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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The destruction of the state and reorganization under non-hierarchial confederates where automation handles most labor. Okay Genghis.
  2. There's a bug that occasionally fires on my PC where the first word or two of dialogue is skipped. It's extremely annoying when it happens, but thankfully seems to be rare. True. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85015-voice-over-dialog-in-shreds/ That happens to me in the cyoa sections.
  3. Well the last update was 3 weeks ago so I'd like something, particularly more info on sea monsters we know will be in Deadfire if that ingame book was anything to go by.
  4. Under the new reality we are born multiple times.
  5. We're gonna get on a watch list when you go supreme gentleman aren't we?
  6. No introduction needed. Get to fighting over Trump.
  7. There's some bad blood given his comments in some interviews, I doubt he's going to be working with Obsidian for any future projects.
  8. Considering we already know the ship is our base, and you start with the ship, I don't see this happening. Though I suspect getting to the first main city will be much faster than it was in Eternity 1. I could see the party hitting port at that city after the prologue, perhaps with an Irenicus Lair size path of content before. It certainly would make sense to head straight to that city from Dyrwood and recruit some party members and crew in terms of pacing and narrative.
  9. Closer to Viciona, which has an even stranger fan base that BruceVC is a part of. How so? They've both got white hair, but beyond that I don't see any real similarity. That said, I see even less similarity to Aerie. They're both sexy elf chicks with questionable morals from a relatively strange place. One thing I liked about BG2 is starting in the major city and moving out from there. I hope PoE2 dumps us close to whatever the major city is called and we have that as a backdrop instead of some backwoods village or a dumb keep.
  10. Closer to Viciona, which has an even stranger fan base that BruceVC is a part of.
  11. ...Avoiding impropriety? This is Trump we're talking about: I'll be surprised if he doesn't initially try one of his sons, Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, or even Putin himself. Alex Jones in charge of the FBI would be awesome.
  12. There's no class like a BG pure class thief or bard, so you should be fine on most difficulty settings. Those you listed are good, Fighter will deal consistent melee damage and have high survivability, Paladins get auras for allies and support abilities as well as a smite attack that deals fire damage, and Rangers have access to one of the greatest weapons in the game in addition to having the best modals for damage and a pet.
  13. What if one of the companions gets kidnapped and players must go rescue them. Then while on their journey, another party member is unmasked to be a traitor and surprise attacks the party! Upon their death it is revealed that an evil cipher placed them under a permanent Whisper of Treason spell, but now you have an extra party slot for the soon-to-be-rescued member. Naaaah, such a flimsy idea will never sell Funnily enough I think the original idea was that the companion who are referencing who was to be rescued was to die, making the whole rescue her plot redundant and quite frankly crap in my opinion (forcing the player to go on a rescue in the first place, only to swipe the goal at the last second and leave you with nothing...) They changed it quite late when they finally twigged it would have been a rubbish idea, but that is why she barely has any lines once you rescue her. Well at least that would have saved us from Imoen Romance mods.
  14. Excuse you, hearing "can't wait to count out your coin" from every 3rd bandit was the highlight of Skyrim.
  15. 1. Precision. Clunky, but better than bond. 2+3. I think it's fine how if is. We've currently got a 3/3/5 split in resources and I don't see any of the 5 working as a class that has to build up resource. Maybe Ranger builds off Pet damage but that seems clunky. Personally my biggest issue with classes is the values for accuracy, deflection, and stamina. Those should be determined by attributes and level, especially with a multiclass system to avoid dips for accuracy and deflection boni and certain permutations having higher stamina (all other factors equal).
  16. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks. I wonder if there's a limit to the quote block, anyone care to help me test it? seeing as it is the most compelling question heretofore birthed by the thread... Do we have any black members in this forum, anyway ? yes Are there enough to hit the quote block limit?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hmrMnXHugY Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks. I wonder if there's a limit to the quote block, anyone care to help me test it? Let's do it.
  18. Well I came out with 2 As and a B so far looking to get another A on Wednesday. So to celebrate I drank way too much whiskey and am quite drunk. Any recommendations on a good rum or vodka or even a whiskey(preferably irish) for me to get next?
  19. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris. Oh the perpetuation of quote blocks.
  20. I love my girlfriend. I am objectifying "my girlfriend". Just to be clear. I use blue text when I'm just screwing around. I realize objectification isn't about de-ghosting people. Yeah that's something else all together. That's probably clever, but I don't get it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ego_and_Its_Own
  21. I love my girlfriend. I am objectifying "my girlfriend". Just to be clear. I use blue text when I'm just screwing around. I realize objectification isn't about de-ghosting people. Yeah that's something else all together.
  22. Tomorrow is 3/4 finals and I'm getting drunk off my ass cuz my last ain't until wendsday.
  23. 1. No. A Rogue still relies on sneak attacks and status conditions while the Ranger relies on using the critter. Classes should have abilities that are different enough that they are differentiated that way. 2. Possibly, but that depends on whether or not there's plenty of passive abilities to choose from. You could build a Fighter packed with passives and only hit the Accuracy or Defense boost ability they have when it wears off. 3. Agreed. 4. I don't see how, but that's going to rely more on encounter design than resource management.
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