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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I have to agree, every time i've travelled over to the states i've noticed how much larger you people are. While drinking with some acquaintances back in the eighties I was nudged and told, "Your round!" I stood myself up foursquare and tall and said to the porcine gentleman, "No you're round friend, however i'll go and get the drinks in." Had rather a good laugh about it after he'd stopped chasing me, and had a sit down and a breather for half an hour. That's pretty offensive mate. But not wrong.
  2. There's a direct correlation between obsession with IQ and autism.
  3. I see no problem with any of that tbh.
  4. Who's the bigger nitwit, Trump Bruce or (we) the people who keep engaging with and/or insulting him? The people who engage him. It's clear by now he's either a troll or an idiot, either way it's a waste of time. Anyways someone on Trump's staff browses /pol/
  5. Hillary's gonna go for a male, likely hispanic, pick for VP. The Dems don't want Sanders people in office, even for a ceremonial position like VP. If any Sanders supporters are voting for Hillary they're doing it regardless of VP pick and those that won't aren't going to be swayed by a consolation prize.
  6. DNC shoots down Sanders' agenda for the platform Apparently Cornel West didn't take it too well. Hopefully we'll see Sanders jump ship from the Democratic Party, I know a significant amount of his supporters will.
  7. ok While I appreciate the joke, **** you for topping mine.
  8. Scotland gets FREEDOM! Ireland is finally united. Greece leaves and says **** off to debtors. Stock Markets crash, right populist parties fail badly. A wave of radical left parties are elected in Europe. Hillary Clinton mysteriously dies by an ice-pick and Bernie Sanders becomes President. Bankers are thrown into labor camps and all assets are seized across the world. Putin reveals himself to be Vladimir Lenin. The world goes full socialist NWO. The Gangster Communist Computer God reveals itself and takes control. In 1000 years humanity is genociding alien species. Mark my words, this will happen.
  9. Well, we have this cavalier tendency to tell you how to run your country every day of the week and twice on sundays, so I don't think anyone will hold it against you. However, if you are still uncomfortable, you can always do it like a boss a member of royalty, and frame it as a leading question. I reject the notion of countries altogether. Do you reject all spooks then?
  10. She wasn't very likable to begin so where is she getting all these votes? Idiots and Bernie supporters who "pressed the wrong button".
  11. I don't care about Snowflake Capitalism that could maybe be. I care about the Global Capitalism that is the economic order of the world, which is fundamentally globalist in nature. And why is that a problem because powerful private interests want to further their interests. That is what today's global capitalism is, if the EU would collapse tomorrow and with it all the trade stuff the same powerful private interests would simply construct a new organ system to protect and further their interests. As long as those private interests exist you're going to see such measures being pushed because it would be idiotic for them not to.
  12. Communist ideology is socialism mate. It seeks to spread socialism globally because it sees Capitalism as a global system, which it is. What you're describing is Capitalism being Capitalism. Its entire purpose is to grow wealth for the owners of production and the best way to do that is to move production to where it is cheapest and sell goods to as many markets as possible. The purpose of these recent T trade agreements and the EU is to provide a common set of standards that makes trade for these owners easier. It's about as communist as breaking into your neighbor's house to sniff her panties is, in that it isn't.
  13. I'm in the same camp but because I'm against globalism. It is communism for the capitalist elite and against the interests of nations, which cloaks itself in liberal policies that pretend or intent to do go but end up hurting the countries that have to obey those policies. So Global Capitalism is actually Communism? Bro you high or something?
  14. Guy who reported Omar to the FBI is a Muslim It all makes sense now.
  15. Beautiful. Bernie supporters will either try to coup democrats or jump ship to the Green(now Red) Party. At any rate mass hatred against the (neo)liberal system gets me hard.
  16. I honestly can't empathize because I grew up in the US since democracy(or popular sovereignty of you're a "'Murcia is a Reepubwic" guy) had been tossed out the back seat to make more room for private interests. I can certainly show sympathy though, the EU seems like a horrible mess of neoliberal oligarchy and it seems better to leave it than try and reform it.
  17. Ok then, all social programs are only available to citizens. So now you have a reserve army of cheap labor willing to take money under the table for smaller amounts than citizens would and the seeds for a ghetto of lumpens participating in organized crime. So in a few years more citizens are unemployed/underemployed and organized crime is starting to prop up. How do you get them to leave? Ask them nicely to go back to a ****hole where they won't make as much as they would in Europe? Move production over there and cause even more job losses at home? Tell businesses to stop hiring cheap labor and take a hit on profits? Tell citizens to pretty please stop buying their drugs or ****ing the prostitutes? Or forcibly remove them and give rise for yet another terrorist organization to attack Europe?
  18. Well, sure there isn't. They're fundamentalists who blow people up. Doesn't mean the wild flailing in the vein of "omg it's the fault of Islam! if only they could be good Christians instead, suddenly all of our problems would be solved!" isn't ridiculously wrong-headed. Come on, everyone knows it's a Hibernian scheme to cuck the protestants with druidic magic. Why else would a random selection of politicians and media personalities all be Irish? Every Saint Patrick's Day they poison alcohol with druidic alchemy that causes these individuals to go on rampages. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
  19. The economy will destroy itself, just like it almost did in 07. The rise of the populist right and left is a reaction to global capitalism being stretched to it's limits and on the verge of collapse. I suppose its possible but I dont see any economic data that suggests this? What are you basing this on This year most major stock markets have been on the verge of a crash. In all likelihood we're going to see a similar crash to the one in '07 because we still have the conditions that caused it. Add to that declining real wages, crippling debt for millennials, the flight of employment to third world countries, and the labor surplus brought by the underemployed/unemployed and you've got the conditions for a global market that can no longer sustain itself. Another suspected crash is related to Climate Change, aka eventually people will realize it's not fake, and at that moment the value of oil stock and industry is gonna fluctuate and crash, the oil industry being huge in the global economy. It's not just that, if Climate Change continues we're looking at uninhabitable land and less farmland, further increasing population density and reducing the food supply. We're in for one hell of a ride at any case.
  20. The economy will destroy itself, just like it almost did in 07. The rise of the populist right and left is a reaction to global capitalism being stretched to it's limits and on the verge of collapse. I suppose its possible but I dont see any economic data that suggests this? What are you basing this on This year most major stock markets have been on the verge of a crash. In all likelihood we're going to see a similar crash to the one in '07 because we still have the conditions that caused it. Add to that declining real wages, crippling debt for millennials, the flight of employment to third world countries, and the labor surplus brought by the underemployed/unemployed and you've got the conditions for a global market that can no longer sustain itself.
  21. The economy will destroy itself, just like it almost did in 07. The rise of the populist right and left is a reaction to global capitalism being stretched to it's limits and on the verge of collapse.
  22. Looks like around 6700 Bernie supporters are signing up to run for office It seems the Democratic Party is about to get its own version of the Tea Party. I have a hard time making sense of this, is "Cruz-like" supposed to mean someone like Cruz or a quality Cruz has?
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