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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Are you familiar with the FX show the Strain? Well Bruce clones are produced in the same way the Master changes hosts.
  2. That'd be more convenient for edgy libertarian metal bands at least.
  3. She's had plastic surgery and looks confused.
  4. Everyone in this picture is hilarious. Melania's confused plastic surgery stare, the woman next to her looking away from whatever everyone else is looking at, the woman behind Melania having a blank expression, the woman on the top right having a look of anger and frustration, and the dude who has just given up, and both France and Zambia being empty.
  5. The point isn't that Golden Dawn has power, but that they exist in relatively high numbers compared to their counterparts in other PIGS or the west as a whole. Thus there are going to be more antifa in comparison, similarly to how Azedus noticed their was Antifa in his hometown where there are a lot of neo-nazis.
  6. Greece. I don't care about their pronouns, if they're chanting Blood and Soil it's clear they are nazis. Take your #windowlivesmatter to someone who cares. The aut-right is from /pol/ which is pretty much a reddit colony at this point anyway. The only reason it gets disavowed is because they realized they're all fat or skinnyfat robot-tier idiots and going out in public embarrasses daddy Trump.
  7. Except we use the term motherland and wear christian crosses. So maybe you confused with Germany. And implying fascist to the country that suffered the most from nazi Germany is bizzare at best. Right, and Red is Bad isn't one of Polands most mainstream brands. Neo-fascism and racism has been normalized among Polish youth subculture for a while now, and there are literal far-right extremists in parliament. I was going to make a joke about how unfair it was to call every person who parades around in symbols used by white nationalists a nazi, then I searched for Red is Bad and god damn that is a lot of LARP.
  8. I did a few and found them very tedious and not worth the wait, especially if you don't have a group ready to go. My guild mates and some aussie **** talking a random dude was more fun than the fights.
  9. It's almost like the left are the only ones willing to fight the nazis before they take power. Who would have thunk? Yeah it tends to pop up where there's a lot of nazis.
  10. Yeah, I'm worried about my mom though. I doubt she can handle her ****, so to speak, and will eat too much nasty stuff.
  11. Got my car paid off and on saturday have to drive my mom to the airport so she can go with her friend to Denver for a week.
  12. I guess Monarchism really is the freest method of organization.
  13. If we're talking vs here, I'm interested in seeing Durance vs Bojack Horseman.
  14. IT. TN is right about it, the portrayal of the kids fear hit more than any jump scare and the unsettling moments hit harder than any creature bits. That said Pennywise felt genuinely creepy and inhuman, which is good considering it's an alien entity along the lines of a Lovecraftian nightmare and not just a killer clown or whatever. If anything I think Pennywise should have gotten a bit more screen time, not to downplay the creatures but maybe have shown him terrorize kids besides Patrick and Georgie or torment the Losers in other ways. The only real negative I have is the ambiguous fate of Henry Bowers and his gang, to spoil a three decade old book, Henry survives and the murders are pinned on him while all his friends die. With Belch and Victor apparently left alive I wonder if they're going to show up in the almost certain Part 2 or if Henry died and they'll have to find another guy to do IT's dirty work after 27 years. This was the only real sloppy thing and an offhand mention of how Henry got blamed for the murders and was sent off or confirmation of his death would have been nice and easy to fit in the ending.
  15. Well on a few percent of people identify as dwarves so it's not worth pandering to them. The silent majority identify as humans so, really, we should get rid of all other races. Someone got Pretty Angry over people telling the blunt truth it appears. And the Blunt Truth is that non-human races are played at much lower rates than humans in rpgs. Since few players choose to play as Orlans or Dwarves why should we not get rid of the option 10% will use for a better expereince for the 90%? You want those races removed ? Why not?
  16. Well on a few percent of people identify as dwarves so it's not worth pandering to them. The silent majority identify as humans so, really, we should get rid of all other races. Someone got Pretty Angry over people telling the blunt truth it appears. And the Blunt Truth is that non-human races are played at much lower rates than humans in rpgs. Since few players choose to play as Orlans or Dwarves why should we not get rid of the option 10% will use for a better expereince for the 90%?
  17. Well god damn, that's some ****ty news to here before sleep.
  18. Seeing how heavy those nazis are that isn't something to make light of.
  19. Because Healers need to do starting strength and gomad. Why are Mages in D&D and similar games almost always less combat proficient than Priests in terms of hitting, taking hits? I don't see how reading books all day somehow makes you worse at fighting than learning prayers and whatever else Priests do barring Priests of war gods and ****. Mechanically Priests seem to have similar spell progression and spell power as well so it's not like they're lacking there and need to make up for it by being better with weapons.
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