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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm not entirely convinced those two capabilities can be meaningfully differentiated when one tries to assess the overall quality of a leader. Depends on the objective criteria of the discussion I guess. There is no questioning his quality as a human being (or lack thereof). He did lead his country out of ruin it's true. And after that right back into it. Can anyone think of a leader that was an evil SOB who was a good leader but in the end did more good than harm?I know I'm drawing a blank. All highly debatable but...Genghis Khan, Andrew Jackson, Stalin, Pope Julius II, Pope Alexander VI, and George Steinbrenner. Stalin? No f-ing way. That guy was net loss all the way. The others... meh. But the last one.... good answer. Under Stalin the Soviet Union rapidly industrialized to the point of being able to rival, in military and scientific matters, the United States. Pretty impressive given that it was a largely unindustrialized backwater(it was just starting to industrialize when the overthrow and Russian Civil War happened) when he took control. You can very well argue his methods were monstrous, but denying his brutal push for industrialization and infrastructure didn't catapult the SU to world power status is sticking your head in the sand. That's because the economic miracle Germany achieved was due to firing up a war economy. Of course speculating on the long term viability is engaging in alternate history theory craft and it would be hard to say if Germany could have transitioned to a peace time economy under Nazi rule assuming the Great Depression ended.
  2. Are you raising it 5 feet? If so you could probably build a wall along the US-Mexico border for the same amount.
  3. We never discuss games here. And I'd wager more than half the people posting in this thread haven't played it. I certainly haven't, because from what views I've read from people with similar tastes I'd be better served playing BGT with SCS.
  4. I sexually identify as Marco Rubio. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of dispelling with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. People say to me that a person being Marco Rubio is impossible and I'm ****ing retarded but I don't care, I'm dispelling with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. I'm having a surgeon install the ability to dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what's doing, and the ability to know exactly what he's doing. From now on I want you guys to call me "President" and respect my right to dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. If you can't accept me you're trying to change this country and need to check your Chris Christie privilege. Thank you for being so understanding that I'm dispelling with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing.
  5. He's actually toned some things down and pandered to democrats on others(like gun control). Disappointing, but I get why he does it given how democrats are. And now Trump is saying Bernie should run as an independent. I doubt he will(much like Ron Paul didn't), but a four way race with Sanders and Trump as independent would be glorious.
  6. Bernie supporters will absolutely support Clinton in the general.
  7. I know what to do with a woman 20 years my junior, find her parentsand tell them to watch their 4-year old better.
  8. I do, there's nothing like seeing a tattoo in a place a bikini covered.
  9. Of course. With lips so loose they flap in the breeze.
  10. The government poisons people due to it's incompetence and negligence; so you now kinda want the government to have a complete monopoly over all resources? That seems like backward logic to me.Maybe he wants to go full Makhno and destroy the government while letting people use resources as they see fit? Would that even count as socialist? I usually think of socialism as public sector control of resources. Having resources completely free and available suggests no entity; not even the public sector is in control of it. Yes. It's complicated but socialism is a big mess of tendencies that can't agree on anything(including what "public" means) and hate each other.
  11. The government poisons people due to it's incompetence and negligence; so you now kinda want the government to have a complete monopoly over all resources? That seems like backward logic to me. Maybe he wants to go full Makhno and destroy the government while letting people use resources as they see fit? "Pure Coincidence" Of course, there was no foul play here. Dispel such notions from your mind and let's work towards fixing this without damaging anyone's career or finances. Everything will be just fine.
  12. I know I wouldn't. But I am very happy with my gf right now and am not just saying she fits my ideal because she probably e-stalks me. But if she were I'd like to say she does lunges best in yoga pants and looks very good in tight faded jeans and should do both those things more often.
  13. A big booty qt whose sweet but can be a bitch. Which describes my gf pretty well. Kinky.
  14. Woman leading Flint lead poisoning lawsuit shot in her home
  15. Hillary victim blames homeowners for financial crisis
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ8ERBr9yKI&feature=youtu.be If you replaced any Bruce post with a verse from this song there wouldn't be much of a difference.
  17. It's an interview with Slavoj Zizek Bruce, not a report. If you can refute what he says do it, if not then continue on with pointless ad hominems. He almost sounds like /pol/. What a time to be alive. How so? He sounds quite like another politics board, except without calling everything a spook.
  18. Coke addicted homeless man makes good points about the crisis
  19. Oh my It'll be great. We'll call it "butthurt" and it'll be great.
  20. You know what, these forums have gone to **** and God damn it I will MAKE OBSIDIAN FORUMS GREAT AGAIN. I will build a wall between Obsidian Community and the PoE forums and make Kickstarter pay for it. I'll bar all promancers from entering the forums. I'll give everyone stealth editing powers. I'll make a super ignore where you can ignore posters completely. And I'll add a dislike button. Vote for KP 2016!
  21. He's storing his energy for an assault on the enemies of the people.
  22. The joke thread went from Cruz-hybrids to absolutely savage, I'm undecided on whether this is an improvement or not but keep it up.
  23. I think you're wrong. I'm firmly of the belief that Ted Cruz is a mutagen that manages to produce a monstrosity with anything he is combined with. I'd go so far as to say he would make Sarah Jessica Parker look worse if someone did a hybrid image. That or he looks like a go to actor to play pedos for CSI or Law and Order.
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