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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Silly Barti you are to blame for this. If you hadn't suppported Bernie Clinton would have won ?
  2. Nail the pedal to the floor, FULL ACCELERATION!
  3. M8 I'm preparing for months of I told you so followed by a mountain of alt-right salt when Trump turns out to be a generic liberal. This could not have gone better.
  4. It's the Russians' fault the DNC ran such a terrible candidate.
  5. Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump. No great way to attack him. Even Trump people respected him until he accepted being cheated by DNC. If he had won the primary Trump people would have never lost respect for him. Would've killed their energy and turnout. Unfortunately that didn't happen and I'll have to subsist off Shillary tears for a few months.
  6. You Clinton supporters have yourselves to blame for Donald. I hope to enjoy your salt for months.
  7. That's a fairly broad net though. Frankly the political compass isn't very good as it fails to take into account other stuff. Like wanting a poweful state apparatus to crush opposition is canceled out by being cool with two dudes having sex or no state enforced religion for A/L. Or wanting public ownership of production is cancelled out by not wanting a regulatory agency. That's not even getting into the rather neurotic criteria for A/L or L/R.
  8. It's a statement. Is every post on an obscure video game forum supposed to be an argument now?
  9. There were a couple. Hillary won one and Trump the other. Whoever wins will give me a salt mine, 4 years of liberal market worship, and hopefully a crash.
  10. Now we're back fun-time pondering! What's in for Trump to run and deliberately lose? What will he gain? So we're to believe that Clinton is capable of colluding with the majority of media, rigging the DNC, and using Soros to rig the voting machines but unable to convince a friend of hers to play her opposition in a way that would drive waves of people who should hate her to vote for her? But this friend decided to exactly that on his own? Anyways Trump is 70, his daughter is a close friend of Chelsea, and he's built up a devoted fanbase that would buy gold painted **** from the man. Ivanka and Jared will get some nice contracts(probably after "seeing the error of their ways"), Trump can do his Trump TV and Make TV Great Again for the low price of $9.99 a month, and his other kids will take over his empire while he retires to do whatever he wants.
  11. Trump is a Clinton plant who says some dumb **** for the media to swarm over everytime her poll numbers go down or a leak happens. There's a Malcolm X(triggering I know) quote about 1964 that is relevant to this situation. "if Johnson had been running all by himself, he would have not been acceptable to anyone. The only thing that made him acceptable to the world was that the shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run toward the fox would be if you showed them a wolf. So they created a ghastly alternative. And it as the whole world-including people who call themselves Marxists-hoping that Johnson would beat Goldwater." Now down some whiskey and accept that we're all ****ed and voting won't change anything.
  12. They should remove bows and add guns. Problem solved because guns are cooler.
  13. Age of consent is a violation of the NAP and anyone who enforces it is treading on liberty.
  14. Having sex with young girls is an essential liberty only statist scum would deny.
  15. It's always been a farce, it's just more obvious now. Won't really change because the system inherintly leads to this sort of thing.
  16. So Gromnir prefers porn involving office situations or watches porn for research? Updated my Obsidianstalking.txt
  17. Just dealing with facts son. Like the FBI is. Whether fragile souls like you get triggered or not isn't up to me. I'm sure orange daddy will hold you very tight and tell you you're a good boy.
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