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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well it seems my mara gets his ass kicked in wzs. To be fair I was being focused by 4 different toons(who I assume were dps, hard to tell without stances), but he felt squisher than usual. Right now it doesn't feel the same. Ravage is now a meh filler, Gore seems kind of a letdown(should be affected by that ability that refunds rage and maybe deal 5-10% more damage, it's over 20% lower base than Furious Strike atm and I don't think that 100% AP will consistently make up that difference), and now I've got three things modifying a proc that should be two at the most imo. On the plus side the AP windows won't get blown trying to pull off a Ravage I guess. Not sure what to make of the other classes yet, the Op cleave looks dumb despite being more effective and the Vigilance Dispatch replacement feels kinda unnecessary(should've done something with Riptose instead imo). New loot system is dumb, the ease of PVP gearing was great and this will make it a pain in the ass. Only clear positive is the removal of those damn data crystals.
  2. Looks like Donald was serious about Mitt getting down on his knees after all.
  3. http://inthesetimes.com/article/19677/the-left-fidelity-castration-slavoj-zizek-fidel-castro-cuba-che-communism More Zizek.
  4. Zizek is a god damn god. Fidel was a nationalist who overthrew the US backed Batista. His opposition to capitalism was one of opprtunism to gain the support of the USSR. But yes, his choices after taking power were either be the bad guy or get killed and let Batista 2.0 take over.
  5. Given the track record of the US, the alternative was getting replaced by a CIA puppet dictator. Sort of like Batista(who Castro overthrew) or Pinochet. While I wouldn't say Castro was good in the sense of being ideologically close to my ideal or good in practice, it's hard to imagine the alternative that wasn't as bad or worse.
  6. I wonder if he'll still get in twitter fights when he's officially in office?
  7. Honestly if she swindled the money out of Hillary supporters that would make it even better.
  8. Well I guess Fidel survived more assassination attempts than Tito, so that's something.
  9. Yeah, well. You might have a different view of what independence is worth if your country had just wrested it from a colonial power when the next one starts trying to annex you. I've spoken to a lot of Cuban expats and while their conditions were bad enough to force them to leave, none of them regarded annexation by the US as desirable. something something propaganda something something brainwashing Except US annexation was not going to happen. Ever. Look up the Teller Amendment. The US guaranteed Cuban independence. The only concession they took was the land the naval base at Guantanamo Bay now sits on. For someone who doesn't trust the US government you seem to place an awful lot of trust in them abiding by agreements and not changing them.
  10. Does this mean all the cubans in miami will finally go back?
  11. It's truly tragic and heinous what happened to her, and forgive me for seeming unsensitive but why is he labeled a neonazi and white supremacist? What labels as "source" material for this since they don't have any media and examples of him being one except for a stash of materials they don't tell us what, just label as neonazi material? Sorry, due to our media here, it looks like this heinous tragedy was done by someone very passionate about politics and took it to far and almost seems like the media is using a narrative to label this scum bag as something they can use as an example of "brexit racists". If that's what he had in his house, then it's not too much of a leap to assume he was a nazi. Certainly beyond reasonable doubt.
  12. Well if you guys want to invade poland you could probably pull it off woth five guys.
  13. From what I, likely erroneously, understand communities(aka communes) would collectively work out of self-interest to make sure the beans were harvested and processed and then shared with the community similarly to the primitive tribes of ancient times. Vague though to be fair Marx spent more time analyzing Capitalism and theorizing about revolution than he did laying out what communism look like. Today most leftists see communism as decentralized post-scarcity utilizing some sort of automation to do the bulk, if not the entirety, of the work. Of course Bakunin was right about Marxism and it will devolve into the ML state because the hierarchy enforced by states tends toward some form of private control.
  14. By the looks of it, this is a bunch of spoiled college kids(and a former MySpace phenomenon) celebrating an election, not the advance forces of Right Wing Death Squads. Pretty much the same people as those crying except they went to Stormfront and /pol/ to cry about personal problems instead of Tumblr or SA. If you think they're a big threat, grab some friends and pay them a visit. Anyways all idpol is cancer and you should be ashamed if you subscribe to it.
  15. While I'm not arguing for communism, I think it's interesting that you're arguing from a point of 10k years of history versus 2 million years .. Before agriculture, we speculate based on findings that personal properity was very very limited to a selcect few very personal items - and the tribe co-owned and shared all things. So in fact, it would be more accurate to to say that communism is human nature - and we have deviated greatly from the norm in the last 0,5% of human history. "Human Nature" is determined by material conditions, a man living in a post-scarcity society would not have the same "nature" as an otherwise identical man living in feudalism. Using it as an argument to say one thing is more natural than the other is dumb because natural is dependent on what the enviorment is. Blah blah muh culture blah blah commies blah blah watch this three hour molyneux video blah blah Anyways just invade Poland like any good German would, it's not like it's that hard anyways. No, human behavior is dictated by conditions. Human nature is what it is. The enrichment and care of our families and ourselves is always first. If I'm busting by ass growing beans only to get the same portion of beans as that jerk who sits on his butt all day doing nothing then sooner or later (probably sooner) I'm going to say "to hell with you guys, I'm going to go live somewhere else where I can get the benefit from all my hard work growing these beans". Human nature is nebulous jargon that doesn't mean anything. If you're just saying self-interest is motivation for most then leave the spooks out of it and say it plainly. I agree with your analogy by the way, but unfortunately the choice is between working your ass off to benefit some lazy jerk who somehow gets the product of your labor because he has a piece of paper that says he owns the land or starvation. Much as I wish I could simply move away, there are scarce few places on earth where a state isn't using its power to ensure the ruling class stays in power off the backs of everyone else. It's almost as if my self-interest is opposed to that of the lazy jerks.
  16. While I'm not arguing for communism, I think it's interesting that you're arguing from a point of 10k years of history versus 2 million years .. Before agriculture, we speculate based on findings that personal properity was very very limited to a selcect few very personal items - and the tribe co-owned and shared all things. So in fact, it would be more accurate to to say that communism is human nature - and we have deviated greatly from the norm in the last 0,5% of human history. "Human Nature" is determined by material conditions, a man living in a post-scarcity society would not have the same "nature" as an otherwise identical man living in feudalism. Using it as an argument to say one thing is more natural than the other is dumb because natural is dependent on what the enviorment is. Blah blah muh culture blah blah commies blah blah watch this three hour molyneux video blah blah Anyways just invade Poland like any good German would, it's not like it's that hard anyways.
  17. I fervently hope the right in Europe steamrolls over the sycophants that have no respect for their individual culture. Each country there is a treasure, not something to be sacrificed in the name of multiculturalism. Hrm, just out of curiosity, what would that sacrifice look like ? Heh, guess we are lucky here in Canada, can't really see much of a culture to put at risk You're right, there isn't much culture in Canada. Just look at your PM. There is in Europe though. Not even sure what that is to mean w.r.t. Trudeau. But even so, have to wonder what specifically multiculturalism will sweep away. Instead of poutine you'll have some other weird food that looks like ****.
  18. "ever think about how bad we had to **** up to create a world where robots taking all the jobs is somehow a bad thing?" All the time. It's a very bad thing under a sysyem where a small percentage effectively owns production and distribution with the rest being required to sell labor in some way for survival.
  19. If it's radical and anti-USA to support the American workers over the bourgeoisieparasites called "the 1%", then **** it I'm a hardcore anti-USA radical. Your friends on wall street are parasites whose insight into the US economy has nothing to do with standard of living and is far removed from the experience of the American laborer. But please, tell us how everything is fine because GDP increased while ignorong how real wages have stagnated and underemployment/unemployment have increased.
  20. "Everything's going just fine, shut up proles" - wealthy spawn of banker The west is shifting right because the economy is disintegrating with globalisation+automation(the natural evolution of capitalism) and the right is the only saying anything about it with the most radical of the political (reformist) left being castrated socdems too scared to challenge the status quo. There's no way to reverse the former and the latter would take a great fire that resurrects the corpse of the radical left. There's going to be some economic turbulence soon, and perhaps having right-populists in charge during it will be that fire. At any rate the coming years will be interesting.
  21. Yes it is a binary choice. Socialism isn't when the gubbermint does stuff, it's a mode of production where property, in the legal sense, does not exist. Capitalism is a mode of production where property exists and is enforced by the state. Markets, healthcare, regulations, education, or whatever have no bearing on this. Meh, what I've read about and from Jung isn't particularly great.
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