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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Best post. You preach no discrimination and equality with that mouth? Yes. What of it? Nothing, I'm starting to develop indifference to hypocrisy on this forum, but sometimes it resurfaces. Carry on. It's a joke, Sharp_one. I was completely serious.
  2. So Priests and Paladins have 5 class variations(6 for Paladin if you count Pallengia's if certain conditions are met) with no base class? I hope they do more to differentiate them then, like one unique spell per level and unique order abilities.
  3. I'd feel bad but anything bad happening to a redditor is good. I already struggle to tell the difference between Christie and a pig.
  4. With the NPC project mod they do, I can't remember the base game.
  5. We'd see a vastly different geopolitical landscape and development of theory. It's 240 years of alt history which makes it signifigantly harder to describe what would happen if say Germany won WW1.
  6. Outside of cleric/mage I think there's an argument to be made for mage/thief in terms of hitting x5 backstab with more skills or even F/M/T with it's versatility and synergy, but in general you can get what you need to out of fighters and thieves early enough that multiclassing is less optimal than a dual. I'll say that multi is certainly easier to play than dual in that you start off with the abilities you plan to use and there's no long segment where you're without crucial abilities, but after hitting the point where xp goes from exponential to linear those lost levels really start to hurt.
  7. I keep hearing things about the Poles that make me think they're the Mexicans of Europe. They've got hot women and drink a lot?
  8. I read some pamphlets and drank too much.
  9. 1.With spells and abilities being per encounter, will there be an adjustment to Chanters, Ciphers, and Monks resource building? 2.Will there be new types of weapons? 3.Do you intend for Expansions/DLC to raise the level cap beyond 20? 4.Will Accuracy, Deflection, and Stamina be influenced by class like PoE or will all classes have the same base values? 5.Will we get to fight a Leviathan?
  10. Could you send them to me when you finish? For personal use only of course.
  11. Yeah Silke has never cast that on me, at most she's thrown a sequencer with invisibility. Anyways I like the Revisions mods, although as Barti has said Item and Spell (I think) are currently rough and Kit Revisions was never finished. However I like KR just for new saving throw and thac0 tables and the revised proficency. Most content is bad and aside from Solaifein I can't think of any off-hand that adds a class combination that doesn't already show up. Ascension is essential, RR is good, and atweaks always shows up.
  12. Durance was great but GM felt out of place tbh. Apparently there was some kind of cut content where they interacted, but I'm butthurt we got GM instead of an Animancer companion, or at least a companion sympathetic to animancy in more depth than Pallengia or Kana.
  13. And who are these mysterious masters? Bilderberg? Nazis? Wall Street? Zionists? Aliens? Lizards? Sesame Street? Scrooge McDuck? He means the joos, probably reffered to vaguely as "the elites". Or maybe the COMMUNIST COMPUTER GANGSTER GOD. In either case expect to be told to wallow in your ignorance or linked to a youtube video if you don't think either controls the world.
  14. Johnson's a moderate Right-Libertarian, that's not very close to the "center" or even the relative American "center". Hillary was in the "center" because she embodied the status quo ideals of liberal democracy. Macron is similar and if you look at their positions you'll notice striking similarities.
  15. Beyond the political spectrum into the phantom zone of European Social Democrats. How was Hillary center? Look at her political positions and compare them to Macron.
  16. We already had a "Radical Center" candidate in the form of Hillary Clinton. She lost.
  17. It's obvious why Obama hates the UK. He's in on the Hibernian Conspiracy.
  18. You want to copy Sweden now do ya? We've been doing that since the 70's! I've mentioned it before, but still; Started as a DNA database for research, was used by the police to identify the killer of a politician, and now they're looking into actually allowing police to use it, and private insurance firms aswell. Good stuffs. And you people laughed when I told you we were living in a cyberpunk dystopia. Here's something about lazy truckers not pulling hard enough on their bootstraps
  19. Wonder how many of them would bring their guns with them and have them readily available from the field. I always play baseball with a rifle over my shoulder and a revolver in my waistband.
  20. Probably pissed over that speech Scalise gave to white nationalists in 2002. So much for the tolerant left. Guess we're more spying to preserve liberty or something. Fake news cuck, the alt-right is a movement of peace.
  21. It Comes At Night. A heartwarming film about family you should watch.
  22. Bumping for last call. Have a 50: TYRANNY-TTA5ORIWYQVN-50
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