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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Weapons are fine, though some single weapon(especially ability for fighters) and 2-handers could use a tuneup to compete more with dual-wield. The issue is fundamentally one of long cast times for not much of an effect.
  2. I'd guess that situationally useful is what they were going for. A set and forget would be not very tactically challenging. I understand that but it needs to be tuned to fit more situations. For example the greatsword modal has a whopping -20 accuracy penalty and that prevents it from being useful on enemies I've fought in the beta so far.
  3. I think the weapon prof modals are too extreme, for example Savage Attack for greatswords cripples accuracy to the point of dealing less damage than regular attacks despite the massive bonus to base damage. Haven't done much with companion modals, but just looking at them makes me think they're too situational to use regularly.
  4. Half-heartedly played a bit and have to agree, my Battlemage (Devoted/Vanilla) and Warlock (Berserker/Vanilla) did much better than the merc wizard or priest just by casting the lvl 1 speed boost and other quick buffs, both in terms of killing stuff and not getting hurt. This also pushes melee mages into buffs and/or summoned weapons because casting offensive spells takes too long for what you get, which I'd say makes Evoker + melee multiclass a bad build.
  5. Merry Christmas everyone except Hurlshot. **** that guy for not sharing enchiladas or beer.
  6. Kinda like in Germany 1940 he said “destruction of Israel”, not “genocide of all jews”So I assume blue helmets will soon be seen patrolling Jerusalem, or how am I to imagine this? If Israel is unable to take over Palestinan land, all Jews will be rounded up and killed by the NazBol Gang.
  7. I didn't either and I suggest we have a youtube general thread to dump videos.
  8. I would have preferred if Valerian was outright bad so I could have saved two hours and done anything else, but it didn't get bad enough for me to walk away.
  9. Source? https://www.youtube.com/user/TVShinjukuIt's in one of Mr. Lace's videos on this channel.
  10. There's nothing "tough" or "advanced" about rank idiocy such as "women are destroying civilization". It's advanced levels of delusion.
  11. He also does travel videos for sex tourists looking for asian love.
  12. That's nice, but as introduced required ID is going to be a DL or State ID, which aren't free or universally possessed by voters. While a free id that is easy to get would be fine, it isn't what actually is and as such we have to consider the effects a required ID would have in present conditions. It seems it won't post unless you purchase the WebWarrior forum poster pack for 9.99.
  13. I got drunk and watched Jackie Brown. What happened to that Tarantino? Sounds lile real life.
  14. If you are arguing that an ID should be required to vote, your are arguing that people should be charged by the state to vote because state IDs cost money. It might not seem like a lot of money to you, but for families living close to poverty, which is half of America factoring out welfare, it's a lot of money. This is compounded when you factor in that places to get IDs are open during the normal working hours these people are working, which further prevents them from getting their IDs. This would be a non-issue if IDs were easy to get and free, but that isn't the case. I assume it's because we freedom hating commies consider citizens being able to participate in elections more important than ISPs being able to throttle sites and charge higher prices for the same stuff.
  15. It's ironic that a libertarian would think the government charging someone is a good thing, but it seems irony is common these days.
  16. But it isn't that easy and we're talking about what is. An ID requirement would be completely different if it was something that took minutes in a convienent location and was free, but when it's far away, open during hours when you or your driver will be at work, and costs maybe a week of grocieres for some people it is a different story. Yeah, I would cancel paying taxes, all that arbitrary work around it and stuff. Also working for money is hussle as well, can I just get the money? Unfortunatly these people already work and pay taxes.
  17. But it isn't that easy and we're talking about what is. An ID requirement would be completely different if it was something that took minutes in a convienent location and was free, but when it's far away, open during hours when you or your driver will be at work, and costs maybe a week of grocieres for some people it is a different story.
  18. I suspect this is provocation is a ploy to drum up sympathy after someone whups his ass.
  19. I think half your age + 7 is a generally good metric, at an ancient (almost) 26 I wouldn't want to bother with a girl in high school even if it was legal. Cruising the mall for teenagers in your 30's seems pathetic even without the possible pedophilia.
  20. I bet pedos are glad Volorun is here to white knight them on internet forums.
  21. On the contrary I think it's lovely that evangelical Christians are finally standing up for sexual minorities, though I'm surprised it's pedophiles that finally roused them into action.
  22. From what I've been able to tell she had a history of depression, could be the straw as Malc suggested. What I find funny is that those who will be making crocodile tears about this are the same who cry about the evil of trigger warnings and the need for snowflakes to toughen up. A trigger warning/exposed to a normal situation and can't handle it is the same as cyber bullying from a mob......???? Really, we are putting being bullying on the same page as trigger warnings?! Whatever people's thoughts about seeing a trigger warning on the front of a play or seeing snowflakes scream in childish rage because Trump is in office, I think we can all agree if we saw those and saw someone getting bullied....I would hope that most everyone here would be disgusted or at least know the bullying was wrong no matter what ur stance is. I'm sorry maybe not seeing something or sense of humor flew right over my head, but I think that's a real ****ty comparison that don't really hold water. If this girl would have been dogpiled for saying she wouldn't work with white guys then the crocodile tears would be wiped away with the same people saying she needs to toughen up for being racist. It's sad that she died, but as most stories I've read mentioned that her husband wants to keep this private mourning using the corpse as a bludgeon against sjws seems in bad taste.
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