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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So you're going to personally go down and inform them of what a dietitian does and how to recognize snake oil or have the big gubbermint do it with warning labels and disclaimers, or by empoering do you mean defending the right of snake oil salesmen to inflict harm to make a quick buck? Because as can be evidenced itt, various people already didn't know what a dietitian was and I doubt they would somehow acquire the knowledge to make an informed decision between medicine and snakeoil when under stress of sickness. We already do this for medicine, require food saftey, and have various other certfications and standards when health could be put in danger. Why shouldn't we apply the same to diet, where bad advice can also result in some signifigant damage?
  2. And that's been responded to. If she was offering an alternative to physical therapy as a "health coach" that was unfit and even harmful, would it be the consumer's choice to get injured from advice they didn't know was bad? So the assumption is the consumer is too stupid to make an informed choice?Yes? Why should we allow snake oil salesmen to inflict harm on uniformed customers who lack the knowledge on the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? Are you so blinded by ideology you would let wolves devour the sheep if their sheepskin suit was convincing enough?
  3. And that's been responded to. If she was offering an alternative to physical therapy as a "health coach" that was unfit and even harmful, would it be the consumer's choice to get injured from advice they didn't know was bad?
  4. Which is what the numbersman has been talking about.
  5. Dietitians are practically licensed doctors, it requires a bachelor's degree, internship, and passing a certification exam to legally do it. There's a conflation with nutritionists, which while a common thing, shows an ignorance of what dietitians actually do.
  6. I'm not sure what's wrong about shutting down someone who isn't qualified to hand out dietary advice from doing so for-profit. Would you feel similarly outraged if she was offering tips on prescription drug usage? I didn't know, but looks to me like the requirements for obtaining a dietitian's license in Florida are quite stringent. That's a good thing. She doesn't get to do the same thing without undergoing proper training. What happens if someone's health is damaged from following her advice? As long as she is not presenting herself as something she's not what is the problem? Suppose you need new brakes on your car. The repair shop quotes you one price and I offer to do it in my backyard for half. Should the government be harassing me? The choice is always with the consumer. If you do a **** job on my brakes then I or someone else could die in addition to extensive damages to vehicles. Now we could blame the car owner for being a cheap bastard but if this keeps happening and damage keeps happening then perhaps the guy fiddling with brakes should be told to stop because he is doing so in a way that is creating a public health crisis. Now a bad diet isn't going to be as spectacularly lethal as a car wreck, but as the numbers man pointed out there are potentially severe health issues that can arise in a bad diet.
  7. Without the second how long do you expect the first, or fourth, or any of them to last? A generation? Less?Well I doubt the second is preventing the loss of any of them, Gadsen flag fantasies aside. Depends on how it is removed, but curtailing speech is a lot worse than doing the same with the kinds of weapons you can own. What's more dangerous? A bullet or a single misinformation shared and accepted at a global level? A bullet.
  8. That's really good. I know, I'm shocked it came from buzzfeed and assume he'll move on somewhere else because he's too good to work there.
  9. Buzzfeed of all places had a decent article on the origins of our alternative-friends
  10. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead of choosing to get sick.
  11. SJW Nazi Commie who ruins freedom.
  12. TN is being paid by George Soros to censor opinions on the vital battleground of Obsidian Forums. We must take a stand against the Gay Muslim Communist conspiracy by calling him a rayciss.
  13. Antifa is responsible for millions of hurt feelings in this thread alone.
  14. The problem is enforcing it effectively. After a month the bag checkers will be busy on their phones instead of checking bags for guns or whatever. Then we get into hauling bags back up after check in, I doubt every Wal-Mart or shopping bag will be scanned through instead of just getting hauled back up to the room.
  15. It's not just that, you remeber after the theater shooting in colorado how movies would check purses and other bags? Well about a year later I'd see dudes coming in with backpacks that weren't even checked at the door, across several different theaters and different staff most of the time. I predict a similar response here, with hotels barely checking bags a while after because sorting through undies to find something that won't be there gets old and staff largely won't give a ****. It sucks that people died and all, but nothing is going to change from this and public figures being sad is a ritual performance.
  16. That's exactly my point. Even if gun control would work it isn't going to happen and at most some law will pass that barely gets followed by underpaid hotel clerks. So we get condemnations and crying for a week and go back to business as usual until the next shooting happens in a month of two.
  17. I don't see what the big deal is tbh. These shootings happen all the time and at most there's a half-hearted attempt to improve secruity or push to view porn history to crack down on suspects. Shedding crocodile tears is a boring song and dance anyways.
  18. Why would you inflict such poor literature on anyone, let alone a child?
  19. It honestly should. National Socialism is a very dangerous ideology. I didn't think you of all people would be opposed to privatization and purging of unions.
  20. I think Leferd and Bruce were literally the only ones who expressed liking Hillary pre-election. Leferd I understood to a degree, Bruce...well, we all remember that, I'm sure. Agiel and Enoch as well I believe. There may have been some who voter for her besides those, but before the conventions only those four were particularly #withher, and I may be wrong about Enoch.
  21. I posted that before I read your comment, and frankly it's more uninspired navel gazing that can't see beyond a Trump v Clinton conflict. There were maybe 4 confirmed Clinton voters in these threads and I wasn't one of them. The idea that everyone who dislikes Trump itt is a butthurt clinton supporter with #theresistance is false and quickly dispelled by looking through the old threads or bothering to critically read posts. Well it has more to do with you being an illiterate reprobate, but whatever you need to tell yourself fam.
  22. And now you've spewed three more paragraphs white knighting for the President of the United States of all people. Let him take it like a man and stop defending his honor on an obscure videogame forum with maybe 3 or 4 Clinton supporters.
  23. Yeah, it's mostly the internet, plus global warming. Just speaking of hurricanes in the Caribbean (and potentially hitting mainland USA) alone, we'd get tropical storms and hurricanes every year in the past, but usually weaker ones. Category 4s and 5s were a once a decade event. Now we're getting multiple cat 5s a year. It's bonkers! If cat 5s are now garden-variety hurricanes then I shudder to think what a once a decade hurricane will look like. Natural Disasters are just God's way of fixing his mistakes.So when is Israel getting hit?
  24. For not feeling the need to defend him you've put in a lot of words doing so. Anyways
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