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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The belt is fairly soon in the game, assuming you've got PX 4. It is soulbound and you will have to bind it to your Cipher to use it, but it is very good. House Doemenel is an important faction in Defiance Bay, along with the Dozens and the Crucible Knights. There is an exclusive quest with each faction that gives a talent as a reward, but on acceptance of the quest you're barred from the other factions quest. House Doemenel are a crime family and their talent gives bonus crit damage, Crucibile Knights are a militia from the Dyrwood revolution who are very respected and are now pseudo-nobility and their Talent gives a boost to your Armor, The Dozens are a milita/mercenary company formed after the recent war who can be bad and their talent gives an accuracy bonus when attacking the same enemy as an ally. It's up to you who you side with and while the talents are nice I don't think any are really essential for a build to be good, especially on normal.
  2. Monks are good with any weapon and works great on the frontline. PoE Barbarians actually benefit a lot from being smart as intellect affects duration and AoE which a lot of Barbarian abilities feature. Paladins are pretty cool and their abilities are more magical, however they lag as DPS outside of FoD (which only has 2 uses per encounter) and Sacred Immolation (which comes late). Paladins are great leaders and their Passive support abilities are very good for teamwork.
  3. You miss out on +1 might, +5% endurance, +1 attribute, and some minor benefit. You get 1 perception, some minor benefit, and don't lose a companion. I agree that there should be a balance between "good" and "evil" bonuses, but I don't think the disparity in PoE is huge. A bigger issue in PoE is parity of Faction talents, with CK and HD being pretty good and D being comparatively worse.
  4. I haven't cast many direct damage spells because they're so bad. Even with that being true none of the martial classes will bother with empowering an ability because they'd get a lot more mileage out of more uses. Hell, no caster would empower a debuff spell when they can cast it again if the malus(es) won't be upgraded.
  5. I agree, stacking should happen and the rules definitely need to be more consistent. Power level based abilities need to happen because as of now empower doesn't do much and you're better off using it to replenish your resources than on an ability.
  6. Mechanically Cipher hits a lot of your preferences, but Barbarian is pretty fun if you want to run into melee and hit stuff. Monk is also a good option and more magical, you can use greatswords with it as well. Paladin is a pretty good choice but outside of Flames of Devotion and Sacred Immolation you'll be less of a damage dealer and more as a support leader. Anything works, just pick what skills, talents, race, etc. you like if you're playing on normal or below.
  7. Devilman Crybaby. I have no idea what the hell I just watched, but I like it.
  8. I've got a Cipher I hope to make a Beguiler or Soulblade/Vanilla or Assassin Mindhunter. Then I have my half-finished my Chanter and will port as a caster/caster multiclass if they ever fix casters in Deadfire. Finally I like the Spellsword concept, but I'm torn between doing a Barbarian or Paladin(Bleak Walker) for PoE. All are more RP than optimized.
  9. They seem to be, except for dual wielding one of the implements. Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, and Rogue have abilities that strongly favor melee, all Paladins abilities work for melee, and a lot of ranger abilities can be used in melee. Without factoring in casters, all the martial classes can be competent in melee with the exception of the sharpshooter subclass of Ranger. Casters have Druids focused on shifting, Skalds, and Soulblades, but from what I've been able to those function better as supplements to a melee class. Wizards and Priests can summon great melee weapons, but that takes too long and they can be pulverized before getting the spell off, even if they are able to summon one they'd probably want to multiclass because neither has particularly good melee abilities.
  10. In Hard combat lasts a little longer but casters consistently get pulverized and their spells aren't much use due to the long casts. I liked MaxQuest's recommendation a while back on casting speed and adopting that alone would go a long way to making casters more useful. It's also worth noting that melee/caster or caster/caster multiclasses aren't talked about much because they're underwhelming. Soulblade has a powerful ability with Soul Annihilation and Wizards have some good buffs that are a .5 sec cast but beyond that there's nothing much gained and in comparison you get a lot more out of the melee/melee multiclasses like Devoted/Berserker or BleakWalker/Rogue.
  11. I think giving all 2 handers 2 more base penetration would be a better move, and it would be consistent with PoE where the appeal of 2 handers was they were better against high armor foes. I'd even lower base Pen for fast weapons by 1 for the sake of consistency and balance. I'd also go ahead and go back to one special ability per weapon with no separate tiers as well.
  12. Cast times have been reduced by a second each for previously 6 and 9 second spells, with recovery being one second longer. It's still not enough to make casters compete with martial classes.
  13. Right now attributes are the same level of customisation, skills are divided between active and inactive and have two different pools, talents aren't in the beta (yet?), every class gets one ability at level up(multiclasses get two for every new power level, which means 7 more over 20 levels), and subclasses mean 4 variations on most classes (Priests and Paladin have 5, Wizards have 6). Disregarding other mechanical issues, it would be better if Talents were added, if Wizards got the same treatment as Priests and Paladins, and if some subclasses weren't ****.
  14. I'm a complete brainlet with regards to this math but Is this in regards to Action Speed being different in PoE2 or am I reading this wrong. EDIT: I was reading it wrong. Hangover browsing is not good for reading. I do now. My only other comment is the disproportionate effects Malus has, it seems like an unfair trade and as such abilities with Attack Speed/Recovery Malus will be avoided for being too costly.
  15. Alternate Facts for an Alternative Planet.
  16. It's been a while, but they moved from set abilities to getting to choose for each odd level, which fundamentally changes how martial classes worked. And then they changed attributes from 0 being the 0 point to 10 being the 0 point and scores below 10 having penalties.
  17. Yes, the Devoted was designed as being a subclass who paid for versatility with specialization, and should suffer the downsides of it. This is only an issue if some weapons have no good options or if immunities are concentrated in one damage type instead of being spread out, because in that scenario it becomes possible to pick a bad weapon of choice for Devoted that can't be changed. Soulbound weapons, summoned weapons, and spells are also worth considering, in that those may be exempt from the -10 Acc penalty and as such be an option for multiclass Devoted.
  18. Will she get an order besides her original or KW if those endings weren't met? I'm struggling to see GK or BW Pallegina.
  19. If talents come back I don't think Order talents are necessary as it seems to be built into the class now. Regarding the PoE Paladin, it works well as a support class that doesn't need to rest to make use of its abilities or requires much micromanagement and can front-line fairly well due to the good defense bonuses from Faith and Conviction(assuming you go with Favored dispositions).
  20. I thought Obsidian had gotten rid of the negatives for Paladins and Priests, hence Kind Wayfarers shouldn't have that problem anymore. Dude thats great news. I have not been keeping up with the Beta cause I want to be surprised. Where did you read this?!?!??!?! So whats the Subclasses for Paladin now? Goldpact Knights keep their auras etc? Right now Paladins have no negatives, they get 1 ability and a modifier for that ability. I would like to see their negative be a loss of a level 1 ability, like Bleak Walkers don't get Lay on Hands, but overall Paladins are good as they are, if only needing tweaking for their front-loaded passive. And the damage modifier I suggested was only for Sacred Immolation and something that fits the flames they get. Overall I just want a black/white SI more than it getting modified because it would be cool.
  21. I don't, I just come to videogame forums to argue with the weirdos who do. This may be an alternative-fact.
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