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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Best It's pretty, except for hair Multiclassing is cool Background skills for conversations is cool Camping supplies are gone and replaced with something better Proficiency is a better idea than a talent with 4-5 weapons(implementation is lacking though) A wait option Worst Balance is a mess Combat is too slow between long recovery and cast times There's quite a lot of unintuitive stuff, particularly with stacking Lack of talents is disappointing and sucks for characters who'd want weapon focus No "none" option for voice
  2. On Normal it was that way, the choice of enemies in the slice of the game we've seen doesn't help that perception either. I haven't really played since the most recent patch, but just looking at the changes I still think spells will lag behind. In general there are .5 sec spells(mostly buffs), 3 sec spells, 5 sec spells, and 8 sec spells. Outside of buffs they generally take longer to cast the higher the level. I've gone out of my way to avoid the 8 sec casts and I think a lot of 5 sec casts should be 3 sec and many 3 sec should be 1.5 sec. Max Quest had a pretty good post on it, and I think suggestion any of his suggestions could be implemented without disrupting balance too much. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95293-casters-are-still-slow/page-8?do=findComment&comment=1966941
  3. I thought it was more of the case that of a wide versus tall build. Single class goes tall so it will have access to higher level spells, but multi goes wide and get's to grow faster than other-wise but is split between two pools. It's specialization versus variety. And relative variety is going to be impacted by this change. Right now multiclasses have an edge due to synergy, but giving single classes more abilities will undercut that by grabbing more passives and spells. Because they're spread out a lot more. This wouldn't be an issue if everyone got 2 ability points at level up, but with the lack of talents and shallower resource pools I think multiclasses will be at a disadvantage.
  4. I'm concerned about the change in ability points to multiclasses, they were touted as trading power for versatility but giving single classes more ability points cuts into versatility for multiclass casters. Not sure what a good solution is, but I don't think this is it.
  5. I can't remember what most spells in PoE do so I right click on the icon to read the description. Don't see how that was a big deal.
  6. The first part is interesting indeed. This means the balance has shifted somewhat to where single classes will have more ability points and it would take multiclasses to Level 25 (28 if Level 10 abilities are introduced) to catch up with single classes and by then the single classes will have had 6 more opportunities to select high level abilities. I wonder how that balances, or if multiclasses get more abilties or tuneups elsewhere to compensate.
  7. Meh. I still think his wisdom/intelligence was aided by Boo. Boo had enough wisdom and intelligence for both of them.But I totally disagree about stats in PoE. PoE made them matter less for any class. Flattened across the board. Joe That's more of an issue with degree, and frankly something I agree with to some extent. In D&D 3rd Charsima is only used for spell casting or special abilities for certain classes, outside of that it has no use in combat. In such a case why is it tied to an ability score instead being inherit to the class? What is good about PoE is there is some benefit to putting points into stats I would otherwise ignore because there was no benefit. There were still issues, like Resolve being easily dumpable, but overall I prefer it to 3e and immensely prefer it to 2e.
  8. Be kind, now. He suffered a head injury. Okay, probably MANY head injuries. To be fair, though, he always described himself more as a berserker than a (technical) ranger. Boo is likely the only thing holding him together. Joe Well there's more cases than Minsc of "illegal" characters, like Aerie for instance. This is more due to the 2e rules being utterly insane and having very weird restrictions placed for arbitrary reasons. 3e and PoE opened things up a lot, but PoE did a better job in making stats matter for all classes even if Resolve was just as useless as Charisma.
  9. PoE is easy enough where my 16 year old cousin who has never played a RPG like PoE was able to do ok on normal with an unoptimized fighter using choices he thought were cool. PoE isn't particularly more hard to get than IE games and you could create a character like Minsc if you wanted (which you couldn't in BG because Minsc is too dumb to be a Ranger). There are certainly issues that are unintuitive, but it's easy enough to just roll a character and get through the game. Deadfire on the other hand has a lot more traps in terms of stacking and takes too long to do anything.
  10. The Wind the Shakes the Barley. Absolutely beautiful historical drama without any frills. Would highly recommend. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that or that such a thing would make one a bad critic. A big problem I have with a lot of critics is that they come off as too pretentious and aim to use a lot of words to say little, and it would be refreshing for someone to say they liked something without pulling a nonsensical justification out of their ass.
  11. Deadfire seems to be a lot more complex than PoE, and PoE was signifigantly more math heavy than I remeber the IE games being. That said, I think the issues are mostly bad and confusing stacking rules, lack of progression in the armor/penetration system, uneven application of power level, and recovery time. Stacking rules would probably be the easiest to address, and should get a look immediately. It's unintuitive and dumb that the Paladin aura doesn't stack with the Fighter stance or that stacking an ability and racial doesn't give double resistance. Armor/Penetration is good on paper but for whatever reason it didn't adjust weapons to fit the new system and caps the bonus/penalty. A solution to the penalty would be to have diminishing returns/penalties for being over/under the armor value so loading out on penetration isn't completely useless and there's some benefit to being only a little above the armor rating. I believe MazQuest had a chart with some sort of similar suggestion, but he has too many good ones to keep track of. Weapon balance is an issue in itself, but with the changes to armor the limiting factor for fast weapons has disappeared making them the best to use in most cases while negating the advantage 2-handers had, solving this within the current armor system could be done by giving 2-handers an inherent 2 higher penetration(making them suited to dealing with medium armor instead of light) as well as homogenizing weapon damage like in PoE so we don't end up with clearly bad options like the warhammer. Power Level simply needs to affect more things. As of now, there is little reason for anyone but a caster using direct damage spells to use it on anything but replenishing resources. This would also even out multiclasses by giving them an actual disadvantage for most of their abilities. Enough has been said of casting times, so I'll just say I agree with everyone that it takes too damn long to do anything in Deadfire.
  12. I have a pretty good idea what he was thinking, I'd just tell him to stop looking at infographs and read recent studies instead of being obsessed with skull size.
  13. There are grenades and bombs. More consumables generally. Request for DPS output leveling out with all other weapon style sounds wierd. I expect the weapon style is THE style. Think out of box dude. You're asking for a system that already needs a lot of tuning regarding casting times, multiclass/power level, and armor/penetration to be even more complicated by the introduction of a new bonus regarding consumables. If they were to add this, they'd have to run through several passes attempting to ensure it isn't OP or UP, time which would be much better spent making sure the stuff already in isn't horribly implemented. As it stands, keeping single weapons as the accurate choice serves a purpose for balance and just needs to be tweaked in terms of the talent/ability and weapon balance to function well.
  14. Yeah, the base passives make it a prime candidate for not getting hurt at all, the auras and stances add a lot(even though a couple don't stack), and both have some good abilities from PL 1 to 5. And we still don't know what PL 6-9 abilities are across classes so the synergy could be even better.
  15. Seems like a headache to get down though, and at this point I'd like them to make single weapon competitive outside of sabres in terms of damage or fix casting times than add more to the weapon styles.
  16. That ! - quick access to quick slots (one free hand should quickly access an use items) - disengage bonus defence also for one-and-halfhand weapons like quarterstaff. Use staff as a cane, cast with a free hand or drink a potion. I think that's over-complicating it. Honestly if it was +3 Accuracy and 15% Hits to Crits for the talent/ability and the same +12 to Accuracy for just doing it then we'd be fine.
  17. Sneak attack now applies to any affliction but on their own Rogues haven't changed much conceptually. Subclasses either add more to attacking from stealth or invisibility, bonuses from being flanked or hurt, or some Illusion spells. No AoE damage, same disabling attacks, and one new active ability is what Rogues have up to power level 5. You should still be able to use scrolls and spellbind, in addition to multiclassing.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hptKRQcx6IE
  19. What is Iselmyr ain't there? I guess not matter what, Aloth found time to bulk. Probably because of the long cast times.
  20. If the DLC affects level cap, then I would guess we could hit level 24 and get level 8 abilities with multiclasses and level 10 with single. If it's not at launch than I'd bet after the first DLC drops we'd get a SI multiclass. And hopefully Bleak Walker and Kind Wayfarer SI flames match the FoD flames in terms of color.
  21. Probably so it's different than the style bonus. I'd say that is a better solution than miss to graze, especially considering single wield is the least likely to miss in the first place.
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