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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. At least the dog is eating tacos. taco bowls should be wiped from the face of the earth.
  2. The sex cards were in the first twitcher. I understand outrage can be fun but get your facts straight.
  3. Humans are the least privileged race in 2e, or at least the IE version of it. They've got Paladins, Monks, and Dual-Classing and that's it. No multi classes, no attribute modifiers, no shorty saves, and no thief skill bonuses. Check your privledge Dwarfist scum.
  4. I'd never vote for a man who eats taco bowls over tacos. Absolutely disgusting.
  5. So the larperspatrol groups are pretending to be vikings now?
  6. Yes GD, you're correct. But I don't have a term on hand for a creature that rapidly changes colors to fit whatever circumstance that works better than "chameleon". It was only a matter of time. Surely the Republicans were going to try to screw over Trump at the convention if he didn't secure the outright bid before then, but Trump is just way too popular and the whole Cruz/Kasich alliance backfired spectacularly. Not to mention that Cruz is nearly as hated in Washington as Trump is. Are they really surprised? If they wanted to stop Trump the time to do it would have been early in the primaries to allow support to rally behind Cruz or Rubio or whoever, by waiting they've fractured any "anti-Trump" sentiment in the Republican party to ensure that Trump would only lose the nomination in a contested convention, which will make them look like ****. Tactically speaking, the Republican party is either stuck with Trump or driving off a large portion of their base.
  7. All we need is a major gaffe for Hillary and he can do it. Would that be a bigger upset than Leicester winning the EPL? I don't know but it would make me laugh. It would be like David and Goliath, if David was a very old man and Goliath was a political chameleon who has been running for President for over a decade.
  8. All we need is a major gaffe for Hillary and he can do it.
  9. Bernie's gonna make college free and make Wall Street pay for it. Prepare your anuses billionaires, it's time to feel the bern.
  10. PVP is pretty badly broken. Much as I like my guildbros and guildsiss, unless you're running a few classes ranked is gonna be bad. I really hope they rework certain specs and give classes new dcds, but I'm almost certain they won't anytime soon.
  11. So we get Shadowrun with Hillary, Star Trek with Bernie, The Witcher with Cruz, and Fallout with Trump?
  12. Debate would require you to be able to coherently argue for something Bruce, and you've continually proven you're either unwilling or unable to do that.
  13. I'm sorry KP I try to not criticize you because my input seems to annoy you but I have noticed a real and perhaps concerning change in your overall views around ideology I have seen this many times before..first you rejected EU austerity and saw Germany as an enemy in the overall EU structure, then massive criticism of big business and the state of the US government and now we reach the point where its normal to use phrases like " states have become subservient to banks and other large corporations " , "interests of the ruling class which in these times are banks and corporations" and " Rule by private unaccountable entities is what Global Capitalism " Its standard left-wing hubris and vitriol against certain fundamental Western institutions, like the financial sector. it reminds me of something that Serb would say who you quote from RT....its all about anti-Western rhetoric for them end of the day, you should know they actually want to undermine and weaken the US. They not really interested in positive changes to your country But I did try to steer you away from this view.....but you basically dismissed what I said and of course you are perfectly entitled to believe what you want about the state of the USA but I hoped you wouldn't end up thinking like this I disniss what you say because you're borderline nonsensical and can't argue with facts or logic.
  14. What has happened is that states have become subservient to banks and other large corporations, no morphing because we are already there. And in order to keep things flowing nicely for the master, the state is enacting totalitarian policies that bear a striking similarity to what the Marxist-Leninist States did to keep people in line. The state isn't some ogre eagerly looking to trample liberty for ****s and giggles, it's a tool to look after the interests of the ruling class which in these times are banks and corporations. They fund all the politicians, they lobby the politicians, they write/influence the legislation the politicians vote on, and they employ the politicians after they leave office. In return for their generosity, they have full control of the state to protect their interests and do as they please as they are completely unaccountable to anyone because the way our economy is set up you have to do business with them one way or another with very few exceptions. Rule by private unaccountable entities is what Global Capitalism is, the genie is not going back in the bottle no matter how much wailing about tariffs or whining about praxeology or promising to bring jobs back from whatever third-world hell hole they've gone off to now is going to change that. We are stuck with this and all the increasingly totalitarian measures it will bring until whatever is going to replace it comes along or we all burn in nuclear flames.
  15. The sad thing is we used to run to America to escape communism. Where do we run to now? America isn't becoming communist. It would become full on fascist before it would become communist. Yeah, Bernie Sanders is a New Deal Keynesian or Social Democrat at most and comparing that to the Marxist-Leninist states of last century is a stretch, to put it lightly. Although the memes as Bernie as a dictator are pretty funny. As to why the fellow is confused as to why so many are turning to Bernie Sanders, I have to wonder if he's been living in a cave the last few years. You have a generation of people who came of age in economic times where the choice is often between minimum wage and welfare, with crippling debt for their Bachelor's degree which is roughly equivalent to what a high school for their parents, and unable to even move out of their parent's house because rent is unmanageable with their debt. Add to this that they came of age after the fall of the Soviet Union and red scare messaging, that their republic is rife with corruption and misdeeds, and that the recent financial crisis which caused a huge amount of misery was caused by banks and it is no wonder that they would be open to solutions previous generation would have considered radical.
  16. If we're being honest none of them will be able to change the system. So I guess we're stuck with oligarchy.
  17. I think our mods are all right, and I'm not just saying that because I'm pandering to the mod vote for my campaign for President of the Way Off-Topic.
  18. So he's working on a game featuring stick figures?
  19. I blame the Hibernians for SJWs. ****ing micks.
  20. Seeing as the Donald imports his wives, declaring war on immigrants would be as odd as declaring war on Jews when his daughter is about to pop out a "beautiful Jewish baby".
  21. The solution is to kill both the bear and the lion and make it so no fledgling bear or lion is able to eat you.
  22. The corporations control most people's bank accounts and income as well as control the food supply, shelter, utilities, and pretty much everything else. The vast majority of people can't pull a Ted Kaczynski and are forced to interact with these behemoths one way or another if they want to survive. Not being scared of something that directly influences and controls your survival is insane. That's like blaming guns for murder. I don't think I have to explain to you why that's dumb. Then they will simply build another that can be used against you. Perhaps they'll call it "private security contractor" or something but they would certainly build something that can protect their interests with force.
  23. Ok, the government is very small and has little power. So one of these guys instead shows up as a head of a multinational corporation and ****s up a lot of people's lives that way. With the TPP making a lot of governance subservient to large corporations and the recent financial crisis this isn't outside the realm of possibility.
  24. Not going to happen. Such conditions are created with a multitude of factors independent of each other and aren't going to be controlled.
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