its healing but has no duration (to scale). So... you can't judge several spells just by looking at the description at lvl 1. I mean you can, but then your judgement is false. You have to take into account how they scale. @Gromnir is right though: The problem that priests have is that they tend to have 1 or max 2 very good spells at every Power Level - and the rest is situational or simply weaker. That leads to a kind of "railroad" effect where most priest builds look the same - when it comes to spell choice. There are some spells that would be nice to have in certain encounters, but they players don't want to spend and ability point for something they might need 5 times in a whole playthrough. Better go with consumables then... As a Priest you can't "equip temporary spells" for certain encounters. Due to the mechanics of level-up you have a fixed spell portfolio that can only be changed via retraining. Druids suffer the same basic problem - but it's not that obvious since they have more spells and also a better balaced collection to pick from. e.g. It's hard to pick between Plague of Insects, Relentless Storm and Nature's Terror. Also it doesn't make your character a lot stronger if you pick a ton of spells at level up. It only makes him/her more flexible. This might not be desired. All ex-per-rest casters (Wizards, Priests, Druids) don't have enough alternative passive abilities. This is very obvious once you play single class builds. Yet, Wizards don't suffer that "spell railroading" - why is that? It's because of grimoires. Those let you equip (and switch to) certain spells that you didn't pick at level up. And since you can swap them (you can equip up to 7! of them via 6 Quick Item slots + Trinket slot) you can basically build a Wizard or Wizard/whatever who wouldn't need to choose a single spell at level up (if that would be possible) but only passives and/or abilites of the second class and would still be able to cast spells from his grimoires left and right as if he picked them at level up. Many players didn't and still don't understand what an immense advantage this is. They equip one single grimoire like Vaporous Wizardry and then never switch. But even this single one already adds 14 to 18 spells to the Wizard's active portfolio that he don't need to pick during level up anymore. So - even if you don't swap grimoires you get 12 bonus spells for free. But for certain encounters - let's say against creatuires vulnerable to fire, you can still switch the grimoire so you get more fire spells. Priests and Druids get 7 to 9 bonus spells "only", and those are fixed. This is not balanced. One could argue that if the spells themselves would be more powerful on average than it would balance this issue out - but they are not. So what Priests desperately need (and Druids as well, just not as desperately) are trinkets which contain spells and which you can swap. Of copurse they shouldn't contain as many spells as grimoires. Priests/Druids already get 1 bonus spell per PL after all. But those trinkets (think of prayerbooks, written sermons, bulla, holy symbols, relics...) can contain some spells that work like grimoires' - preferably thos situational spells that nobody picks. For example Prayer/Litany for the Mind/Body. So imagine a Prayerbook with those 4 spells which you could swap with a sermon that contains three punishment spells per Power Level. Suddenly your priest wouldn't need to pick those punishment spells at lvl-up - nor would he need to pick the prayers. But during a playthrough he could still switch to the prayerbook, cast a prayer if needed and switch back to a good old Shining Beacon. Of course one must be careful not to add too many trinkets with too many spells. The spel collection of priests is a lot more narrow than that of wizards. You maybe don't want to make all priest spells accessible via grimoire. We are also adding some unique spells that you can't get at level-up. Just to make the collection of spells a little wider. This would open up a lot more paths for priest builds (und druid builds) that don't go the well-trodden paths of former priests. Fortunately some forum dudes (including @Phenomenum, @MaxQuest, several others and me, @Boeroer) work on a collection of mods we call the "Community Patch". Mainly it's about bugfixes and polishing/balancing abilites as well as fixing typos, fixing incorrect keyword distribution and so on. But it's also about unique icons for every passive abuility in the game (currently they all share a few generic ones) and about trinkets for Priests and Druids! The "patch" will get released as seperate small mods as I said. So you can pick which changes you want and which not. First will be "Basic" - it contains all alterations and fixes that are quite conservative and found big agreement in the poll we did before. Then comes "Extra" which includes further balancing and polishing which was also based on the poll, but those received a bit less applause (still the majority was for it). Both are alredy finished. Then we'll have Passive Icons (also finished) and later trinkets (am currently working on that). In a few days @Phenomenum will release the first version of those (not trinkets since not finished yet). You can follow the development discussions here: Concerning the "weakness" of Priests and their spells in general: there is a reason why all "The Ultimate" attempts so far were tried with a priest/something (afaik)... Some of their spells are gamebreakingly good, first of all Salvation of Time and Barring Death's Door. Because of that we didn't buf a single Priest spell I think. Only thing Phenomenum did was rearraning the keywords so thy fit the spells properly. For example "Protection" should only be applied to spells that raise defenses or prevent damage etc. "Inspiration" should be given to spells that well... grant you an inspiration. But OBS gave keywords rather randomly. Prayers, which give you an inspirationy were keyworded with "Protection" (and nothing else) and so on. Phenomenum tried to apply the general keywording rule to all spells and succeeded. This leads to a situation wher Priest spells in particular have more keywords than before (on average). So they can be buffed more if you can combine Power Level bonuses for more than one keyword (think about Triumph of the Crusaders which only had "Restoration" but now has "Restoration" and "Inspiration" since it not only heals but also makes the party "Strong"). So if you have a PL bonus from items for Restoration and Inspiration this spell would gain from both. WHich is kind of an indirect buff of certain spells. But we didn't directly buff Priest spells since nobody thought they were weak - generally.
    2 points
  10. I’m neutral. If I want the Brilliant Inspiration I’m more likely to pursue different avenues, so I’m not affected by this as much. If the change makes it better for others, I’m all for it.
    2 points
  11. there won't be future balance updates. that said, while am agreeing priests deserve attention, am gonna disagree with the conclusion that, "priest spells are currently very weak." there is a problem with priest spells, but ain't weakness. there is strong priest spells at every level. the thing is, the strong spells tend to be obvious and o' limited number. you mention restore, yes? recognizing how different health works in deadfire compared to poe, restore is an incredibly powerful spell available at level one and with a near instantaneous cast time. when deadfire were first released, we mentioned how a few priest spells were underappreciated. didn't take long for folks to realize how powerful were multiple priest spells such as salvation of time... spells at every level. the thing is, am always choosing restore and salvation. am near always choosing devotions of the faithful and pillar of holy fire. all our priests look the same, save for a few minor alterations when multiclassing. weak? no. limited? yes... definite. too many situational useful spells. multiclassing allows for a bit o' variation o' priestly characters, but given how few priest spell options there are per level compared to wizards, the paucity o' genuine strong spells which have usefulness in a majority o' encounters is curious... is unforgivable when one realizes obsidian initial had school prohibitions implemented. am honest not sure what the developers were thinking with school prohibitions for priests save as a kinda token distraction. knowing players would be angry with priests, josh added school prohibitions he never intended to implement? lift prohibitions would thus make fans feel like they won a victory o' sorts. did something similar with paladins in poe. too cynical? *shrug* regardless, am thinking you are gonna find little agreement that priest spells are weak. far too many priest spells are o' such situational usage as to be of no value when choosing per-level abilities, and there are a few underwhelming spells, but priests got many o' the most powerful and useful spells in the game. not weak, but limited. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  12. Awesome! Thank you so much. This helps tremendously. Can you upload your save files anywhere? By any chance to do you have Discord running? Also if you have time - try doing the debug jump test to a map from the main menu to see if you can reproduce the problem.
    2 points
  13. I kinda feel bad for Beamdog if Larian or someone else makes BG3. That's not to say that I would prefer them to make it but since that was their stated long term goal at the beginning of all the EEs, I'd just feel for them.
    2 points
  14. INTRODUCTION An escaped slave from a Rautai saltpeter mine, The Effigy draws from a reservoir of pure hate for those that have harmed them. Tormented by the ghosts of their past, deaths they witnessed and those they caused, they lack the will to confront foes directly. Instead, they wait in silence, crafting bizarre and unnerving totems that resonate with power. When threatened they unleash a blood rage, surviving vicious wounds and lashing out in unbelievable speed against those who strike them. They reserve their most vicious attacks for those from the spirit world that have manifested among us. Their weak will makes them susceptible to all forms of mental manipulation and frequent changing alliances, though they resist the weakest forms of fear. When wounded, they become even more powerful - an unstoppable terror that shrugs off any assaults on their body and is fueled by torch and flame. When drunk they become immune to any attempts to stop them, short of pure physical violence. Truly a horrific creature to behold. Crowned in pure disdain Barely able to contain Now this will all end in blood Cleansing, lasting, murderous THE BUILD =================================== =================================== Difficulty: PotD v. 5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Game Mode: RTwP (Not ideal for Turn-based, given the reduced number of auto-attacks and the reduced value of recovery reduction/elimination) -------------------------------------------------------------- Solo: No -------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Barbarian (Fury Shaper) -------------------------------------------------------------- Race: Wild Orlan -------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Rauatai (CON) - Slave (Survival, Athletics, Streetwise) -------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes: MIG 10 CON 19 (+1 Rauatai) DEX 10 PER 20 (+2 Orlan) - Divine Power: Skean sees all mistreatment and abuse INT 15 RES 4 (+1 Orlan) - Divine Flaw: Skaen is haunted and a coward and is easily manipulated by the strong willed -------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities | Skills | Proficiencies (a=automatic) (I) 01. Frenzy + Shape Ward: Frenzy (a) + Carnage (a) + Furyshaper (a) | Flail, Sword 02. Barbaric Yell | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise (II) 03. Thick Skinned + Barbaric Blow | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise 04. Accurate Carnage| +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise | Battle Axe (III) 05. One Stands Alone + Two Weapon Style| +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise 06. Bloodlust | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise (IV) 07. Barbaric Shout + Blood Frenzy + Shape Ward: Fear (a) | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise 08. Savage Defiance | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise | Greatsword (V) 09. Barbaric Smash + Bloody Slaughter (III) | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise 10. Tough | +1 Athletics, +1 Streetwise (VI) 11. Brute Force + Bear’s Fortitude (III) | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff 12. Blooded (I) | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff | Stiletto (VII) 13. Blood Storm + Stalwart Defiance | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff 14. Blood Thirst | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff 15. Two-Handed Style (II) | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff (VIII) 16. Heart of Fury + Vengeful Defeat + Shape Ward: Blood (a) | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff | Club 17. Improved Critical | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff 18. Threatening Presence or Uncanny Luck | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff (IX) 19. Barbaric Retaliation + Blood Surge| +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff 20. Dazing Shout | +1 Athletics, +1 Bluff | Dagger -------------------------------------------------------------- Items (!)=important, (r)=recommended Weapon Set 1: (!) Whispers of Yenwood (Whetted, Unfaltering), (!) Ball and Chain (Indomitable, Subjugation) Extra DMG against Spirits is on brand here, along with the boost in Crit DMG and CON. Our WILL is already so low, that we don’t care if it drops even farther. The CON buff stays for the whole fight, even if we switch weapons. One we have Barbaric Retaliation, we will switch on the Sword Modal and leave it for increasing our chance to be crit by enemies. Ball and Chain is on brand as a weapon of liberation and violent revenge. 10% chance to recover immediately on Crit feeds our DMG engine nicely. Reduced Action speed and Knock Down when we Crit them is also helpful to slow down the incoming DMG a little bit. It also means we can shut down single targets if given a chance to focus them. Flail Modal plus Heart of Fury means we have softened the group for AoE fire spells. Weapon Set 2: ® Sanguine Greatsword (Prepare the Offering, Greater Blood Gift) Mostly a fun item with a cool path to acquire it. Fits our blood theme, and adds some healing to the mix. Greatsword Modal is a waste here, as we really want to Crit with this weapon. Consider swapping over for a Heart of Fury. Head: (!) Rekvu’s Fractured Casque (This way we can replace wards while being wailed on by enemies) Back: (!) Rekvu’s Scorched Cloak (For pairing with a fire DMG party member(s), ideally a priest), Ragged Cloak (more retaliation DMG on crit) Neck: Precognition (fits both sides for us - we are gonna be Crit and we are gonna Crit enemies), Claim and Refusal (extra DMG reduction) Armor: (!) Effigy’s Husk (Armor of Flesh, Skaen’s Hatred) and The Bloody Links (Crimson Steel) or Magnera’s Chain (Staunch, Padded Underlayer) or Crimson Panoply Effigy’s Husk gives us MIG immunity, which paired with our boots and gloves & Wael’s Wind or Captain’s Banquet makes us immune to all afflictions, as well as a nasty healing reduction aura that should affect CON immune enemies, and a nice burst of DMG when paired with Vengeful Defeat. You can switch to one of the heavier armors for fights where you need more survivability. Waist: (!) The Undying Burden (extra heal, CON, and much needed DMG reduction - flavor text fits) Hands: (!) Rekvu’s Stained Grips (CON Immunity - keeps us alive in the midst of the fray) Rings: Ring of Overseeing, Greater Ring of Regeneration, Whispers from the Depths, Drunkard’s Regret Boots: (!) Sandals of the Water Lily (we want that -10 to DEF, and with Affliction Immunity, we don’t care too much about the other defenses) Trinket: Betrayal (On brand, plus a way to buy a few seconds of time for healing) BUILD OVERVIEW This build takes big hits and dishes them right back out. You will lose health quickly, and can either stay alive with focused healing or death denying effects, or let things run their course and explode with two AoE explosions of DMG. The risk is highest at the start of a fight when there are the greatest number of enemies smashing you. Even at Near Death you will have around 200 HP, which is plenty to take a few hits. With Robust, Shape Ward: Blood, and Second Wind, you can stay alive long enough to take quite a few enemies with you. Any other sources of healing are needed (Old Siec, Lay on Hands, Healing Aura’s, etc.). A priest makes an ideal pair with The Effigy. Resurrection, Barring Death’s Door and Salvation of Time can keep the Effigy alive long enough to decimate the enemy. Additionally, once injured, they can unleash fire spells on top of The Effigy, healing it and maximizing foe damage. Storm of Holy Fire and Pillar of Holy Fire are great for this. Divine Mark is a great spell here. It targets WILL (which is crazy low for us). It’s another option for a heal post injury, and a great way to pick up the best injury for The Effigy, serious burn. It also fits our theme, as it’s one of a Skaen Priests’ auto learned spells. For Drugs, use Mouth Char or Deadeye. For Food use Wael’s Wind or Captain’s Banquet. Alternatively, use Forgetful Night, Arrack, or Daibō o Osa.
    1 point
  15. I totally get it. There’s a little bit of that not being taken seriously that fits here, but really the idea isn’t specific to a race. In terms of game mechanics, The core build works with any race. Orlans have a history of being slaves and their “sneaky” flavor works, but Skaen is equal opportunity! As long as you have high CON and high PER with low DEF it should work well.
    1 point
  16. I really like the flavor you added it's just a personal thing that I really hate to play gnomes/half-lings/orlans etc in rpgs. I always feel like no one takes me serious lol.
    1 point
  17. Definitely. This build is more flavor in terms of those choices. Human probably works better because the Accuracy bonus they get while bloodied is stronger than 2 PER.
    1 point
  18. This looks fun. Would Orlan be interchangeable for Human? Seeing as their effect would be up for most of the time.
    1 point
  19. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/109032-deadfire-polishing-poll/
    1 point
  20. @Boeroer did a small mistake. Backstab base Raw damage bonus is 20, not 25. And it scales by 5% (+1 pt. Raw Damage) from lvl 2, so at PL 10 (single class rogue + Prestige) base damage will be 30. Also it scales with Might, and since PL bonus is multiplicative, with high Might attribute you can achieve some nice Raw Damage bonus (40-45 Raw Damage it's a real number for high-level character). And this is will work for any weapon. Basically, Backstab damage will be higher nearly x2, compared to vanilla.
    1 point
  21. I love Josh's postmortem. I think it is very interesting to hear developer's thoughts about their project, and their reflection on what went right and what went wrong. I pretty much agree with everything there, plus some interesting insights. 5 companions - it was a fine decision. Game didn't suffer for it. I can do with 5 or 6. I never felt the need for the 6th character. Relationship mechanic - I don't think this works in a handcrafter world like PoE. It might be a good system in a more abstract, procedural game. In a handcrafted adventure it all leads into predetermined outcomes, while the path of getting there didn't feel as organic as it was hoped for. There might be a way to impliment it the right way, but I need to be proved wrong first. Ship2ship combat - yeah, it is the feature which should have been cut. It did have a promise, and I can imagine it working well (presentation isn't the problem for me). But as Josh said it is a game within a game. You would need to design a good system to make it work. How, bringing it back as a crowdfunding goal after the feature was already cut in alpha was very... shortsighted, or just plain naive. I would take tentacles attacking the ship over ship2ship combat. Full VO - full VO is nice, but it doesn't make a game. It is not kind of a game, which relies on movie-like spectacle. I feel bad for devs who had to endure because of that decision. Did it need to be on launch? DLCs - are fantastic. I would prefer a on big expansion though. Owners need to trust their devs more. It might be Josh throwing them under the bus for making bad decisions, while not crediting them for good ones. Still, bringing back Ship combat was a bad, bad choice. I am sad Josh won't be helming PoE3, hopefully his insight and experience will be of help to the new lead. Full VO expectaion worry me. It feels like a problem Bioware run into in the past - were increasing production cost were constraining what the game can be more and more. Full VO is nice, but not when it comes at the cost of game itself, or the team. The last thing I want to see is reactivity, companions or writing revision getting cut.
    1 point
  22. Heh, we can use the Sanguinary name but stacking additional Deflection penalties on top of what you get from Frenzy seems a bit too punitive I’m not a fan of on-kill effects but ultimately anything is better than what we currently have, so I’m fine with your proposal.
    1 point
  23. Hehe - more like slaves' shackles weapon - but yeah. Well... slaves shackles still sounds like BDSM though.
    1 point
  24. Ha-ha, @Boeroer are you still want to make Skaen BDSM-style weapon?
    1 point
  25. I do not think there is a stronger multiclass option than the priest atm, because of SoT. Single class is a very different story and obviously party play is very different from solo. My point is: I can only agree with @Boeroer Priests are the opposite of weak, they are just super limited and straightforward, use the wrong spells and they may seem weak.
    1 point
  26. Indeed. That's a general idea. After we add trinkets, all Priests will gain even more power and versatility.
    1 point
  27. May I suggest a nod to the "Tempered Helm" of PoE? It's the helmet that fit the Sanguine Plate best (visually). And the Sanguine Plate seems to be the inspiration for the Crimson Panoply which was added after @AndreaColombo asked for it multiple times. The PoE-Tempered Helm's enchantments are very strong. It has: Bloodthirst: +3 Might, +5 DR (Corrode, Burn, Freeze, Shock) and -5 Deflection for 20 sec (base) per kill Freedom: +25 Defenses against Hobbled, Paralyzed, Stuck attacks Defiance: +25 Defenses against Charmed, Confused attacks, +10 Defenses against Dominated attacks This might be way too strong for Deadfire, given that all item enchantments in Deadfire stack which they didn't in PoE. Also afaik something like Blooodthirst above doesn't exist in the game. So I'd vote simply for: Defiance: Resistance against Intellect afflictions --> this would give the Berseker another items to circumvent his Confusion. So he isn't stuck on Caroc's BP or Modwyr. It's late game grear anyway What do you think? Edit: well - maybe a Berseker wouldn't want to wear Crimson Panply in th first place... hm... Would it be very difficult to create something like "Bloodthirst" (maybe rename because the confusion with "Blood Thirst" ). How about : Sanguinary (basically means bloodthirsty): +3 MIG, +3 AR to corrode, burn, freeze, shock and -5 deflection for 20 sec (base) per kill --> reference to the Sanguine Plate + Tempered Helm?
    1 point
  28. One thing that I read from time to time and which we could keep in mind: the helmet of the FS armor "Crimson Panoply" has no enchantment like the other set-helmets (Deltro's Cage, Blackened Plate) have. THis is kind of odd. It leads to a situation where nobody who cares about effectiveness actually wears both at the same time. Isn't this odd? I would like to add a fitting enchantment to the helmet. Doesn't need to be superduper but at least something so that you don't feel totally stupid when wearing it instead of something with an enchantment. I guess it's fairly easy to add some existing enchantment or so to that helm? It's a beautiful piece and it's a shame that most players just tuck it away, wondering "wtf?"
    1 point
  29. I also worked on my camper. The door handle had been damaged, so I replaced that. One of the awning arms also got pushed in. The RV is just a big plywood box, so I pulled it out, put in some wood filler, then put a piece of sheet metal over it. Then I drilled some holes are reattached the arm. It was all a bit tricky, and made me miss my father-in-law's advice. He passed away over the winter, and was basically my mentor when it came to any mechanical work. I used his tools, so hopefully I didn't embarrass him. He passed away partially due to diabetes complications, so I am participating in a Diabetes fundraiser ride in a few weeks. Here is the link, if anyone is interested in contributing. I'd appreciate it: http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR/?px=15363308&pg=personal&fr_id=12752
    1 point
  30. At best Larian should just focus on making a good game. However, given their strong personal Preference towards TB Combat (similar to Obsidian's main System Designers...), they would probably make a better focused TB combat system than a real-time one. But who knows, maybe they would even fix some of the remaining annoyances in nu-RtWP, or give the idea of real-time Party Combat a different spin. Prior to Original Sin, the only viable way of going TB seemed to ape X-Com style combat, such as Wastleand 2 or Shadowrun did, after all. The more options and diversity, the better if you ask me. If this would come to pass, Larian would likely also get in touch with writers who've already written for D&D games. Prior to Original Sin 2, they've treated story beats at times as an afterthought, as their focus and interest was something else. They've only very recently ramped up their writing staff. Their system driven approach to aping the freedom found in a pen&paper session crossed with D&D may make for some interesting stuff either way… of which you won't find overly much in a traditional IE style game, as the IE games are more "static" than the games that Larian are usually inspired by. As much as I love to replay it: The next Baldur's Gate won't look 100% like Baldur's Gate, as we all know all of its tricks inside out, and aren't surprised anymore by them the way we used to. Curious how a hopefully well made game carrying the D&D/BG licenses would commercially pan out too, given the audiences Larian managed to attract with their own IP. It may be the one shot at showing the gaming world that there's lots of people out there who would love to play that kind of game in one form or the other anyhow. Then again, they could also mess it up and roll a critical miss.
    1 point
  31. https://www.erinvale.com/ Tomorrow Im going to this golf and wine estate for a work conference, its looks amazing. I loved Jhb but we just simply didnt have places quite like this for our business meetings. The food should be excellent ....and I really love good food
    1 point
  32. My first step concerning consumables would be to forbid the ones that simply copy class abilities. They take away uniqueness from the classes and they feel a bit "cheap". Consumables should not do something that can be achieved by abilities. Except maybe the classic healing potion - but I could do without. The food and drinks are ok in Deadfire I think. Giving a buff that lasts from rest to rest is something unique. Poison and explosives: also ok (but would been way better if there were any means to specialize in meaningful way with either skill or abilities - or both). But scrolls and most potions: nay
    1 point
  33. Iirc in most Elder Scrolls games the shopkeepers have fixed amounts of money. At some point that can mean that you have to travel from shopkeeper to shopkeeper just to sell your stuff. Or buying some stuff that you might need in order to give him back money. This can be supertedious. In the "real" world there would be stuff like exchanging/barter stuff or financing it or pay later (once the shop sold your stuff - commission) and so on. So even if limited amount of gold is somewhat more realistic... it's just the amount of realism that doesn't add as much as it takes away. In my opinion.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Just install the mod. Download a "General Reward Talents" and copy "GiftFromTheMachine" folder into your "override" folder. If you don't used mods before, then create it: ....Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/310 No need to mess up with Unity Console - it may introduce stutter.
    1 point
  36. Ok. How would you go about giving this to the Watcher via the console?
    1 point
  37. It’s called Gift from the Machine in Deadfire as well.
    1 point
  38. That's a good question. My answer is that I don't even know what the talent should be. How could I know? The game says you receive a part of your soul back, but I cannot deduce the name of the talent from that.
    1 point
  39. @Infiltrator_SF Test this mod: https://uploadfiles.io/u6f3307y Mod changes three things: 1. Backstab damage bonus always applies correct from invincibility (Shadowing Beyond and so on) with all weapons 2. Damage bonus applies to all 4 projectiles with Blunderbuss attacks 3. Damage bonus applies to all targets with AoE weapons attacks (Whispers of EP, Amra etc.) Damage bonus still the same as vanilla: +100%
    1 point
  40. Why not use the Unity Console to give yourself the talent?
    1 point
  41. I prefer TB in general so I don't mind that change if it happens but I realize that most people probably won't feel the same way
    1 point
  42. All I'll say, is Larian better not become sycophantic towards the turn-based fanatics.
    1 point
  43. It's not humor, but Larian's brand of humor in particular I'd venture.
    1 point
  44. Microsoft makes a promise to release their games at launch on steam: https://www.pcgamer.com/microsoft-games-on-steam-announced/ Really happy about that as they purchased multiple studios I am interested in. There is also this bit: Let’s hope that means we might see Obsidian and inXile stuff on GOG. Either way good news.
    1 point
  45. Yep, anything about the game that does not honor the legacy of the BG franchise would seriously piss me off. The game being turn-based would especially push me over the edge. In other words, to be good it needs to be pretty much everything that the D:OS games were not. But there is room for optimism for two reasons. One, Tuque Games has already announced it is developing a D&D game that will be a co-op action RPG. I can't see WotC agreeing to two new D&D games that will be essentially the same thing. Two, Swen Vincke in a recent interview was very emphatic in saying that he wanted to move away from the things he'd already done with the two D:OS games into new, uncharted territory for Larian, because making the same type of games was boring and uncreative and he wanted to be challenged and try new and different things.
    1 point
  46. I would be worried about art style, I really really don't like their style at all. No more cartoons please
    1 point
  47. Baldur's Gate 3 will be a turn based, co-op rpg with environmental puzzles, ham-fisted writing and trying too hard to be funny?
    1 point
  48. The following is a dramatic reenactment of me watching the Death Stranding trailer:
    1 point
  49. My most favorite is the better stealth/sneaking and the more coherent Inspiration/Affliction system. The least I like the reduction of endurance & health to simple health - and the PEN/AR system.
    1 point
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