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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Yet he isn't wrong and it seems your only solution is to get triggered by folks not wanting to ride the schlong of orange daddy. Oh yeah, Bourgeois democracy is a sham we're all doomed. We're headed for Shadowrun so get working on your decker builds chummers.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_the_United_States_in_the_21st_century Yeah I wouldn't want that near my water.
  3. Is this standard on what is expected to be covered and is it the standard monthly rate? No. The standard would be an HMO and it was grandfathered in so it's actually cheaper than a comparable plan.
  4. Health insurance isn't a widget, in that it isn't a physical good. The supply issue is not quite comparable to a physical good, seeing as it doesn't need to be produced and supply of health insurance policies can't physically run out because lack of materials. The issue here is you are paying to theoretically have medical bills taken care of, but insurance companies make their money denying claims so to get what you pay for you have to deal with denials, threats of credit rating taking a hit, and other ****. So you are essentially being forced to pay money in the hopes that if something bad happens to you or a family member they'll be willing to pay for it or you have the resources to make them pay for it if they deny it. It doesn't matter how much you're getting subsidized, the issue is that insurance does not do what it's supposed to and you're still going to be in major financial issues if you get sick and aren't well off. You're acting like they're different people, or at least not acting in concert. The mean ol gubbermint didn't **** out the ACA because Obama felt like pissing on freedom that day, they did it because they were some insurance companies leaned on them to get a law that would further their interests. This sort of thing happens all the time, and will keep happening because it is the system itself that is broken and putting a new coat of paint on it won't fix ****. I'll definitely agree with Hurlie that these scum are villains. My mom was diagnosed with cancer last year and dealing with her insurance was a nightmare. Not only did they try to they chemotherapy where it took the oncologist over a month of fighting with them to get it approved, but they tried to charge her $6,000 because during her surgery one of the assistants was apparently out of network(and there is no way she could have known about this despite making sure before hand that everything was in network and would be paid for). She has a PPO with a $250ish monthly payment and a 10K deductible, so this was all after she had spent a lot of her on money on treatment. You want to take a guess who her insurance is from? Blue Cross Blue Shield, whose CEO Joseph Swedish makes much more in a week than my parents combined income is in a year. So yeah, that guy is a villain. And judging by the stories of those I know who have had to deal with medical insurance, he is far from unique in that regard.
  5. At this point whoever wins will result in a group of people I don't like losing their **** and a neoliberal in office so I guess it's just time to start stocking up on alcohol.
  6. Guess which candidate may be planning on privatizing SS?
  7. Only 300? Low energy, Jeb Bush could do better. SAD!
  8. IIRC Shady was voting for Stein or Johnson.
  9. The rise of the far-right, we talking anclaps or facists here? Either way, it's coming from the deterioration of the economy and will be embraced when the "elite" choose to take the brown pill instead of getting killed by a revolutionary left. Paleoconservatives only halt the far-right in the way socdems do for the revolutionary left, that is only when times are relatively good by giving them a lite version of what they want or stroking their feels in a non-threatening manner. As it is, times are not good and any reforms at this point will not be enough to stop the increasing automation and globalization.
  10. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/10/nc-democratic-headquarters-attacked-on-same-night-nearby-gop-office-was-firebombed/ ELECTIONS 2016, FACEBOOK, POLITICS, RAW EXCLUSIVES, U.S. NEWS, WHOA! NC Democratic headquarters attacked on same night nearby GOP office was firebombed DAVID EDWARDS 17 OCT 2016 AT 15:54 ET Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Police officers at crime scene (Zoran Karapancev / Shutterstock.com) Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story! Democratic officials in North Carolina have asked law enforcement to step up protection of campaign workers after Orange County offices for both the Republican and Democratic parties were targeted on the same day. On Sunday, the Republican Party said that its Orange County headquarters was set ablaze by vandals. Graffiti found on a nearby building said, “Nazi Republicans leave town or else.” Report Advertisement In a message posted to Twitter, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump blamed the attack on “[a]nimals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina.” But Orange County Democratic Party Chair Matt Hughes told Raw Story on Monday that vandals had also targeted his offices in Carrboro. Both attacks were said to have occurred early Sunday morning. According to Hughes, staffers found the words “Death to Capitalism” scrawled on the OCDP headquarters when they came into work. “There’s a chilling effect,” he explained. “We have staff and we have volunteers who work in that office… I’m one of those folks who sometimes works late into the night in a party office and you wonder about your safety when you look at things like what happened [to the GOP office] in Hillsborough or something like ‘Death to Capitalism.’ A lot of folks see that as a threat, not even a veiled threat.”
  11. Beautiful human submarines is pretty weird though.
  12. Yes, I suggest you have them read Proudhon to see what Libertarianism is really like, before the feels before reals praxeology guys used the name because it sounded french.
  13. At this point the most likely outcome is that Hillary wins and is in office during the next big market crash which will be caused by factors outside any politician's control. Trump 2.0 gets elected with a wave of right-populists and we get some protectionist policies that are too little too late along with stuff that makes things even worse for workers. Small towns die forcing a migration to cities, the only jobs will be **** minimum wage stuff you have to fight with 50 other college educated applicants for and get maybe 10 hours a week, and the US government will continue to be an entity that exists to protect the interests of the ruling class as it was since inception. We will ping back and forth between increasingly extreme right-populists and status quo "progressives who get things done" until the system collapses or is overthrown.
  14. This election gets better every leak and debate.
  15. Well I remember only that Malaysian lady Quistina? - but she didn't stand test of time.. and Lady Crimson Bruce ordered Quistina as a mail order bride and LC rode off into the sunset with 16 cats. The others were FBI agents posing as women because catfishing an obscure vidyagaem forum is an alternative to porn at work.
  16. In the beginning, such a procedure would cost millions to conduct, only making it possible for the richest. By the time science will be far enough to make it possible for everyone, a elite of genetically superior humans might exist that have no interest in loosing their power. There's a solution to that.
  17. The day I become a cyborg mutant will be a happy day.
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