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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/19 in all areas

  1. It was indeed. So, going from initial print (of this version): To having sanded the pieces, and whipped up some brass buttons and aluminium collars - Then doing the whole primer-filler thing with it - To final paint and assemble -
    3 points
  2. Its an oldie, but still requires reposting...
    3 points
  3. Grand Moff Tarkin: Stormtrooper, what is that button on your body armor? Hapless Stormtrooper: A peace symbol, sir. Tarkin: Where'd you get it? Stormtrooper: I don't remember, sir. Tarkin: What is that you've got written on your helmet? Stormtrooper: "Cloned to Kill", sir. Tarkin: You write "Cloned to Kill" on your helmet and you wear a peace button. What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke? Stormtrooper: No, sir. Tarkin: You'd better get your head and your ass wired together, or I _will_ unleash the Death Star on your sorry butt. Stormtrooper: Yes, sir. Tarkin: Now answer my question or you'll be standing tall before the man. Stormtrooper: I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, sir. Tarkin: The what? Stormtrooper: The duality of man. The Yoda thing, sir. Tarkin: Whose side are you on, son? Stormtrooper: Our side, sir. Tarkin: Don't you love the Empire? Stormtrooper: Yes, sir. Tarkin: Then how about getting with the program? Why don't you jump on the team and come on in for the big win? Stormtrooper: Yes, sir. Tarkin: Son, all I've ever asked of my Stormtroopers is that they obey my orders as they would the word of the Emperor. We are here to help the Wookies, because inside every Rebel Scum there is an Imperial trying to get out. It's a hardball galaxy, son. We've gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over. Stormtrooper: Aye-aye, sir.
    2 points
  4. Little did we know what secret project was....the Kwisatz Haderach
    2 points
  5. Made something in 7 days a couple weeks ago and was finally able to release it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1731998436
    2 points
  6. Out and about at the Portsmouth Comic-Con. It's only it's second year, but it seems to be doing well and it was on May the 4th, so lots of Star Wars. General practice run before trying London Comic-Con in a few weeks with a few tweaks and tidyups now that I know how this works...
    2 points
  7. 18:09]draego_:it prob has lots of bug fixes to [22:03]Aarik D (Community Manager):so many bug fixes [22:12]Helmino:@Aarik D (Community Manager) hope is not only bug fix [22:14]Aarik D (Community Manager):Turn that frown upside down my friend, many cool things coming! From the discord chat
    2 points
  8. Only speak for yourself. I think both is not correct. The last one in an extreme fashion.
    2 points
  9. This is not a post mirror. im just adding here for other playes the cheats to change companion classes in order for it to be registered in the forum. Thanks to boerer for the help! EXAMPLES: comp classes setclasslevel companion<hit tab until Konstanten pops up> Barbarian 8 true player classes setclasslevel player<hit tab> paladin 8 true SetClasslevel <companion_name> <base_class_name> <level> true and then SetSubclass <companion_name> <base_class_name> <subclass_name> I think (?) you don't have to remove/add the lvl-0 abilites manually but maybe you have to. This is done with the AddAbility player<hit tab> <abilityname> and RemoveAbility commands.
    1 point
  10. Druid's PL 8 gets you Avenging Storm. Try it with dual hand mortars (Blinding Smoke from Hand Mortar triggers Avenging Storm and Fire in the Hole will jump one time - including AoE) or blunderbusses against single targets. I like to put Tekehu in Deltro's Cage, fire up a Chillfog and Returning + Avenging Storm spells and then wade in, guns blazing. It's so helpful that all his Watershaper "bonus" spells are foe only and the storm spells (Relentless + Avenging Storm) are as well. At PL 9 Greater Maelstrom... ouch.
    1 point
  11. Maybe she / he on the road of great transformation from disgusting man to beautiful woman? I'm jokin'. Strange, becose even in dialogues this guy described as huana MAN. And if Obsidian made female voiceover for him by accident... I hardly imagine what we can do. P.S. I wonder how so many (about several hungreds) typos has passed initial QA. I mean, i can understand some mistakes and typos in russian localization, but english language is a native for writers... How?
    1 point
  12. @AndreaColombo Don't know At first, we wanted to fix some oversights and "trash" abilities. Then i started workin with Keywords – and then we realize that we need to create additional Trinkets for Priests and Druids... Then @Boeroer asked about icons and seems like we will make several mods: Abilities fixes (2 versions – obvious fixes only and fixes + all poll suggestions), Keywords, Trinkets, Icons. 4 mods - the way i see it. As for typos... Ah, i'm currently ****** busy with typos, grammar mistakes and translation errors in russian localization (dialogues i mean). As for english, @MaxQuest probably can do something, but it will be better if he answer himself.
    1 point
  13. Foe-only Ninagauth's Pillar, Maelstrom, and Pollen Patch can all be great. PL8 is kinda weak, though. How many hits does Entropy last for? Feels like 3. It should have a traditional duration. I ran her like this last playthrough. I like it more than Chanter for her, but there's not really any secret tech to it that I noticed (just the obvious, like Infuse helping with spells, etc). I'm just a sucker for heals and like Druid spells. Access to Draining Wall + Ancestor's Memory cheese lets you spam spells and keep buffs forever, too (edit: this should include spiritshift, too! I didn't even think of that until now lol she gets wolf form). Next playthrough I'm planning to run her SC and build around Blackbow since I heard that summoned phantoms copy it. Seems like it could be pretty fun.
    1 point
  14. Phenomenum, MaxQuest - What is the scope you had in mind for your fixpack mod? I'm asking because I doubt all our reported typos will make it to this week's patch, and I thought perhaps we could include a textual component in your mod that fixes any outstanding typos Obsidian won't address—as well as, possibly, minor bugs that it doesn't make sense to report at this stage (e.g. in Maia's quest you encounter a Huana in Tikawara who clearly speaks in a woman's voice, yet her character model is male.)
    1 point
  15. That came out great!
    1 point
  16. Sneak Attack suggestion concept: Based on Stealth Skill icon
    1 point
  17. If a build is taylored towards (solo) PotD difficulty it will surely work on lower difficulties and in a party as well. A fun an powerful two handed build which becomes tanky enough (after some levels) is "The Cauterizer" Barbarian from the build list. Lady of Pain does less damage (consumables aside) but is sturdier in the earlier levels. Also check out dual wielding characters with good sturdyness: "Monksterlasher", "The Juggernaut" and "The Anvil" all work very well. Generally speaking you shouldn't tank with a non-shield character. Paladin, Fighter and Monk (with Veteran's Recovery) can make really good and "no fuzz" main tanks. Chanters will struggle a bit in the early game but will be ok later on with that role. You can also use Ciphers, Rogues or Barbarians as main tank, but those need support in the early game and only can take the role as main tank after certain levels. Safest bet for a tank is Paladin and Fighter.
    1 point
  18. All icons in 42x42 size:
    1 point
  19. BTW, Superior camouflage will be look like a mess in 42x42 size (just checked and i can't distinguish all those pretty leaves). Maybe it's worth to try simple camouflage pattern? Strengthened Bond - Seems you forgot that icons a squares)) Maybe use shield without rays for Defensive bond and current DB icon for Strengthened Bond? Distracted training - i don't understand what is this without your explanation - surely it will be even worse in 42x42 size. Bow-string is became invincible in 42x42 And bow is too short i think. Something like this. And again - whole composition is unsuited for square icon. Claws looks unclear. Maybe try to simplify them?
    1 point
  20. Rage 2 has gone gold, releases May 14th. https://bethesda.net/en/article/6y9pozm34bp07uV7zFBJOp/rage-2-has-gone-gold
    1 point
  21. They are nice. Most of them are even better than the PL9 stuff subclasses like Skaen, Wael and some others get. When I already have a SC priest with a symbol spell in the party I really don't need a second one though since they are mostly about dmg dealing. I'm fond of the Symbol of Eothas since it's not only offensive. But stuff like Call of Rymrgand and Light of Eothas are spells I really like. Those are not only pulsing dmg + maybe an affliction. The pull + cleanse effect, paired with damage is great - as is an AoE that damages enemies while it heals allies at the same time. Exactly fit my kind of playstyle. Generally I put AoE pull effects like from Pull of Eora and Call of Rymrgand over many other CC effects - since they allow you to pack enemies into a tight group so that your (friendly fire) AoE dmg capabilities work best (Whispers otW, HoF, Driving Roar, Clear the Path, Metoor Shower, Storm of Holy Fire and so on and so forth). Especially if you have multiple pull effects going, maybe even paired with a stuck effect (Binding Roots in the centre of the pull for example).
    1 point
  22. You are getting better and better at this Faithful Companion: good (reminds me of Blink Fox from Hearthstone a bit) Merciless Companion: great Vicious Companion: good Resilient Companion: good Marksman: good Protective Companion: good enough Shot on the Run: great Gunner: good Defensive Bond: great Predator's Sense: hehe), good enough Stalker's Link: good enough Strengthened Bond: great Driving Flight: it looks like that xaurip is being fired in point blank or impaled by a pike, and an arrow comes from his back. Survival of the Fittest: good Superior Camouflage: superb!) Vengeful Grief: good enough Stunning Shots: good Distracting Training: pretty good, but is that a paddle?^^
    1 point
  23. A mistake I won't make again. Thank you kind sir.
    1 point
  24. You're just saying that because he voted for the Iraq war, he likes **** Cheney, he is against Medicare For All, he is ostensibly in favor of continuing the war on drugs and he's hosted by Comcast. But really, they are nothing alike!
    1 point
  25. In related news, the alpha is playable for free until May 8th.
    1 point
  26. So they have decided to wait till release anniversary) Btw, now we have some sort of time estimation dictionary - "ASAP" in technical forums = up to 100 days - "soon (tm)" on discord =~ 40 days - "almost at the finish line" on discord = ~ 2 weeks - "very soon" by Josh on reddit = 1 week
    1 point
  27. FYI, the forum update means we can finally just copy/paste twitter links! Huzzah!
    1 point
  28. For the topic: Story and overall atmosphere: PoE. Like, by miles Characters: PoE Combat: PoE2 World and exploration: PoE Customization: PoE2 So which did I enjoy more? Not a definitive answer there. In terms of an RPG with atmosphere and story, it's PoE. But if enjoyment is combat and character customization and such it would be PoE2. Having the stat and reputation checks on feels like an inbuilt spoiler. I can definitely see how that could take away from the experience. I have always had them off, never even considered having them on. To the extent that playing like this has a downside, it's that you may well miss the fact that a certain dialogue could lead elsewhere, if you had the skills/stats/whatever. But I'm fine with that. agreed except where the 'clever' and 'cruel', etc options in responses are sometimes necessary to tell you the tone in which you're saying something. Although mostly clear, there were a few times the check didn't match my reading of the text. I enjoyed both Poe I+II for different reasons. I preferred the setting in PoE (grim though it was at times) and the overall narrative (rushed though the ending seemed with the 'reveal'). The gameplay of Deadfire was generally better (though the move to per-rest meant I no longer needed to stretch myself in some dungeons) and the encounter design was improved. I'm neutral on multi-classing but the sub-classes added something for me. This is somewhat mandatory for paladins and priests that follow their order. If you want to RP this and have no idea what option is what you will not be RPing propperly. I don't see it as spoiling anything. It's just a sign of what the tone is. Ultimately it is your choice what dialogue to pick.
    1 point
  29. Obnoxiously bloated writing? That's a baffling comment. How is it obnoxiously bloated? I would really like you to clarfiy this, because it would be extremely interesting to better understand where you're coming from. I've been working on the field of let's say extremely high quality literary writing for 20+ years, and I would argue that as far as style and content are concerned, PoE lies within the realm of really quite good genre stuff (so if it were a book, it would be far above pulp), and in parts, the writing is downright excellent for a computer game. It has to be said that some of the most typical generic faults are there, the phenomenon of too many adjectives in particular, but to say it's obnoxiously bloated doesn't ring true at all for me.
    1 point
  30. some background in case one wasn't aware - BG2/bioware was completely aware of the level caps, but deliberately chose to ignore them and other AD&D characteristics for BG2 so they could make more high level gameplay but it created some weird artifacts in the game, like: - humans are described as having an advantage of getting to any level, though that's irrelevant - druids have a progression that suddenly stop at level 14 - iirc, in AD&D they had some special RP-related advancement rules (something something grand druid and challenging), but also it was supposed to be less of a downside when most other characters aren't getting to level 19-23 anyway - the hit die +health system making less sense when everyone eventually is mostly levels of just the +health - general multiclass balancing i'm not completely confident I have the details right, outside of BG/BG2/IWD i only really started getting into pnp with 3rd ed, which overhauled and standardized progression.
    1 point
  31. Erm, I've just noticed that I can't edit some of my non-recent posts/threads. For example I'd like to edit the top post in Attack Speed Thread (link), and the "edit" button is not there: -- -- Have you disabled the ability to edit/update posts created before the re-design? If so, why?
    0 points
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