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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You mean the Austrian School that hates the Fed because muh praxeology or Monetarism which just wants to call the central bank something else? Ooh, I had no idea libertarian economics came from an outright rejection of empiricism. Wow. If you want to be extremely accurate, Libertarian economics come from Proudhon who was later pilfered by influenced Marx. What's called Libertarian today is just classical liberalism with the subjective theory of value slapped on and an edgy coat of paint.
  2. You mean the Austrian School that hates the Fed because muh praxeology or Monetarism which just wants to call the central bank something else? The printing of money should not be in the hands of private institutions making a profit for each debt created, but in the representative power (congress, house of representatives, sovereign, whatnot). Neither should money be tied to gold for the same reasons as it transfer the real power into people like Black Rock asset management or Soros. I haven't seen any real push for this on the agenda in this election. Well yeah, ain't no liberal going to bite the bourgeoisie. Chomsky was right about manufacturing consent and it's hilarious and depressing to see it in action.
  3. You mean the Austrian School that hates the Fed because muh praxeology or Monetarism which just wants to call the central bank something else?
  4. The Green Party tries to get in on debates and they're forced out every time.
  5. Stein will smite them with the power of Gaia.
  6. Tonight is the night we find out if Trump is a Clinton shill or if he is serious.
  7. If we're talking specfic: The lottery numbers for a 10+ million pot in a 2010, a list of people to avoid, see Bowie live of you can, and a good fitness routine. If we're talking more general advice: Keep your body lean, your blood clean, and your mind sharp.
  8. I know it's the Guardian, but **** it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database 57 people were killed in September 93 in August 84 in July 98 in June 86 in May 83 in April 100 in March 100 in February 87 in January Total so far: 788 Avg: 88 per month And judging at least from the stats from the guardian: Per Million 4.61 Black 3.4 Native American 2.34 Hispanic/Latino 1.93 White 0.73 Asian/Pacific Islander Total: 194 Black 13 Native American 130 Hispanic/Latino 383 White 13 Asian/Pacific Islander 55 Other/Unknown
  9. I don't see what **** size has to do with this thread.
  10. Because Epstein has ties to the Clintons too.
  11. http://www.dailywire.com/news/5556/7-things-you-need-know-about-trump-and-sex-slave-amanda-prestigiacomo
  12. Jill Stein has been empowered by Gaia and will push her opponents into a green inferno.
  13. I said I was voting for a commie jew and I'm voting for a commie jew whose convention was in my city. I mentioned she had a warrant for arrest in the election thread, but people were too busy responding to Bruce.
  14. I thought ancaps went to /liberty/? They are the most annoying though.
  15. Agree completely. But holy hell can you imagine the outrage? An entire presidential campaign built upon lies, ended abruptly due to health concerns or a corruption scandal, and then amidst the move to get a new candidate, the DNC says no to the beloved runner-up that's slaughtering Trump in the polls, instead opting for some new surprise candidate that hasn't had any time to campaign or win support? Would be an absolute ****storm. I hope that's what happens tbh.
  16. If Hillary's too sick to run then it looks like Bernie didn't have to use the icepick after all.
  17. I had a very tough half-day at work and did some class work. Went to a woman's house after I got cleaned up and things initially went very well but she froze up after we started moving forward. This is the second time in a week and I'm not sure if it's me or just bad luck.
  18. Actually they're closest to municipalism in the vein of Bookchin, which has it's roots in anarchism rather than Marxism.
  19. Last I looked almost 75% of America was fat (or at least overweight). That's pretty good evidence there's a good number of lazy burgers.
  20. Listening to this Link because album cover is borderline nsfw.
  21. Some athlete triggered cops by calling them **** so they're going to boycott his team's games.
  22. At this point whoever wins will generate a huge amount of butthurt in people I hate so this election is turning out to be real fun.
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