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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's oversight. In my understanding any inspiration overrides an affliction in the same category, so there is no reason for it not to be Swift instead of Nimble. I think a better fix would be to have Fleet Feet grant no dex inspiration and only give a boost to movement and remove the DoT from DAoM. That'd put FF inline with PoE and remove the malus from DAoM to account for the less effective bonus.
  2. I think Aloth should have Paladin(he did say he was trained as an Arcane Knight and that is the Paladin/Wizard Multi) and would be fine seeing him get alternate combinations based on choices in POE . Everything else seems fine.
  3. We should be able to respec and level from level 1. I guess on recruitment we can pick one of three options, one or two single classes and one or two multiclasses. For instance Eder can be a Fighter, Rogue, or SwashBuckler while Aloth can either be a Wizard, Wizard/Somethingelse, or Wizard/somethingelse. The something else hasn't been revealed for Aloth, Kana's sister, or Palengina yet.
  4. My first playthrough was human, my 2nd was a dwarf, my next few (the ones I didn't play all the way to the end) were orlan, elf, human (again). I wonder where Josh gets the info? Is it Steam statistics? I guess dwarves play offline And he says we want a dwarf companion and then doesn't give us one? Boo! (LOL) They've got logistics from poe and deadfire. Think of Big Brother but it's that Joshengina portrait someone made when romance came up after the deadfire update. I have to say I've made one priest but my main is always a white dude(like my first PnP character) who either dws or uses a greatsword and I don't like playing dwarves. Maybe he really is onto something, but the option of making a mercenary dwarf is pretty cool and I hope the expansion(s)/DLC brings a dwarf companion.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/20/politics/donald-trump-bump-stocks/index.html So much for small government.
  6. Yes ! Frankly, All could be simple if everything stacked. Fairer. I agree, but at the very least it should be consistent. That gauntlets and a belt don't stack but gauntlets and a hammer do is completely unintuitive.
  7. Huh, I just assumed that since because armor or other items didn't stack weapons didn't either. Guess it's another case of weird stacking rules. Which is bad design imo. Regardless if enchantment in deadfire rolls out how explained so far, whatever weapon you wish to enchant will require the existence of a similar enchantment. As such the point of having to find two decent 1H weapons as opposed to one decent 1H or 2H still stands.
  8. I strongly disagree. For me 2H MUST be the best DPS. 2H > 1H Slow > 1H Fast > DW Slow > DW_Fast > > > Shield_Fast > Shield_Slow Speed add 'secret values' of DPS... at equal DPS... Ideally : 2H = 4s, with best DPS 1H = 3s 1H Fast = 2s It is logical, if your weapon is heavier, you attack slightly slower. Equal DPS = I choose Dual wielding because fast attack add an additionnal invisible DPS. (bottleneck effect = 50 000 damages on 30s recovery with an ennemy with 1 HP left... Loss of 49 999 damage, and I have to wait 30s) + Double effect of two weapons > One effect to one weapon. (Unique, Soulbound) I'm taking into account speed, namely that DW will hit more frequently than 1H_Slow or 2H which (rightfully) have the same speed in Deadfire. Giving DW the highest DPS and giving 1H and 2H lower DPS but situational advantages(high defense enemies and high armor enemies respectively) is inline with PoE's tradeoffs and doesn't further increase issues of underkill as MaxQuest calculated. And I would count the double effect as a weakness as well as an advantage for DW, because they've got to find another weapon with an on-hit effect or enchant one while 2H and 1H only need one weapon to find or enchant. Assuming Deadfire is like PoE, Unique and Soulbound will be very limited and outfitting a DW will be more resource costly than outfitting a 2H or 1H, unless we're swimming in Helwax Molds or whatever resources are required to get top tier enchantments. But the cost of enchantment is doubled for 2H weapon isn’t it? I don’t see why 2H weapon has advantages here unless they change it in DF. I can't remember and it shouldn't be imo. But given how enchanting in deadfire will work, you will need to find a unique that already has a lash or on hit ability to enchant it further. Stat bonuses from weapons don't stack, so the additional +2 Con would be suppressed.
  9. On Hard I only rested if there were crippling injuries or if out of spells. The number of times I rested because of low health I can count on one hand(3) and managed to get to an inn around yellow most of the time. Deadfire seems to continue this, only that 3+ injuries will kill you instead of low health and empower instead of per rest abilities.
  10. Like this idea, attack enemies weakness => swap weapon => using BlackJack’s feature. If ppls find no urge to swap weapon then the easiest way is give them bonus to do so. Just wonder how hard is it to imply this mechanism in-game. Since there are nothing called armor weakness in game, only immune. And all armor difference is just data. IIRC, when they started talking about subclasses Black Jacket was mentioned as having better Pen against weak armor types(blunt against fullplate) at the cost of an accuracy penalty against normal or strong armor. Given how different the beta implementation of Black jacket was, either it was difficult to implement in game or when tested it was worse than what we have now.
  11. I strongly disagree. For me 2H MUST be the best DPS. 2H > 1H Slow > 1H Fast > DW Slow > DW_Fast > > > Shield_Fast > Shield_Slow Speed add 'secret values' of DPS... at equal DPS... Ideally : 2H = 4s, with best DPS 1H = 3s 1H Fast = 2s It is logical, if your weapon is heavier, you attack slightly slower. Equal DPS = I choose Dual wielding because fast attack add an additionnal invisible DPS. (bottleneck effect = 50 000 damages on 30s recovery with an ennemy with 1 HP left... Loss of 49 999 damage, and I have to wait 30s) + Double effect of two weapons > One effect to one weapon. (Unique, Soulbound) I'm taking into account speed, namely that DW will hit more frequently than 1H_Slow or 2H which (rightfully) have the same speed in Deadfire. Giving DW the highest DPS and giving 1H and 2H lower DPS but situational advantages(high defense enemies and high armor enemies respectively) is inline with PoE's tradeoffs and doesn't further increase issues of underkill as MaxQuest calculated. And I would count the double effect as a weakness as well as an advantage for DW, because they've got to find another weapon with an on-hit effect or enchant one while 2H and 1H only need one weapon to find or enchant. Assuming Deadfire is like PoE, Unique and Soulbound will be very limited and outfitting a DW will be more resource costly than outfitting a 2H or 1H, unless we're swimming in Helwax Molds or whatever resources are required to get top tier enchantments.
  12. Is there anyway to give them a bonus pen or accuracy when attacking certain armor weaknesses?
  13. I think the best scheme for optimal dps would be something like DW_Fast > SW_Slow > 1H_Fast > 2H = 1H > Shield_Fast > Shield_Slow. HOWEVER, Pen would be adjusted so it works similar to PoE where 2H > Slow > Fast would be better against higher armor. If single handed retains the accuracy boost, we have a situation similar to PoE balance where DW has best dps under optimal conditions, 2H is best against high AR enemies, 1H is best against high defense enemies, and Shield remains best for absorbing damage. A big issue with deadfire beta in terms of weapon balance is the previous opportunity cost for using fast weapons has been removed and they now perform the same against armor as slow and 2H thus leading to an absolute dps advantage instead of a conditional advantage. A remedy I thought of was to have Fast have a base Pen of 4, Slow have a base Pen of 5, and 2H have a base Pen of 7, or effective against naked/light/medium armor respectively.
  14. So I played more and whacked a lot of stuff in melee between casting spells. So far I've noticed that my Battlemage seems to be just a bit longer using fan of flames than he does swinging his greatsword, both in scale armor with no potions. However when he gains a dexterity inspiration it seems to switch with great sword attacks taking longer than FoF casts. Since weapon speeds were discussed as well, does anyone else think that going back to 3 sec recovery would feel better for weapons than the current 4 sec?
  15. So far melee/casters can do better than buff, with Cipher becoming a whole lot more useful and (Skald) Chanters changing the least. Unfortunatly, the Berserker/Devoted Brute is better than either Berserker/Evoker Warlock or Devoted/Evoker Battlemage thanks to Carnage+Cleaving Stance and Frenzy+Tactical Barrage. A solution to this is reducing cast times of some single target spells, in particular ones with a short range like ray of fire, and maybe upping the Wizard and Cipher health to 40 +10/level like the other casters.
  16. So I cheated and made a party of melee casters that I outfitted in fine equipment. Devoted/Evoker Battlemage, BleakWalker/Magran Templar, Beguiler/Assassin MindStalker, Fury/Stalker Beastmaster, and a CorpseEater/Skald Howler. It feels significantly better than the vanilla game so far and melee range casters have a lot more use, so if you like the spellsowrd/gish archetype this mod helps get closer than vanilla deadfire. However I'd knock down short/narrow cone and short-range single target(like ray of fire and divine mark) down to 1.5 sec casts and take a look at the duration of some buffs(namely eldritch aim because it gets beat out by a fighter equivalent starting out), but I undertsand that being out of the scope of the beta mod. Battlemage could do more than buff and his fan of flames was pretty good for clearing the front line, Templar did better than the merc priest, Mindstalker really shone and finally gave a use to cipher powers, beastmaster was a little weird but more viable than previous beastmsters I played around with, and Skald didn't change much but they were already good with offensive invocations. So MaxQuest was right about casting times, and while this table is good there should be better grouping along the lines of that mentioned in this post: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95293-casters-are-still-slow/page-8?do=findComment&comment=1966941
  17. You are a god damn god. Regarding pen, I think 2 handers could have 1 more pen and fast one handers could have 1 less (with the +2 adjustment Josh mentioned) in order to align with PoE where 2 handers were good for high DR opponents and fast were bad against them.
  18. In PoE I found myself using similar openers for every battle, where before spell mastery I'd reserve spells for tough fights and sometimes let them go unused and after spell mastery still not use any unmastered spell much outside of certain fights. I understand the logic behind the Deadfire change and agree with it, but I think some adjustments could be made to where spell ambush isn't the tactic to use. Perhaps make spellcasting certain spells loud where it alerts enemies or something.
  19. Unless it at the very least features Black Flag, Minor Threat, and Bad Brains then it isn't hardcore. Hardcore after 2000 is **** so I don't care of that's missing.
  20. I've only taken proficiency into account for weapon focus and Devoted because for the most part they're too extreme to even be situational. Greatsword is the worst offender, with the accuracy Malus eating away the bonus damage by transferring your hits to grazes. I'm not sure if the solution is proficency tiers or tuning down some of the modals, but as of now the only way Proficiency matters to me is in regards to abilities. Speaking if which, why is Weapon Focus Barbarian exclusive? The loss of +6 accuracy on my weapon users is pretty heavy.
  21. Eothas breaks all your **** and probably kills the pets. I'd guess that we won't see any uniques return.
  22. It bothers me too, particularly when all player accessible Paladin orders aren't religious and one is pretty dark.
  23. You're not touching my recreational nukes statist.
  24. and beards. Seriously, beards as they are now look like placeholders. Only a teenager's growing for the first time would look that patchy and irregular. I could grow a full beard as a teenager, don't insult my high school beard by comparing it to Deadfire beta beards.
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