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Politics Thread - Ka-tet of 19


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Are you referring to reserve currency? Assuming the link is correct, that's worth around 100B.


Most of the world currencies today are so called "floating currencies" which value changes according to markets demands.


Like for example if people, corporations, countries want to buy stuff from USA or that are otherwise valued in USD, like having dollars as their reserve currency, they need to buy dollars, which will increase value of USD on markets. And more expensive USD becomes on market more expensive it becomes to buy stuff valued in USD when using other currencies and things valued in other currencies become cheaper to buy when using dollars.


About Floating excahnge rates



About China's currency policy's effect on dollar.


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"Or, you know, as a man you could accept that if you perform an act of procreation with a woman that you've already assumed the responsibility for any children that act might produce, rather than assume that as a dude you should get to Free Willy (said the actress to the bishop) whenever you want with no consequences."


Women choose to have sex (barring rape which can complicate things of course), do you think they should haver a right to 'opt out'? Why can they change their minds 'after the fact' but not men?


It's real simple. The man should have the same amount of time to 'opt out' as the woman. So, if they want no part of the child's life they can  refuse it up untilt he time it is legal to have an abortion where he doesn't have to pay any child support but he loses all 'parental rights' as well.. There, everyone gets a choice. It's completelyt equal.


Only a sexist would argue against this if they are pro abortion.


My argument was against KT believing that no one having a choice was "better" than women having a choice and men not having a choice BECAUSE men didn't have a choice in the latter scenario.  If he'd argued that men should be able to opt out of a parental role for an unwanted child prior to the birth of the child/prior to the termination period ending and in that scenario he'd be okay with abortion then it would have been a consistent argument.


Or to look at it another way, in his preferred scenario where no one can choose to terminate a pregnancy, the man will have to be vigilant lest they produce offspring they don't wish to or financially can't support.  Which, it seems, is also the case as well in his lesser preference choice.  In fact from the man's POV there's no real difference in the scenarios.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Do we have a trade surplus with any country?

Also wonder how much that matters, anyway.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I thought you were pointing out the benefit of the US dollar being the "reserve currency". My point is that the benefit amounts to around 100B in lower "borrow costs", which is hardy any offset to our trade deficit.


Isn't it a 'reserve currency' in the sense that there really isn't anything better?

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Reserves and reserve currencies have always been a bit arbitrary. Even with something tangible like gold Spain bankrupted itself by having too much gold flowing in from the americas- and if they'd picked aluminium when it was more valuable than gold the whole system would have crashed when cheap electrolysis hit.


The 100B benefit from being reserve currency is massively understated anyway since it is at best the proximal benefit. The main benefit is both political- ties everyone into US systems that can then be used to push geopolitical aims, such as vs Iran- and the economic benefit of having built in currency stability and foreign cash inflow (not just the loans and lowered interest but added cash availability), an advantage in financial services, economic influence and most importantly the knowledge that you will almost certainly never have your loans called in or difficulty raising more. The last is crucial as the US shows no willingness to control spending as opposed to talking about controlling spending and even if the US becomes technically insolvent who is going to call their loans in knowing that doing so will not just make their loans worthless but any reserves held in USD and would almost certainly crash the financial system? For example that would be like setting trillions of dollars on fire for China.


The current US recovery is built on quantitative easing- printing money- and has been got away with with relatively few negative consequences due to the USD being a reserve.

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A good Op-Ed should have some zing in it. This one does: http://reason.com/blog/2018/06/28/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-socialism-dsa



As the libertarian-leaning Republican Rep. Thomas Massie told The Washington Examiner, he though people that backed Ron and Rand Paul were voting for libertarian ideas; once these same voters turned to Trump, he realized they were not. "I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron and me in these primaries, they weren't voting for libertarian ideas—they were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race," said Massie. "And Donald Trump won best in class, as we had up until he came along."


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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I almost never watch news or news commentary on TV. I get a handful of newspapers on my Kindle. Most notably the Washington Post & USA Today. I get the Memphis Paper delivered every day because I'm kind of a dinosaur like that. Other than National Geographic, Reason & The Onion (which seems to be having trouble outpacing the absurdity of the real world) I don't really consume news. Glad to see I'm not alone there.


On TV I watch baseball & animal shows. That kinda it.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Only a sexist would argue against this if they are pro abortion.


To be fair, pregnancy in general is super sexist. The woman has to grow an entire person inside her body while the man, if he's a decent sort, just goes on snack runs and holds her swelling hands.  :biggrin:

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"To be fair, pregnancy in general is super sexist. The woman has to grow an entire person inside her body while the man, if he's a decent sort, just goes on snack runs and holds her swelling hands.  :biggrin:"


Actually, sexist against men.  Women gain a lot of benefits to being pregnant nowadays. This isn't the old days where being pregnant sucked and was more 'duty' and 'required' and medically it was not safe.


Think what you just said. I would love to order someone to go get me food when I wanted it and thy have to do it or be called nasty names. Not to mention being allowed to get mad, scream at someone, or even physically assault them, and already have a built in excuse for it.  Yeha, you gain a few pounds and throw up once awhile but overall not a bad gig. Now, the actual giving birth part. THAT, I feel sorry for women. L00L


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The defining divide in American politics is probably between Republicans and Democrats. It encapsulates all our other divides — by race, education, religion and more — and it’s growing.

This partisan divide is such a big part of people’s political identities, in fact, that it’s reinforced simply by “negative partisanship,” or loyalty to a party because you don’t like the other party. A Pew Research Center poll from last year found that about 40 percent of both Democrats and Republicans belong to their party because they oppose the other party’s values, rather than because they are particularly aligned with their own party.
Main takeaway, people are bad at estimating
Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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The defining divide in American politics is probably between Republicans and Democrats. It encapsulates all our other divides — by race, education, religion and more — and it’s growing.

This partisan divide is such a big part of people’s political identities, in fact, that it’s reinforced simply by “negative partisanship,” or loyalty to a party because you don’t like the other party. A Pew Research Center poll from last year found that about 40 percent of both Democrats and Republicans belong to their party because they oppose the other party’s values, rather than because they are particularly aligned with their own party.
Main takeaway, people are bad at estimating


I'm a registered Libertarian because I oppose both the Democrats' and Republicans' "values".  :p  

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Main takeaway, people are bad at estimating

e.g. Every project meeting I've attended (they call these bronze estimates, should be brown estimates)

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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EU has approved regulation to end memes!


Bad article tbh. The real vote is taking place on July 5th. Doubtful it'll actually pass, but if there's anything you can count on with M(E)Ps is their uncanny ability to **** things up against all odds. Hopefully this is just another step in the path to Itexit, Spexit, etc. and eventual EU crash and burn.


So, anyone have a good "dark web (cue ominous music) for dummies" primer?

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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EU has approved regulation to end memes!


Bad article tbh. The real vote is taking place on July 5th. Doubtful it'll actually pass, but if there's anything you can count on with M(E)Ps is their uncanny ability to **** things up against all odds. Hopefully this is just another step in the path to Itexit, Spexit, etc. and eventual EU crash and burn.


So, anyone have a good "dark web (cue ominous music) for dummies" primer?

I find it funny that both members of ENF, in the comitee, supported it and both members of ECR, in the comitee, voted null. As it was aproved with 14-9 vote, if anti-EU pro nationalist people would have actually voted according to what they preach it would have been rejected with 13-12 vote.

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EU has approved regulation to end memes!


Bad article tbh. The real vote is taking place on July 5th. Doubtful it'll actually pass, but if there's anything you can count on with M(E)Ps is their uncanny ability to **** things up against all odds. Hopefully this is just another step in the path to Itexit, Spexit, etc. and eventual EU crash and burn.


So, anyone have a good "dark web (cue ominous music) for dummies" primer?

I find it funny that both members of ENF, in the comitee, supported it and both members of ECR, in the comitee, voted null. As it was aproved with 14-9 vote, if anti-EU pro nationalist people would have actually voted according to what they preach it would have been rejected with 13-12 vote.



I don't think there are any memes that are copyrighted, though I guess some people could try to copyright them. Only problem is that some memes are so old that nobody remembers who first created it and even now, once a meme appears, it mutates and spreads faster than lightning. Sounds like something that would be impossible to actually manage properly.

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