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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm going to play both, but if I'm being honest getting very drunk beats them both.
  2. But if you die then who will operate your alts?
  3. Given the age of millennials, it's probably hitting the job market that caused the spike.
  4. I think liberalism world wide is quite different than classical liberalism. Classical liberalism seems to have been replaced by global neo-liberalism, what gets called liberalism now is mostly just social liberalism. But I'm not sure how American liberalism differs from say European liberalism. There is no social democrat presence in America aside from maybe Bernie Sanders, while there is some in Europe with Melenchon and Corbyn. Thus American liberalism or neo-liberalism with rainbows is the supposed left contrast to conservative liberalism or neo-liberalism with Jesus.
  5. Baldur's Gate 2 The problems are with no evil path and no good option to get to Spellhold. Namely I'd change interactions and ot with Irenicus to allow a path that allows you to side with him and unlock the power of Bhaal. I'd also provide at least one more option to side with some knights or whatever to shut down the Shadow Thieves. This would involve changing Bodhi from Irenicus' sister to just a very powerful vampire and signifigantly changing Irenicus' motivations, but it'd be worth it. Oh and Imoen wouldn't suddenly be revealed to be your sister. ToB would feature more narrative and less hack n slash with the 5 becoming 4 to avoid that begining fight.
  6. Korean Barbecue is awful though.
  7. And both points would be wrong since Gary Johnson isn't a Republican and doesn't smoke weed! He eats it... Well that's reason enough to strip in protest.
  8. He stripped because he thought Gary Johnson was a republican who smoked weed and not a libertarian.
  9. What is the difference between these chaps and the Black Bloc protesters? It seems to me that Antifa is kind of like Alt-Right, in that there are numerous groups that claim to be a part of it, some much worse than others. It also seems rather disorganized. Black Bloc is a tactic from the 80's, antifa is from 20's-30's Europe where fascists started getting into the government and leftists started fighting them. Today black bloc is the preferred tactic of the left and antifa is a catchall term for protesting reactionaries or part of a deep-state conspiracy to attack WoD.
  10. Flooded in, last night the street looked like a river. Still got power and internet and food.
  11. Is this the Deep State Antifa Death Squad edition?
  12. But atleast you're dry? From the rain yes, from my whiskey no.
  13. I am, but it's boring as **** being confined to the indoors.
  14. Chanters will start with some phrases chanter to allow quicker initial use of invocations, in addition to shorter and unified(in terms of time)phrases IIRC. I think a sort of "invocation mastery" that allows a reduced cast for a specific invocation would be a method to get Chanters using more of their active abilities, or perhaps a warrior chanter subclass that gains phrases with kills.
  15. That sounds like fun... What's up? Hurricane Harvey is on course to hit.
  16. I'm probably about to get flooded.
  17. No risk of abuse there! True freedom is cops gunning down anyone they say said something.
  18. Chicken soup with veggies. Not fancy but lots of protein and low calorie, plus it's fresh.
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