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The Political Thread - Burlamaqui edition


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It might not be becoming increasingly anti-science but it sure feels like the world is becoming more and more pro-magic.


I mean, I'm 100% pro-magic - I just haven't found anything that works yet. Will use any combination of magical wand, pointy hat, mystical tattoos, and/or freaky mask upon receiving proof of magic!

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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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It might not be becoming increasingly anti-science but it sure feels like the world is becoming more and more pro-magic. We recently had a nice scandal where city funded hospital paid 95k € for... eh, well, it pains me to write this, for a circle of protection against negative energy to be laid down. Just let that sink in for a bit here. The dude just walked around the building once with his dowsing rod.


The hilarity doesn't end, because shortly after this was discovered and made news the Association of Human Energy Practioners* (they're actually part of the Federal Economic Chamber, subsection Personal Services get that) showed up and denounced the energy practitioner that laid down the circle as a fraud, with one of its members actually stating in an interview that he went to the building and immediately noticed that there isn't any protection circle and that they would have only charged 150€ per hour for the same work and their protection circle would actually work.


Another gave an interview stating that it saddens him that actions such as this make his entire trade look disreputable. Because obviously it isn't disreputable when you sell dew collected from flowers for 1000€ per liter to go along with a 150€ hour of faith healing.


The Federal Economic Chamber even offers quality assurance courses where you can get bronze, silver and gold certificates to show off. They're also purely designed to make money because all you do is an online course and a quiz the end, and each is more expensive than the one before. But I guess that's okay because it's the frauds that have to shell out the cash. :p


*The description of the trade is literally the study and application of the scientifically currently not observable ubiquitous energy field that surrounds and links us all. Does that read like the Force to you? Because it sure does. So I guess we actually have official Jedi healers. :banghead:


There is a dowser that lives nearby me that charges people 100€/h to dowse for water. It's pretty much impossible to not find water where I live, but people around here swear by him.


That's it. I'm quitting my job and getting onto the business of sales and installation of Circles of Protection from Negative Energy. That's where the money is at!


Soooo.... can i interest anyone in a Circle of Protection of Negative Energy? Guaranteed to work ​unless negative entity makes successful save versus death with a -2 penalty. All sales are final.


I'll bite if you throw in a Circle of Protection from Positive Energy aswell. I want my yard to be well balanced and not give an upper hand to any deity.

Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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That's it. I'm quitting my job and getting onto the business of sales and installation of Circles of Protection from Negative Energy. That's where the money is at!


Soooo.... can i interest anyone in a Circle of Protection of Negative Energy? Guaranteed to work ​unless negative entity makes successful save versus death with a -2 penalty. All sales are final.

Throw in a Circle of Protection Against Those Damn Teenagers, and I'm in!

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It might not be becoming increasingly anti-science but it sure feels like the world is becoming more and more pro-magic. We recently had a nice scandal where city funded hospital paid 95k € for... eh, well, it pains me to write this, for a circle of protection against negative energy to be laid down. Just let that sink in for a bit here. The dude just walked around the building once with his dowsing rod.


The hilarity doesn't end, because shortly after this was discovered and made news the Association of Human Energy Practioners* (they're actually part of the Federal Economic Chamber, subsection Personal Services get that) showed up and denounced the energy practitioner that laid down the circle as a fraud, with one of its members actually stating in an interview that he went to the building and immediately noticed that there isn't any protection circle and that they would have only charged 150€ per hour for the same work and their protection circle would actually work.


Another gave an interview stating that it saddens him that actions such as this make his entire trade look disreputable. Because obviously it isn't disreputable when you sell dew collected from flowers for 1000€ per liter to go along with a 150€ hour of faith healing.


The Federal Economic Chamber even offers quality assurance courses where you can get bronze, silver and gold certificates to show off. They're also purely designed to make money because all you do is an online course and a quiz the end, and each is more expensive than the one before. But I guess that's okay because it's the frauds that have to shell out the cash. :p


*The description of the trade is literally the study and application of the scientifically currently not observable ubiquitous energy field that surrounds and links us all. Does that read like the Force to you? Because it sure does. So I guess we actually have official Jedi healers. :banghead:


To counter that horror story, some governments begin to suspect that something is amiss here:  No more homeopathy on the Spanish national health service 


Do hope the trend will continue!

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To counter that horror story, some governments begin to suspect that something is amiss here:  No more homeopathy on the Spanish national health service


Do hope the trend will continue!



I'm a bit surprised at the list of what they are excluding, or maybe I'm not understanding the context. Nutritional therapy? Good nutrition would seem to be just about as important as it gets for maintaining health. I'm also pretty sure vitamins and human movement have plenty of research to back them up as important for maintaining health.

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I'm a bit surprised at the list of what they are excluding, or maybe I'm not understanding the context. Nutritional therapy? Good nutrition would seem to be just about as important as it gets for maintaining health. I'm also pretty sure vitamins and human movement have plenty of research to back them up as important for maintaining health.

I'm pretty certain that it means that you can't send a patient to get help fighting their cancer with beetroot juice and garlic for their HIV infections.

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Civilization, in fact, grows more and more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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To counter that horror story, some governments begin to suspect that something is amiss here:  No more homeopathy on the Spanish national health service


Do hope the trend will continue!



I'm a bit surprised at the list of what they are excluding, or maybe I'm not understanding the context. Nutritional therapy? Good nutrition would seem to be just about as important as it gets for maintaining health. I'm also pretty sure vitamins and human movement have plenty of research to back them up as important for maintaining health.


The article is a bit confusing. The Legislative Decree actually provides that homeopathic medicine is medicine, in line with an EU directive back from 2001. It's just that an administrative decision has been made not to offer homeopathic treatments in the public health service, or subsidize their sales via prescription.


And yeah, the absence of nutritionists (most of which graduate from public universities) could be rightly seen as a flaw. Supposedly, dietary oversight and guidance is to be managed by endocrinologists. It's not that they aren't up to the task, but specialists already have more than their share of patients, and incorporating nutritionists to handle that would at the very least improve waiting times. I'm guessing it would also help people manage things like type-2 diabetes before insulin shots are needed, etc.


I don't think much is being done to fix the fat epidemic, in general.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I'm a bit surprised at the list of what they are excluding, or maybe I'm not understanding the context. Nutritional therapy? Good nutrition would seem to be just about as important as it gets for maintaining health. I'm also pretty sure vitamins and human movement have plenty of research to back them up as important for maintaining health.

I'm pretty certain that it means that you can't send a patient to get help fighting their cancer with beetroot juice and garlic for their HIV infections.



This! Steve Jobs is a good example of homeopathy in cancer treatment.

I also understood the article as by "nutrition" they meant all those active additives ("slimming", "cleaning" and so on) half of which are pure poison.

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Speaking of anti-science...




Trump's new ambassador to Canada respects both sides of the science.

What cracks me up is that 97% of scientists are supposedly engaged in some vast conspiracy to scam research money and can't be trusted but the people working in and around the fossil fuel industry with obvious financial interests in maintaining or even scaling back current protections are totally trustworthy.

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Free games updated 3/4/21

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I'll buy a Prius when every city around the globe of a population greater than 20,000 is annihilated with all their people.

So, sometime within the next 20 years.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I don't know the context of this post, I just like this song.

Getting the references in HoonDing's posts is like that minigame you can't ever seem to get better at but can't stop playing anyway.



What cracks me up is that 97% of scientists are supposedly engaged in some vast conspiracy to scam research money and can't be trusted but the people working in and around the fossil fuel industry with obvious financial interests in maintaining or even scaling back current protections are totally trustworthy.

Hey man, they are honest about taking money, you know where their loyalties lie. The others, they won't even admit they are being funded by Soros, the church of Baphomet, and Kalergi's MJ12. I mean, how can you trust those people.

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Macron Regime APC off to suppress popular democratic, secular dissent






Macron Regime forces mobilised and on the way to Paris. 90,000 security forces have been mobilised!




How can the peaceful activists survive with tires vs armour?


Also spot the obvious evidence of Barrel Bomb usage by the Regime Air Force...








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A no-fly zone over France would be nothing short of glorious.


Where's Oby when you need him/her/it? I mean, the narrative just writes itself.




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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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