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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If you changed classes, recognition of this change. Like if the PC went from Cipher to Wizard, Eder might comment on their mind powers powers being gone or Aloth being surprised the PC os using a grimore. Just fluff but would be fairly interesting. Recovery of special spells, like Concelhaut's Draining missles. Pallengia romance narrated by Josh Sawyer and the Joshengia portrait. Talents and spells for warrior wizards, like +×% damage after hitting with a spell and a spell that adds properties to weapons instead of conjuring new ones.
  2. I'm guessing the PoE backer stuff and the Orlan Baby will transfer. Souldbound stuff probably not, but maybe certain pets or something. And obviously the Disapointer should come. I'm unclear on what stat stuff doesn't transfer though, I think we're going to get to select a new starting class and attribute allocation, but background, race, and sex are not going to be changed. Is that about right?
  3. Trump seemingly goes for modest changes to NAFTA
  4. The better question should be who is dumb enough to buy a product (or candidate) based solely on an ad? Enough that they're still doing it. And I wish you would go back to reddit.
  5. I'm betting a lot of it is searching for transseuxal prostitutes(given the apparent spike in demand for the Republican convention) and wikipedia articles.
  6. "Pen1s enlargement procedures" gives me a phantom pain, I shudder to think of the specfics.
  7. Instead of cinematic scenes like some other games, sex should be that storybook thing they did with scripted interactions. With Josh narrariting and supplying the sound effects.
  8. In BG my biggest sink was spell scrolls, they could have sold grimores in PoE to learn spells from, but IIRC in PoE2 Wizards will only know 2 spells per level with Grimores covering the rest. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing some of the best equipment in merchant stock, like a collector of rare goods having soulbound weapons or something. Would give us something to spend our money on anyways.
  9. Because she was the worst class in the game Please. Max out Immunity and Shield Boost, and Ashley Williams is a ****ing combat beast. And she doesn't make you want to blow your own head off from sheer boredom, which is nice. The elevator rides already did that and I just took Garrus and Wrex anyways.
  10. Because she was the worst class in the game and Kaidan could do the ME equivalent of picking locks.
  11. I think they kept it vague to fuel donations and speculation on the forums. Ydwin and Xoti are waifubait and that Godlike chanter is husbando material straight out of a romance novel. The one eyed kraken.
  12. Never heard of them. Guess they had no future.
  13. You don't like Wrex, or even.... Garrus??!?!!??!? You monster!!!No seriously, Garrus was one of the best things about Mass Effect I don't know how you got through that series without liking the guy. Hey, I said I did still like them! Just found them to also be horribly obnoxious, and in some cases (Liara, Zaeed, Jack) not likable either, to the extent that I would leave some on a certain planet to die horribly while shouting my name... Having said that, none of them were particularly deep or well-written characters in my opinion. They were actually usually little more than exposition dumps with some cool catchphrases thrown in. It is easy to love Ydwin when other female companions are masculine ones. You are playing a party of serial killers. I don't see a cute anime girl in there without being a monster in a disguise. I thought being a monster in disguise was a prerequisite to being a cute anime girl? Or my exgf.
  14. Yeah. It looks like a cool game but it just slows down at that point and RL stuff gets in the way of playing video games. I'm just now replaying Pillars for the first time and it seems a lot smoother than before. Maybe I'll quit after the riot but so far I'm enjoying myself.
  15. I wish Iron Fist was outright bad, but it's just boring and mediocre so you keep pressing on hoping something will happen. It certainly falls apart near the end and Danny acts like an idiot throughout, but it's never bad enough to say "**** it" and turn off the TV.
  16. I have a code and would like to collect spares and sell them for $5 a pop. Whiskey ain't cheap.
  17. Wait, if it's bad devs bother with "communicating with the players to see what they want", awful and pathetic idda that it is, does that mean the guys mad that party size is only 5 will shut up?
  18. Because of the way Deadfire will be balanced with per encounter abilities, I'm in favor of no pre-buffing and utility magic being a scripted interaction thing. Though perhaps allow buffing when an enemy is sighted, so there are advantages to complete party stealth than first strike.
  19. It's hiding away from here where it can't be corrupted.
  20. Unified base values for Deflection and Accuracy, with Resolve and Perception having a bigger impact. Wizards getting Arcane veil as their class feature instead of Arcane Assault. At least 4 powers per Power level for Ciphers, compared to the two for 7 and 8. Rogues being good. Chanters being reworked so you can actually get Invocations off before the encounter is over. Also a rework of Phrases/Invocations, where Phrases have no level and Invocations follow the same level path of Spells and Powers(I-X, assuming progression works like PoE). A rework of weapon damage with a formula: Weapon Damage = [((((Base Damage)*Quality)*Talents/Abilities)*Might)]+Lash*[((((Base Damage)*Quality)*Talents/Abilities)*Might)]. A soulbound katana with a quest to defeat a shapeshifting master of darkness who sends you into the future. The talking weapon being Durance's soul bound in a blunderbuss and shouting obscenities or making lewd jokes. Attribute points every X level(s).
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