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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. There's more with the way they calculate investments and a delay on counting pledges. Not to mention they'll continue increasing the total with slacker backers(or whatever they'll call it) and PayPal which I believe a lot of our European or Australian friends use. I'll be impressed if they hit 5 mil, but I'd say there's an extremely good chance of hitting 4.5 mil.
  2. I just stream or download stuff. Let's be honest, almost everyone has and no one pays for that stuff.
  3. I'll do all 3, the People's Republic of California is pushing transexual surgery for poor people in order to further the National Bolshevik agenda of pushing middle class white families off the beach. Will not accept anything but academic sources or Breitbart as evidence against this.
  4. It's a treatment of last resort for people diagonsed by multiple health professionals. Honestly if it wasn't for muh tranny degeneracy and something like say treating bipolar disorder or whatever then we wouldn't have had 3 pages about it. And to get down to brass tacks, trans are like what, less than 1 percent of the population? So a minority of that percent that is too extreme to treat with the various other treatments and the minoroty of that minoroty who works for the California goverment will have their treatment paid for in their benefits package. As far as **** being done by state governments, I find this much less of an issue than paying for cops to harass people or the payrolls of elected officals to **** hookers have meetings with various corporate interests, both in magnitude and taste.
  5. How, if at all, are chanters and ciphers going to be changed with the move to per-encounter abilities with empower(or whatever the per rest resource is)? There was a thread on the forums about how the "evil" actions netted more permanant attribute bonuses than "good" actions for quests. Will there be an attempt to balance this out, not taking into account powergaming for all attribute bonuses? IIRC, the weapon group Knight in PoE had one weapon less than the other groups, will you add a new weapon in to balance this? Will we be able to the starting class for companions with two base class options, like select whether Eder is a rogue or fighter? Multiclassing will result in a class power level that is roughly class level + ((char level-class level)*. IIRC. For spellcasting classes will this affect spell slots and spell level, so that a 10Fighter/10Wizard has the same amount of spells as an 18 Wizard? Or will it just affect caster level? With a level cap of 20 will we see 10th level spells? If there is an expansion, will 20+ be similar to the epic levels of D&D 3.x with epic feats and such?
  6. Even if it literally costs a fraction of a cent to you, as an individual taxpayer? It's the principle. If it costs a penny, I WORKED for that penny. I earned it. Every dollar someone gets without working for someone else worked for without getting it. I'm glad that your principles are so important to you that you feel personally offended if a fraction of a cent of your tax money goes toward helping people who have been diagnosed by multiple licensed professionals who agree that their symptoms literally can't be alleviated in any other way. I mean, those fancy-ass psychiatrists might consider the treatment to be necessary, but by God, you worked an entire fraction of a second* for that money, you really had to pour your blood and sweat into it, so you definitely know better than those parasites who never worked an honest day in their entire lives! (The intense study required to successfully complete pre-med, followed by four years of med school, followed by three to eight years of residency technically doesn't count as work.) *Based on average annual income data for electrical engineers, assuming two weeks of vacation, it takes 0.78 seconds of work for one to gain a penny. And we're not even talking about an entire penny, just a small fraction of that! I wasn't planning on justifying this nastiness with a response but what the hell. I am feeling combative today. Reading this you make it sound as if I have some problem with gender reassignment as a valid medical treatment. I don't. I couldn't care less either way. If someone thinks this will make them happy and a doctor and psychiatrist agree then by all means go for it. But lets not confuse this with what health insurance is supposed to be about. Health insurance is about keeping people alive and healthy. It is not intended for "elective" things like this, or a nose job, or a boob job. And yes they are all the same kind of thing. I'm more than happy to provide tax money to pay the salaries and benefits of public servants but this is not a liver transplant, or a broken bone repair we're talking about here. This is personal elective procedures that are no one's problem or business but the patient and the cost of which should be borne by the patient. If it was my son or daughter and this is what they needed to be happy I'd pay as much or all of it if I could. But I nor anyone else OWES that to anyone. We're not talking about a boob job though, we're talking about people who have been diagnosed by multiple authorites and that the surgery is in the authorities opinion the only treatment that will work. It's not like some guy woke up and wanted to get his **** chopped off for ****s and giggles, it's mlre akin to treating a schizo who is a danger to themselves.
  7. What about Dungeon Siege or the Pathfinder card game?
  8. Like the city and glad we got level 20 and more islands. Don't like the idea of sidekicks, we already have 7 companions and presumably adventurers we can create and this seems a poor substitute to both. Probably the only stretch goal that doesn't do anything for me.
  9. Slavoj Zizek should be the only romance option in the game.
  10. Yeah, but dark haired women are a dime a dozen. I wonder what genetic mix produces a platinum blonde?
  11. Durance also had terrible stats and the replcement mercenary I created made the PotD playthrough much easier, but that was true of all companions. Anyways yeah give us some weirdos, but besides Jan most of those BG characters listed are 1 note wonders that don't give much more than a NPC with a voiceset. Torment was also a much weirder setting and I don't see ancient alien battlemages or aetheist succubi who aren't evil or a floating skull that wants to bang zombies fitting in.
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