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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Jesus titty ****ing christ keyrock, too far.
  2. I just saved you whatever a movie ticket costs in California.
  3. I'm still flooded in and running out of whiskey and tequila.
  4. Results weren't that good for Clinton actually, as New York is her home state, but at end of the day it don't matter because it has been clear for sometime that Sanders can't win the nomination except in most strangest circumstances. 18.5 million(in the entire state) didn't vote and party registration to be able to vote in the primary closed in October(unless you're a completely new voter, in which case they had to be registered a month ahead), I would say it's far from good for Clinton that a guy who was practically unknown a year ago managed to win over 40% of registered democrats when running against party nobility who has been widely known and liked by the party for over two decades. I'd be willing to bet that if they allowed same say registration or open primaries and voting wasn't such a badly managed cluster**** Bernie would have likely won, given his appeal to non-democrats.
  5. Lady Crimson is Chairwoman for life of WoT.
  6. Bernie would have decimated Trump. Yes, but it looks like Bernie is going to lose the primary barring a miracle. Hillary will maybe win, but I can see her losing to Trump if a lot of Bernie supporters don't vote for her which isn't an unlikely scenario. Hopefully though there's some convention **** that results in Kasich or Rubio or Ryan grabbing the nomination that drives Trump supporters out and fatally wounds both parties. So, if it's gonna be Trump vs. Hillary, who are you gonna vote for; if you'd be voting for either. If you won't vote for either let's imagine you'd have absolutely no choice and by not choosing either Hillary auto gets your vote; who would you vote for then? Personally, I'll be going Trump. I don't like really Trump, but IMO he's 1000x times better than Hillary. Under those circumstances I'd vote Trump to be honest, although I'll likely vote for someone else or stay home.
  7. Either a (meh) writer who worked on this game and some Pathfinder modules or a leader of the Cultural Marxist vanguard to cuck the kissless virgins of the alt-right depending on who you ask.
  8. Bernie would have decimated Trump. Yes, but it looks like Bernie is going to lose the primary barring a miracle. Hillary will maybe win, but I can see her losing to Trump if a lot of Bernie supporters don't vote for her which isn't an unlikely scenario. Hopefully though there's some convention **** that results in Kasich or Rubio or Ryan grabbing the nomination that drives Trump supporters out and fatally wounds both parties.
  9. Hillary "goysplains" to Bernie over Israel
  10. Yeah, I played through BGEE and the added content wasn't very good. And given that the UI isn't an improvement over the original, I don't really see a reason to try SoD. Especially considering I've got a lot more games I'd like to get to some day.
  11. I'm flooded in. Looks like whiskey and movies.
  12. Not really. The majority of the people there don't care enough about Obsidian these days for that to happen. Too busy playing Fallout 4 I take it?
  13. I'd probably be inclined to kill the other 6. The dog is one of my own, they're not This sort of statement causes me to reflect on what has gone awry with our species. A dog will never write a symphony, let alone appreciate one. They will never provide insight into the nature of reality. Its capacity to produce, appreciate, and relate are so comparatively inferior, yet somehow humans will frequently elevate them beyond their own kind. I don't understand this. Dogs have been selectively bred for social compatibility with humans for hundreds of years. Their affection has been cultivated the same way grapes have been selectively evolved by humans for enjoyment. Pinot Nior vs. Sauvengion Blanc. Doberman vs. Chihuahua. When people start valuing another species more than their own--let alone something as simplistic and inferior as a dog, I begin to suspect projection of a cognitively dissonant self-loathing. Somehow tossing human survivors overboard to their deaths is a sane statement, yet making an equivalent statement like, "I would murder half a dozen innocent sapient beings and feed them to my demonstrably inferior emotional toy should I deem it necessary" would be considered psychopathic. Bizarre. I have no kind, I am the creative nothing and everything is my property. I will value my property as I see fit, if that means throwing over an ape to save a hound then I will act upon my desire.
  14. Nothing. A pet is only a pet because you say it is, let it slip from your care and it is simply meat for larger predators.
  15. I see Bernie, I see Hillary, and that's about all I can decipher from this. I see Trump and Carson I think, but it's pretty confusing.
  16. I'm confused, is Bernie a Druid breaking into Hillary's bubble?
  17. Hey, I thought you didn't post on forums with jerks anymore. Wouldn't that mean dropping every forum?
  18. Subotai was easily triggered though, "don't kill the messanger" and all that. Link for the Wyoming caucus http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/wyoming It seems like a state were they don't believe in losers and give the same delegate amount either way. He's going to crash the convention with no survivors.
  19. ...So where and how exactly can I get my hands on some PNP Avellone goodness? There's a really cool module he did for Dark Heresy here.
  20. Off-shoot. What the frame of reference? Is it between III-IV? between VI-VII? during any of those? Why is there another Death Star? Where's everyone else from the other movies? Why are they talking about The Empire when it was the First Order in the new movie? What's going on? It's before IV and tells the story of how the Rebel Alliance got the plans to the Death Star. Meh, boring. I agree.
  21. Off-shoot. What the frame of reference? Is it between III-IV? between VI-VII? during any of those? Why is there another Death Star? Where's everyone else from the other movies? Why are they talking about The Empire when it was the First Order in the new movie? What's going on? It's before IV and tells the story of how the Rebel Alliance got the plans to the Death Star. They should bleach his avatar and turn him white.
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