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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18qD9hmU9xg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3bBreSgaik
  2. Well then they got beaten to it by someone else a long time ago. It's shorter than "reactionaries who spend too much time on twitter and are obssesed with cuckolding".
  3. Well if someone's already posted Zizek half my work is done. The other half is pointing out that the Frankfurt School's "Cultural Marxism" was bitching about how Capitalism will devalue culture and produce crap, which AAA games and Romcoms sort of prove I guess. The "Cultural Marxism" of (insert whatever SJW is currently triggering the alt-right)that is producing content for countless youtube videos and opinion articles to rave against is the product of social liberals raiding literature for cool words that make their empty lectures and opinion articles seem to have more content than they do. If it's a Marxist scheme to destroy capitalism, then it looks like Marxism-Leninism isn't the most ineffective leftist ideology after all. Makes me wonder if the Internet was worth it. The ability to order food without talking to people and have access to free porn is definitely worth it.
  4. I had no idea who McMullin was. After searching him, it seems he's Mormon Marco Rubio without the hot wife and possible closet occupancy.
  5. Yeah, give them to me so I can waste it on hookers and blow.
  6. Hyperbole. Ok, looking at your statement again you only implied a million illegal voters. I'm sure that's more reasonable. It's at least twice as reasonable!
  7. The bible has some screwy stuff in it; might be best if they don't read it. Come on, the Old Testament is a fantastic guide to living. After all, what would we do without Strong Family Values? Surely everything would descend into gibbering chaos as the last light of virtue and beauty gets extinguished by the nihilist and decadent intelligentsia as they reshape the world to mirror the emptiness that is within their hearts I don't see how that's a bad thing. bu-bu-but western culture and civilization fades away and surely nothing worthwhile could possibly follow it because it's rooted in the deepest truths of the human experience Muh western culture got a bullet a long time ago and larping with statues or paintings isn't going to change that. We've been living in the new world of Global Capitalism for a while, we're not going back, and all the issues blamed on muh browns or muh degeneracy are only going to get worse as a certain class finds itself more entrenched and powerful.
  8. The bible has some screwy stuff in it; might be best if they don't read it. Come on, the Old Testament is a fantastic guide to living. After all, what would we do without Strong Family Values? Surely everything would descend into gibbering chaos as the last light of virtue and beauty gets extinguished by the nihilist and decadent intelligentsia as they reshape the world to mirror the emptiness that is within their hearts I don't see how that's a bad thing.
  9. What happened to the left? Cointelpro, the retreat into cloistered academia, and lesser-evil acceptance of liberals.
  10. I'm glad those guys are doing so much to protest someone who kills brown people with drones and is doing record deportations while ****ing over workers to appease corporate interests. Oh wait they're not protesting what Obama is currently doing, but what Trump might do. Never mind.
  11. The bible has some screwy stuff in it; might be best if they don't read it. Come on, the Old Testament is a fantastic guide to living.
  12. Things will get worse and it will be fantastic if we have a global crash that devestates the working class in the west while the bourgeoisieelite come out enriched.
  13. The interesting thing with Fascism, is it is basically socialism without the obsession with equality. You're kidding, right? Well Hitler may have privatized a lot but he said some stuff about the common weal and taking care of countrymen so close enough.
  14. I'll be honest, I'd pretend to be triggered if it got me an extension on an exam or paper. Possibly, similarly to how Corbyn may have secretly voted for Brexit because the EU wouldn't like him socialising rail. The most likely scenario is that his supporters didn't vote Clinton, with most staying home if the numbers posted are to be believed. In any case a purge of liberal elements, like Corbyn will do to the Blairites, and the seizure of the Democratic Party by proto-socdems would be hilarious.
  15. Then I'd just spam Bernie and tell you it didn't have to be like this.
  16. Either you know something we don't, or you're confusing the Trump women. Yeah, 'twas a mixup. Shows one shouldn't try to write jokes after an all-nighter. Trump plowed his daughter.
  17. On October 8th 2017 we will have something better.
  18. You forgot that people that didn't vote, also vote for Trump. Except if you live in area where Clinton won, then you voted for Clinton if you didn't vote for Trump. That was the first group listed m8. Anyways it looks like Clinton may have won the popular vote. This just gets better and better.
  19. So apparently you voted for Trump if you didn't vote, voted for Stein, voted for Johnson, or voted some other minor party candidate. I guess the election really was rigged of there were this many options for Trump but only one for Hillary.
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