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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. But don't we already give up our freedom and individuality to private entities as is? Think about it, in America(and much of the West, I assume) it's likely everything you own was purchased by loan of some sort and can be confiscated and you already give up most freedom by signing agreements to use an ipod or get spied on using the internet. We don't start being more free when you swap the state with Google or your bank or whoever does the same thing we're freaking out about the state potentially doing. As I stated previously, post-privacy is the present and I don't really see much of a difference between google harvesting my information and the state doing it, if anything google is worse because the US government is so inept they'd probably raid my ex's house while Google would make sure my bank account gets drained and I get hit with a **** load of fines because I did something illegal once. And my porn history is much worse and you should apologise to TN for saying he likes Mass Effect.
  2. Classless, skill based with perks/feats/whatever. Too often classes are somewhat basic and as a result we get lots of fighter subtypes before you factor in multiclassing, kits, or PrCs. It's not perfect and probably not as many cool unique abilities as a well-designed class system, but it's more flexible and allows me to build a character or party that's more interesting.
  3. I'd be willing to do that, Orsovir said something about that the last time he ppsted some weird ****. But I'm honestly curious to how Pokemon is an "African/Asian Sexual Fantasy" and how teenage wrestlers fit into this. Did I wake up in Ancapistan or something?
  4. If you watch it while slightly drunk and went in expecting a war movie it's good. The day after and slightly more sober, I can't really remember much about it. No particularly memorable character(aside from the Droid) and I can't really remeber their names. I thought it was fun, but I also think throwing dynamite at deathclaws is fun so maybe I'm easily entertained. What I said about Donnie Yen stands, he should have destroyed the entire empire with his fists.
  5. Rogue One. Better than TFA and the prequels. It was fun, and I think the more grim atmosphere fit a Star Wars without the Jedi struggling against an unbeatable foe. Liked how it ended, mostly so we wouldn't be looking for Jin or the spanish dude in the later movies. Was creepy to see characters from IV, but Jimmy Smits was a nice touch. Only major issue is that Donnie Yen should have been able to blow up the Death Star with his fists, so much for Star Wars being realistic.
  6. This is why I try to make sure whoever's watching is creeped out too. That's disgusting and I do the same thing.
  7. Post-privacy is the present, unless you're behind seven proxies at all times or don't use the internet (I feel comfortable saying these are very small groups) your data is constantly being collected by various entities and being used to sell you **** or advertise to you. I suppose some will argue it's ok because it's not the government doing it, but personally I'm just as creeped out with google looking at my porn history as I am the NSA.
  8. Undertale? :D (just kidding...mostly, since it's not really an RPG in the usual sense, and also because most people seem to have little to no interest in it due to its horrible, horrible fanbase and maybe it trying "too hard" in some respects, while not trying hard enough in others: still probably the best game I played this year, though) While I liked Undertale, I'm thinking more of what I thought PoE was going to be(not to be confused with what it actually was).
  9. "Robots are going to take care of all the work and post-scarcity combined with durable or reusable things means we don't have to deal with constantly buying ****." - summary of idealistic opinion
  10. I'd like a reactive single player RPG in any setting, but I like single player RPGs and reactivity.
  11. I remeber getting yelled at by a hysterical liberal that the far-left ruined Hillary getting elected because they voted for Stein(or some minor candidate) or stayed home. Nowhere did it occur to them that Hillary lost because she was **** or that if Donald was bull****ting about MAGA and worker's party then he was full of **** about the **** that triggered them. It's also funny thay 4 years ago this person was laughing at Romney for saying Russia was the US's greatest geopolitical enemy and would now happily nuke Russia because he believes Putin ruined his queen's coronation. Anyways this election was a farce and morals are a matter of perspective, voting for one shill over the other doesn't confer any moral euperiority.
  12. Does anyone? What did you say? And, to go even a step further, is the practice of fist-****ing not the exemplary case of what Deleuze called the "expansion of a concept?" The fist is put to a new use; the notion of penetration is expanded into the combination of the hand with sexual penetration, into the exploration of the inside of a body. No wonder Foucault, Deleuze's Other, was practicing fisting: is fist-****ing not the sexual invention of the twentieth century, a new model of eroticism and pleasure? It is no longer genitalized, but focused just on the penetration of the surface, with the role of the phallus being taken over by the hand, the autonomized partial object par excellence. And, what about the so-called Transformer or animorph toys, a car or a plane that can be transformed into a humanoid robot, an animal that can be morphed into a human or robot. Is this not Deleuzian? There are no "metaphorics" here; the point is not that the machinic or animal form is revealed as a mask containing a human shape but, rather, the existence of the becoming-machine or becoming-animal of the human, the flow of continuous morphing. What is blurred here is also the divide machine/living organism: a car transmutes into a humanoid/cyborg organism. And, is the ultimate irony not that, for Deleuze, the sport was surfing, a Californian sport par excellence if there ever was one? No longer a sport of self-control and domination directed towards some goal, it is just a practice of inserting oneself into a wave and letting oneself be carried by it.
  13. Probably not going to happen, more likely we get Knights of the New Republic or something in the vein of the new Battlefront when SWTOR finally gets the plug pulled.
  14. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/putin-russia-donald-trump-cia-investigation-fbi-hacking-jeremy-corbyn-brexit-prime-minister-no-10-a7472381.html So by the logic that Putin rigged the election and controls all electronic devices, apparently Putin is going to get Corbyn elected next. At this point I'm wondering if they'll step up their propoganda and claim he's a sorcerer like Thulsa Doom.
  15. Ok, let's say the Russians hacked the DNC and Podesta's e-mails and that Assange is a Russian asset or whatever line oddly evocative of Cold War propaganda is being said. Does that make the content of the leaked e-mails any less true or relevant? Well, it doesn't if we're being honest. I mean I guess it functions in getting people elected who are unaccountable to the will of their constituents, but I wouldn't call that a good thing.
  16. Would you kindly point to where this irrefutable evidence actually is. His feelings.
  17. 90% seems a little low, I'd go for 100% if I never had to read "le" again. RIP me. ...Although, to be fair, I also think reddit is a garbagehole in most respects...and only use it for sports discussion and smaller communities. Reddit the community and reddit "the front page of the internet" sucks pretty bad, so I can see why people don't like it in general. Ok then, 99% and the 1% left can help purge the rest of the userbase. I hate the sense of humor that permeates the place and it's a bitch to navigate. It seems like someone purposefully made the worst forum they could have imagined and filled it with people too edgy for most forums but too timid for chans.
  18. 90% seems a little low, I'd go for 100% if I never had to read "le" again.
  19. Apparently you can grind Karaga's Palace for CXP, will probably do that after finals with my guild amd hope they don't nerf it. Ranked is supposed to give 700 for a loss ajd 1k for a win, so of that's popping it'll be a decent way to get CXP.
  20. I haven't had much for the last few months but I'm going to start drinking again just so this thread has some resistance. Started drinking Exotico tequila after having it in a Sunrise at Torchy's Tacos and found it was really good. Since finals are over on Tuesday, I plan to hit a liquor store and load up on enough alcohol to get me good and drunk for a few days and am gonna get Exotico, some whiskey(preferably Irish), and maybe some rum or stout for light drinking. Tonight I'm gonna down some Kilbeggan I've got and see how that goes.
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