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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So we've got resource cost for abilities that draw from a pool instead of the per-encounter/rest abilities of PoE. Spells are broken up into level based chunks, and I assume Chants/Focus/Wounds will be unique pools with other martial classes possibly drawing from a common pool or having seperate pools.
  2. So if you die now your relatives get the bill? Beautiful. Yes there is, Accelerationism. Trump will cause the burgeoning nationalist movement to miscarry before it has a chance to live while letting the most destructive forces of capital run unchecked. You're a ****ty commie if you don't understand this concept.
  3. not sure if I follow Cops are prone to using excessive force when it isn't necessary. Here's an example of it happening to a white kid. It should be noted that instead of a bullet he took a taser, though it did leave him dead for 8 minutes and because of that he's got brain damage. But that not what we were talking about, its nothing to do with BLM and I can probably agree on it (I don't know much about these type of incidents) A big point of BLM is that cops are too prone to excessive force, hence all those videos of cops shooting guys who by appearances weren't doing anything to warrant getting shot. BLM is a hashtag, not a political organization and there is no organized partyline, but a lot of what they(twitter uses who use the hashtag) protest is this police brutality/overreaction/whatever weasel word won't trigger bootlickers.
  4. It would be hilarious if there was a toggle just like for Big Head Mode. Click a box and BOOM...everyone has glasses and a huge weapon. And there's an achievement behind it so if you're a completionist you have to play in anime mode.
  5. At this point I hope they anime PoE up to 11 so I can feast on the butthurt.
  6. not sure if I follow Cops are prone to using excessive force when it isn't necessary. Here's an example of it happening to a white kid. It should be noted that instead of a bullet he took a taser, though it did leave him dead for 8 minutes and because of that he's got brain damage.
  7. Not being such a bitch you push legal action, as Attorney General of the US, against someone who laughed at you.
  8. So I guess her freedoms ended where his feelings began. Seems familiar, except this time the US government is going after her as opposed to college students whining. Socialism: Set of ideologies seeking to build a egalitarian and (thus) free society based on common ownership of the means of production.How is this totalitarian or insane? It's not insane. It's not even necessarily totalitarian (although history provides few examples that were not). What it really IS is impossible. And it would not be free by any description. Rojava is in a warzone and it's more free than burgerland by many descriptions.
  9. Right: Got a big haul. Multiclassing. Different: Less supporters, but with Kickstarter letting you give $1 I'd wager a good bit of this loss was PoE alts giving $1 donations to inflate Od Nua levels. How much is uncertain obviously. Wrong: While I won't lose sleep over no Ydwin I will be eternally butthurt over less sea monsters. Sidekicks seems redundant, yes I know muh BG2 had simple companions but that's a bioware game with mountains of cheese, one full fledged companion or sea monsters would be better especially considering we already have the Adventurers to hire. Berath's Blessing is also kinda lame.
  10. But...pale elves are literally the exact physical opposite of Drow and share nothing culturally with them. Sawyer said they were the drow analogue and they've got the white hair.
  11. That was kinda the point. "Western RPG" returned fewer results and some of them could be classified as something other than anime. Remove that part and it just stops pretending. I meant most Western RPG ones looked similar to the anime, outaide of eyes and color. Western RPG also contained the closest to Ydwin.
  12. Other than the anime eyes the look isn't too much different. And there's this gem if you take out "pleaded skirt".
  13. That seems to be the biggest choice of all, Eothas probably ain't too happy that on top of being blown up and his followers killed some adventurer blew out his candle.
  14. Xoti looks fairly in place in PoE's faux-renaissance setting, and so does Ydwin in all honesty. Frankly I thought Ydwin was more of a nuViconia than an anime character. For PoE2 Xoti is more important than Ydwin because a Priest of Eothas will have more to say about a plot that directly involves Eothas. And because Drow are stupid and pale elves are drow-lite.
  15. I was talking about guys on this forum. Like Shady could start an argument with someone and at a public event we set up some drama. I figure we could rake in a cool 10k for making low effort videos about the bible.
  16. Stamina, accuracy, deflection values should be independent of class selection and be determined by level, attributes, and talents. Multiclassing would make the PoE class values wonky in Deadfire. The Knight weapon group needs another weapon, it's the only weapon group with 4 weapons while the others have 5. For flavor it would be cool if any class changes were noticed by companions. Nothing major, but like a throw away line from Aloth being surprised you're using a grimoire if you weren't a wizard in PoE or Eder wondering where your mental powers went if you were a cipher. The final battle of Fulvano's voyage should be a Kraken battle.
  17. And pull 23k a month or so on Patreon. Culture warriors are easy to milk, I guess. https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson Looks like it's 31K now. Anyone want to cause a scandal and scam some money out of these people?
  18. Its not even that bad. He protested a law in Canada that could potentially get people in legal trouble for refusing to refer to someone as Xir. His issue isn't with trannies, its with compelled speech. Either way he's a professor version of that beta hapa who draws redpill comics.
  19. The CPUSA is a CIA honeypot while anarchists are completely disorganized. On the plus side pic related is what we have as nazis.
  20. He became a "celebrity" because he didn't call a tranny "she" and has a PhD. That's all it takes to achieve e-fame these days apparently.
  21. Ydwin should have been in the first game. While the fact I don't really like the GM is one factor, the lack of an animancer companion where animancy is a major issue to the setting and plot was a misstep, instead we get our views on animancy from the asylum, the Dozens, two companions opposed (Aloth and Durance), and two that weakly support it (Kana and Pallengia). Didn't have to be a pale elf goth girl, but some sort of animancer companion would have been great to be another detailed perspectove on animancy.
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