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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You should if you can. I like the winter seasonal, but Rocket Fuel and Intellectuale are pretty good. I dunno, my can bias comes from having some really bad experiences with canned stout. 8th wonder's cans don't bother me so much, but it seems like most canned beers I try taste like metal. Plus I like the feel of the glass. Anyways I'm 25 tomorrow and going to drink heavily tonight so I can be a lazy **** on Sunday.
  2. Positives of canned? Glass is where it's at m8. You ever try 8th wonder beers?
  3. In the US college degrees are HS diploma 2.0 and outside of STEM or Law do more to get you a job than represent any real knowledge. This isn't to say that you won't learn anything in those classes, but if we are being honest business degrees don't teach you **** and things like Liberal Arts degrees(rare as they are) or whatever aren't going to apply to any job you're likely to get. So we move into the area of self-education. Personally I've leanred more reading on my own than I have in any classroom, the majority of which I've found lacking tbh. Perhaps that just comes with the territory of the degree I'm pursuing, but that is what my experience has been. But I'm willing to be most people don't try to self-educate, because taking care of a kid while working a 40 hour a week job sucks up most of their time. I'm too hungover to put much more thiught into this, but higher education costs too much and teaches too little and you should be doing some reading if you have the time.
  4. Well Sportacus turned Lazy Town into **** so I might as well move.
  5. Looks to me they're considering it a hate crime because he was white as well. I'm more upset a kid got tortured than what specific reason his torturers got charged with a hate crime for, but I guess that makes me a nazi sjw or something.
  6. It seems like that is your answer. You had the power all along.
  7. Well it's been 2017 for about 2 hours and I'm drunk and tired but can't go to sleep. Gonna try not to wake up the girl and see if there's anything left to drink.
  8. I believe in you too, my neutral friend. Liberated alcohol is the best alcohol.
  9. It would appear I'm behind you in time and ahead of you in drinking. I'll probably drunk post here randomly throughout the night.
  10. I've drinking whiskey and rum since I woke up.
  11. Two private entities hold a duopoly on elected officials. Neither candidate would change this because they benefit from this. The results of this are lawmakers and executives being directly beholden to private interests and the judicial system being indirectly beholden. Which means the citizen votes for an interchangeable stooge and no real choice exists.
  12. Liberal salt aside, you do realize that the system is set up that way so that the States can get better representation. I have no idea what any of that has to do with what I wrote. Did a gentleman from Israel bully you into drinking again?
  13. Well it doesn't matter regardless of legality because he didn't run, in the same way it doesn't matter that Hillary would have won if the US elected by popular vote or that Bernie would have beat Trump by winning working-class votes in swing states or that the state is cancer and democratic confederalism is better. Because that isn't reality and reality is we've got Trump as president-elect(with the "-elect" dropping in less than a month) and a system designed to protect the interests of the ruling class.
  14. Saw this when I walked into the gym. Year ain't quite over yet.
  15. It's a good idea actually. We'll cut out gubbermint jobs and use the newly unemployed gubbermint workers to do the same thing but much cheaper, and hire out newly unemployed people to work for private firms to replace workers who may be asking for a raise, thus creating a steady supply of low-wage labor to circumvent the tyranny of minimum wage and worker's rights. If you disagree with me you're an evil statist who hates freedom.
  16. I drank rum and took a nap. Make a tap pouring out words into a book being read by a scholarly gentleman.
  17. I'm wondering if New Year's Eve will see the death of several major people. Like Noam Chomsky, Iggy Pop, Francis Ford Coppola, Jean-Luc Godard, and more just die on the same day. Would be one hell of a send off to such a **** year.
  18. Heavy metals present in large, long-lived fish won't kill you overnight either. And yet, no one will dispute that mercury and lead are toxic when ingested. More or less the same is true of trash food. Build a diet based on it and it will kill you. Be it kidney failure, cardiovascular accident or whatever, you won't even need to put on much weight -- that **** is bad for you. A certain kind of food that you cannot eat regularly and maintain your health is, by definition, unhealthy. That's even without getting into the calorie balance. There's also the -potentially greater- indirect public health problems caused by this industry. Systematically pumping livestock full of antibiotics has been for some time now known to produce antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are not only difficult to deal with in cattle, but also dangerous to humans if/when they make the jump. But I digress. The ketogenic diet is more or less meat-based; you could build it around cheeseburgers, and you would be fine. A diet based on McD's garbage? Not so much. I like meat as much as anyone, and I eat homemade cheeseburgers and steaks several times a week. I'm as healthy as can be (something something colon cancer risk) judging by the results of my last checkup. I'm by no means a diet fundamentalist. But trash food has more than earned its appellative, and it's not (just) because of the high calorie content. The "it's fine as long as you don't overdo it" line is bull. Drug pushers everywhere use it. And by the way, the food pyramid is a scam. It was fabricated by agricultural lobbies back in the 70's in collusion with the USDA and a few mercenary "academics". You should not be eating 10 ****ing servings of bread a day. The obesity epidemic today? The food pyramid is at the root. One question, have u seen the actual size of a "serving size"? Hell im not even a fatass and serving sizes are like lil kid snacks, not even big enough to fill one of them up, **** I eat something I'm eating SEVERAL serving sizes just normally eating something. Hell a full plate of spaghetti would be the "6-11 serving sizes" of bread ya need Yeah, and it's just compounded with unhealthy cooking methods and **** like numbers said. I love bread, but I try to eat it whole grain when I do and go for rice and beans for my carbs instead because they fill me up more for roughly the same calorie content. ****'s ****ed man.
  19. My diets good but it seems everything out there is hugely unhealthy. I dunno, I know guys who ballon despite no obvious health problems and decent exercise so I have to assume that it's something with the food, but their diet is seemingly good.
  20. Normally it'd be a day off, but seeing as it's happening on a Sunday it isn't for me. So I'm just going to drink and see if any non-christian girls want to hook up. Oh and I'm 25 two weeks after which makes me feel old and start regretting a lot of decisions.
  21. True freedom is abolishing the age of consent.
  22. It's not A because you need permits and stuff before you can sell food.
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