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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well it is relevant to the power of abilities in PoE and a reason to tune previously per rest abilities for Deadfire. As it is now I think capping spells at 2 per encounter for each level is a decent enough solution to this(if they fix casting times), but if some classes are consistently ahead or behind that is indicative of balance issues and should be addressed.
  2. The Paladins gets it for 30 sec every encounter while the Wizard gets it 4 times per rest. That means you've got to rest a lot more for the Wizard and do backtracking when your 2 camping supplies run out, or play conservatively and watch the Paladin outdo your blasts or spell mastery. A fully rested Wizard/Priest/Druid will dominate the other classes, but a few tough encounters down the line and they significantly fall in usefullness while other classes (mostly)stay the same.
  3. Honestly I think Wizards would be better if forced into a specialization with no maluses (like Paladins and Priests) that gives a passive ability beneficial to casting their chosen specialization. Evokers are the only ones who did this well the last I played a Wizard focused on casting, with the abilities granted by other specializations not being nearly as good. If we want to keep generalists, do the above for specialists and give vanilla wizards some sort of useful active ability and/or passive.
  4. I used both with my future Mindstalker and Warlock (or Battlemage) and want to use other members or possibly sacrifice them.
  5. Dude. Wow. The temptation to watch that is incredible. But I must be strong. April will be here soon. It's just the beta.
  6. I'm leaning toward Priest atm. I may end up doing a mercenary for frontline instead of Eder or Maneha and giving them Tidefall and Sanguine Plate, is Barbarian or Fighter better for that? Otherwise party for sure will include GM, Hirvais, Zahua, and Pallegina.
  7. Using this thread so I don't clog up the catalogue. I've got an idea for a third import to Deadfire, a Bleak Walker/Priest of Magran Templar who uses sword and firearm(Magran's favored weapons). My question is which is more fun of Paladin or Priest for PoE and what's a good party composition using story companions?
  8. That's my current expectation too, to be honest. I'm still wondering why so many changes from the first game were necessary. Was Pillars 1 really THAT bad? THAT flawed? For a such a SEEMINGLY bad and flawed game that SEEMINGLY was in DIRE need of so many overhauls of many of its core mechanics I was able to enjoy the heck out of it. Let's face it, 2 months will never be enough to refine all the new changes. It will take a long, looooooooooong time before all these new changes will finally arrive at a level of quality/fun that PoE version 3.0+ was. Let's be honest, PoE at 1.whatever wasn't near as fun as 3.0+. I hate the new casting times but stuff like the Armor/Penetration system could be good with a lot of tweaking.
  9. Why does it matter whether it is downloadable for the Switch or not? Is it a question of disk space? Download time/bandwith? Does the same apply to the games you play on your computer? The Switch doesn't have much space.
  10. On lower difficulties, given that the fight can be over before you can get a chant off. At higher levels Chanter is a lot more useful than Rogue and really shines in long difficult fights. Comparatively the Rogue just doesn't have the versatility of other damage dealers and is more fragile.
  11. I think most people saying Paladins are bad aren't playing it as a support class and comparing it to martial classes as a damage dealer or tank, in which case it does compare unfavorably. From my time in PoE, Pallengia or a Merc/PC Paladin bring a lot of support in the form of the auras, various exhortations, lay on hands, and Sacred Immolation. Outside of FoD it's certainly not as flashy and won't top damage or crowd control, but does have a good use and the boost to defenses help out a lot in the long-term. The worst class in PoE is Rogue, which gets beaten out by Cipher and Ranger as a striker and can't really do anything else to make up for it.
  12. If you think it's fun play it, if you don't then just use the world state.
  13. That should be cleared up int the description for Elfs. I don't think Priests need another subclass, as is most bases are covered by the various faiths and Ondra seems to overlap somewhat with Wael. I agree with this, iirc in PoE you could move between them and it was nice. I'd prefer that myself, but I understand why it was implemented that way due to the bonus attribute that comes from background. Gonna have some problems there bucko.
  14. My gf is hungover and spent the day reading in bed so I did the productive thing and watched a lot of movies between posting stuff on my phone.
  15. That's unrealistic, a maga chud wouldn't be talking to a girl, let alone have one in his home.
  16. I think they didn't because Meadow Humans and Wood Elves already exist, and for whatever reason they wanted to avoid similar first descriptors for races.
  17. I'd move Skald up to mid tier because it's the only caster with .5 sec casts and some of those spells are really good.
  18. I agree with most. I've been particularly thinking about MaxQuest's recommendations for casts lately, so thanks for pointing to the thread where this beauty was posted.
  19. Solely concerning afflictions, I think the strongest positive and negative should apply(lower tier bonuses/afflictions get suppressed) and the end result should be the sum of both. So if you were to use Frenzy(Berserker) and Tactical Barrage, Instead of Acute(tier +2) completely suppressing Confused(tier -1) it would be downgraded to Smart(tier +1) Another example would be a Blind(tier -3) and Acute(tier +2) resulting in a Distracted(tier -1) affliction instead of being Blind.
  20. Completely agree, should have three tiers that go from Resistant to ??? to Immune and allow staking at least from talents/abilities/racials.
  21. Yeah, everything about the weapon should be shown on the proficiency selection, that it isn't now is bad design.
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