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  1. Hi All, I recognize that this game has been out for over a year now and it may be too late to bring this up to any effect, but since part of the purpose of this particular forum is to discuss our "hopes and dreams" for it I thought it wouldn't it hurt to bring it up (or bring it up again if it's been discussed before). Let me start by saying that I personally think this game is bonkers good, just redic off the wall levels of care and detail and thought-out features relative to it's predecessor and relative to many other similar games. I recognize that there are some harsh criticisms of it out there relating to issues of min/maxing, weapon type balance, the AI and others, but none of that has felt like an issue to me especially considering how much of a beast this game is in terms of story, lore, world building, the writing and consistency of interactions, the voice acting, the audio and visuals, travel and exploration, and the re-tuned combat resource system. It's not hyperbolic when I say that I'm dangerously obsessed with this game right now. All that said, there is one visual design feature that my OCD won't let me not focus on constantly and bugs me to no end: weapon size scaling based on race. I love dwarves, love their typical physical and physiological design, personality and behavioral traits, their background and lore; I roll a dwarf main character in as many games as I can and their visual design in Pillars 2 is fantastically improved over what they looked like in Pillars 1, so I've been really into my dwarf playthrough... except for the fact that the visual scale of weapons shrink when equipped on a dwarf. It's particularly bad with respect to one-handed weapons. Do you love the sword Modwyr? Well if you equip her on a dwarf, the sword looks like a child's toy. Same with most other one-handed swords. Maces look like your dwarf is melee'ing with a wand. Daggers and stilettos look like you're fighting with toothpicks. And what makes these visual disparities even worse is that all weapons shrink even smaller when they are sheathed. Dwarves may be a bit shorter than humans but they're also stronger than them, as evidenced by their natural +2 Might compared to the +1 of humans. So why do dwarves have to be made to appear to need smaller weapons? They should be able to wield human-sized weapons with no problem, and I would love to see them doing so in this game. Now I'm not saying the current visual design for weapon scaling ought to be scrapped; I recognize that if you like to play an Aumaua you may dislike having your equipped weapons look too small for your body, so you like the fact that weapon sizes scale up for you. And maybe you enjoy playing an Orlan and don't want to see them carrying weapons that are comically too large for them to be wielding, so there's value in having the current visual system for weapon size scaling. What I hope and dream to see done is the addition of an option in the settings that lets you toggle race-based weapon size scaling off and on, where if you toggle the setting off then all weapons are fixed in their visual size scale to what it currently is for humans. I have no idea whether this would be something that requires a lot of technical work on the part of the devs to implement, but if it isn't something that would be that hard to do (and ya'll actually did it), it would lock this game down for me as unequivocally one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of spending hundreds of hours obsessively playing. Just think on it a little. You'd be making this old dwarf's hopes and dreams come true
  2. So, I wonder if I'd actually just shoot myself in the foot focusing my build decision partially around the amount of dialogue options the game offers. I am quite fixated on Ciphers and Priests for that reason, but normally I would prefer to go for a martial class in games (Ranger or Paladin mostly, but here a Monk seems quite intriguing as well).
  3. There's another thread over this but it doesn't have a poll and I'm going to lose my eyesight trying to read all the pages. Ok, so we've got human, elves and dwarves, and I'm also excluding all their subspecies (drow, tiefling and whatnot). So what "other" playable species would you like to see in the game? I was going to add some more choices in the 2nd question but it has a limit of 10.
  4. Sorry if i'm starting too many topics it's just that i recently discovered this forum and I've been playing this game for a while, only thinking about ideas, and to find out what other people would think that know more about this game. What is your favorite race to play like if you'd start a custom party of 5 what race would you pick and what builds? I myself really love mountain dwarves just because of the look pretty much. Reminds me a bit of The Hobbit movies. I'd love to hear your detailed thoughts as well!
  5. I was wondering what other people picked for their first character in pillars of eternity and what factored into that decision. After playing the game with your first character what race did you choose for your second play through and what determined that.
  6. I have this character concept of a cipher who have a perception filter similar to grieving mother but a little more complex, that gives him the appearance that would matter to observer so she can learn more about people, changing his race and sex to the eye of who sees her. Could someone please make this possible? maybe changing these traits so they can be added by console like with classes
  7. What do you think: is it possible to see new playable races (or godlike types) in future games, DLC? Or its just not illogical - to make new playable races because you are not a new character in this adventure (you continue your epic adventures in Eora as Watcther for POE I). In the other hand - you can change race even if you transfer saves from POE I. I even asked Alex Scokel during stream last week - is it lore ok to change race in POE II if you transfer your save. And he said - it's ok!).
  8. Why in 2018 have Obsidian decided to help perpetuate the myth of race by including racial differences during the character creation. Race has been proven to be a social construct time and again but games like this continue to reinforce the myth. Why are they not using their game to promote racial equality. I would also like them to correct the game by including a larger diversity of genders during character creation instead of being forced to choose from the oppressive heteronormative binary male/female. Luckily there is a precedent of Obisdian correcting their finished games when they removed the offensive and transphobic Firedorn Lightbringer epitaph from Pillars of Eternity 1. I'm sure that Obsidian will do the right thing and I thank them in advance.
  9. I'm just curious how you feel about the Race proportions in Deadfire? Roughly at same shoulder height PoE in comparison
  10. I would like to give the Humans, Elves and Dwarves more options for skin & hair color. Ideally I'd like to get rid of all skin & hair color restriction all together and make it be more like Neverwinter Nights in terms of customization. But if those restrictions are too hard coded I want their color palettes to be like Aumaua's at least. I'm not sure what kind of files I'm looking for. I wasn't able to find any entries for color in my Pillars of Eternity game folder but I did find entries for skin & hair although they didn't cover elves or dwarves. Am I looking in the wrong directory?
  11. Hello there. I have a YouTube channel on which I upload many different types of gameplay videos. I have begun my Pillars of Eternity series, whereby I will be playing a Dwarven Priest on easy. No footage will be cut out, unless it is extremely boring (e.t.c. loading screens, random things I do). Playlist: https://youtu.be/2_HluexIFg8?list=PLMADF6oHdMjd07Demzh3UANbeLXHdc-yI Chapter 1 - Escaping the Attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HluexIFg8&list=PLMADF6oHdMjd07Demzh3UANbeLXHdc-yI Chapter 2 - Day 1 in Gilded Vale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72GC5dUptdw&list=PLMADF6oHdMjd07Demzh3UANbeLXHdc-yI&index=2 Chapter 3 - Day 2 in Gilded Vale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T907_ZKmme4&index=3&list=PLMADF6oHdMjd07Demzh3UANbeLXHdc-yI Chapter 4 - Temple of Eothas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrZiqau1Uhw&index=4&list=PLMADF6oHdMjd07Demzh3UANbeLXHdc-yI Expect more soon, and remember to share if you enjoyed! Feedback highly appreciated, including tips on how to improve, as I am very new to this game (: Thank You!
  12. If you've done multiple playthroughs, choose all that apply! Interested to see which races and classes people gravitated to the most. (I had to split the classes into 2 questions, since their polling only allows 10 options per question and there are 11 classes total)
  13. I have a question, which race shoud be next in Pillars of Eternity ? Im personally a bit sad that there are no Drows (or elfs alike), if there are gonna by new expansion, or next game in this universe (Pillars 2 for example) what type of race you want to play ? (Poll edited)
  14. Making a melee Wizard for hard + expert. I could really need some help not to make any terrible mistakes. The following post is my logical train of thought for making it maximum viable. Could you give me any advice or tell me if some of my decision making here is off? Race It seems that fire godlike and moon godlike are the only good choices here. Which one would you consider better? With moon godlike, you heal endurance 3 times per encounter at 75/50/25% hp. Seems to favor: Might (+Damage and benefit from the +Healing) With fire godlike, 4DR at 50% health and below. However: With low base health, might not actually be that good? Seems to favor: Con ... Endurance and constitution The difference between 3 - 10 - 20 constitution is for a lvl7 Wizard (choosing mid-range level here): -21% - 0% - +30% @30+10 endurance per level: 79HP or 100hp or 130hp. With vital essence our endurance will be (at its peak): 179 - 200 - 230 ... Spell durations for a Melee wizard Parasitic staff: 30 seconds Eldritch Aim (+15 ACC): 10 seconds Spirit shield: 60 seconds Bulwark against elements (elemental DT): 60 seconds Infuse with vital essence (100end bonus): 15 seconds Alacrity of motion (1.5 attack speed, minor endurance drain): 15 seconds Displaced image (+20 deflection +20 reflex): 15 seconds Iron skin (+8DT): Duration is 10 received attacks Martial power (+20 con, dex, deflection, +20 to hit roll): 20 seconds As we can see, the absolute highest peak we can reach in one fight is: +20 to hit +20 deflection +20 dex +20 con +20 reflex, will, fortitude +8DT 100 end bonus 1.5 attack speed In conclusion, int should definitely be your main boosted stat to improved durations, due to limited rest. Do you agree? ... Weapon of choice Spears for +acc /w light shield for deflection bonus. Light shield has no +acc penalty. Estoc for DR bypass, will be good /w the 1.5 attack speed buff. Quarterstaff for extended reach and parasitic staff spell. Hatchet for deflection bonus. These seems to be the best options, thoughts? ... Talents + chance to hit is VITAL for a melee wiz due to low starting value. Weapon focus: Peasant grants +6acc to hatchet, spear and quarterstaff. This would definitely be the best choice unless you go Estoc? Cautious attack: 0.8 speed modifier for +10 deflection. With alacrity (1.5 bonus) this becomes 1.3 bonus with +10 deflection. A good choice no? Lesser and greater spell heuristics: Increases the casting time for all our buff spells. Can't go wrong with these I think? Superior deflection: +5 deflection ... ATTRIBUTES Constitution: Leave at 10 imo, because Wizards get the LEAST from boosting health. A melee wizard should focus on DR and deflection. Alternatively - If you go fire godlike, max Con. Might: If moon godlike, max. If not, 10-14 Dexterity: 10-12 Perception: 10-12 Intelligence: 18+ Resolve: 10-12 ...
  15. Hey folks, this is especially for those of you, who already delved further into the story. From what i'm understanding so far, the whole Watcher/Soul-manipulating thing cries for a cipher or maybe monk, at least something "spiritual"... I started a fighter first and when the whole Watcher thing kicked in, to me it felt like there was no immersion anymore... So i'd appreciate any (no to low-spoiler) hints on what class would make most sense lore-wise. Thanks in advance
  16. I excluded Priest from the poll due to the 10 choice limit per question. I figure that as the only true healing class most party's will include one regardless of usefulness. That said, please feel free to tell everyone if the Priest is awesome or terrible in the comments!
  17. I'm thinking: 1: Priest (party healer) - Fire Godlike (for the DT bonus to keep the squishy priest around) 2: Fighter (obvious tank is obvious) - Coastal Aumaua (Resistance to stun) 3: Rouge (DPH and all dat stealth skillz) - Hearth Orlan (dat crit bonus + sneak attack) 4: Wizard (Crowd control and AoE) - Pale Elf (nothing really "screamed" wizard soooo... burn and freeze resist i guess) 5: Paladin (second-liner and party buffing) - Moon Godlike (heals everyone when pally takes enough damage= aaawwww yis) _____________________________________________________________ Would love to hear some feed back on what would make the best party! What about you guys, what's your "power-five"?
  18. Just your standard "what x will you play as?" topic where no one reads the posts as you're only here for the poll. Doesn't make for interesting conversation but someone had to do it. I'll probably be rolling aumaua as I usually prefer to play as one of the 'unique'/non-standard races and I thought the aumaua portrait in this week's update looked pretty cool.
  19. Hello, I am a new user I do not know how to create the poll of this topic if someone would help me I would be grateful. ps. I'm sorry for my English but I use google translator. What do you think about adding or adopting a new race. I mean, of course, Orc race. Do you like the idea or not, if so, please share your thoughts about that race, orgins, culture or physical, if you think that orc addition to the game is a bad idea to also encourage you to discuss. Personally, I do not like how it has so far presented orcs especially in the D & D. Were presented as cannon fodder, in most cases, extremely stupid and weak, even in combat also does not play hardly any role. Already much more I liked how they presented in Warcraft 3 There were Respected military strength equal to that of men, or sometimes even surpasses them. Presented as cursed by demons, changed and enslaved by them, however, after years of a large group of them broke the shackles. Honor the warriors, who want to live in peace but not afraid to grab an ax and show their strength. I think orcs are as much a part of the fantasy world as elves or dwarves. Not a bad idea in my opinion would be if the design world eternity present them as two races or even factions. Enslaved a race of slaves and the other dark forces as a rebellious tribe hating their former oppressors but not being too warm relations with the "civilized" humans, elves, etc. I personally would prefer a much more even playing an orc than divine or superhuman race. In Neverwinter Night Although there was a half-orc race, but I think it was terribly compromised. I do not know why it always shows them as idiots, right are quite aggressive, wild, rude, unfriendly and not liking strangers. But, for example, Thrall from Warcraft 3 was intelgętny and even breaking stereotypes and did not lose anything from being an orc. Im waiting for your opinion. See you
  20. Hello, can anyone post here where and how Josh confirmed moon godlike race? I just spotted it on wiki but link to source leads to forum where I dont have any access. Thanks
  21. I'm curious to find out what the developer's take is going to be with the various races. I know they have some geographical-based categories they have listed before, as well as some regional cultures, but what about the racially-specific cultures and behavioral norms? Will they be using stock archetypes for elves and dwarves, or implementing something a little different? Will elves be tree-hugging, poetry spouting, effeminate artsy-fartsy types? Are the dwarves going to be beer belching, beard toting, grumpy gold hoarders? What do you think?
  22. Like above what type od "godlikes" whoud you like to see, and what sort inspiration whoud you like to see for that race ? We know that goodlikes (at least one of them) will risemble navi with deer crossover ...
  23. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62190-martyr-like-paladinsaint/ Now, this sparked a thought.. how does Aumaua talk? Are there chances for Race specific Speech techniques? Could it be a racial benefit if your Orlan knows a language you do not (for diplomatic purposes, or maybe even for that ancient deciphering of that ancient book)? Would it or could it solve some balancing issues we've discussed in other "Speech Skill" related topics? Could Persuasion be specific to the Orlan's because they are born with the language of "Telepathy" or whatever?
  24. This poll is about your expectations and speculation about this race. Im waiting for your opinions.
  25. Like above whats Your expectations for the next companion ? You want dwarven warrior ? Orlan Rouge ? We have alrady 5 companions there will be 8 ... what races, classes they should be .... share with us your ideas on these 3 companions
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