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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Carnage now does a third of weapon damage as raw, far as I can tell not modified by attacks or weapon modifiers except for Barbaric Blow. Between that and the lack of AoE indicator, playing a Barbarian is a lot more frustrating and is why it feels off imo.
  2. Someone did a speedrun in less than half an hour. I assume most players wouldn't do that, but critical path is anemic and probably clocks in around 3 hours, including the starting island.
  3. Eothas is best god for potentially destroying other gods, who are all parasites feeding off kith so they can play with action figures or impede progress to make themselves more powerful. Skaen is the worst because he's ultimately a scab, he'll talk a big game about ****ing the masters over but will go straight to bootlicking his master. Nemnock was too easy, maybe if he does GOMAD he can be a god.
  4. The reincarnation cycle existed before, the alteration to it allowed gods to feed off of soul fragments from the cycle or even caused them or something. Rymrgand hopes the cycle will eventually result in the death of everything due to souls being broken down to nothing, and later hopes that Eothas will inadvertently speed the process up by smashing the wheel or go ahead and outright destroy the wheel. The gods no longer have their bodies and Eothas had to hijack the giant statue to smash the wheel, I assume that Rymrgard either couldn't take over the statue without the other gods noticing and stopping him(iirc they thought Eothas was dead) or wanted **** to slowly decompose instead of end rapidly. It makes sense that Eothas would be the one to destroy the gods work, given that he's the god of redemption and rebirth and that the breaking of the wheel allows that.
  5. Eothas wants to reveal the gods for what they are and let kith rebuild the wheel without their interference, Rymrgand wants the wheel destroyed and the world to end. Rymrgand supports Eothas in that he believes/hopes kith won't be able to fix the wheel and a slow death is the future for Eora instead of Kith managing to get **** right.
  6. If the Steam stats are anything to go by, the majority of players haven't finished the second main quest and only about 2/3s have made it off the starting Island. https://steamcommunity.com/stats/560130/achievements For better or worse, Obsidian is going to design and tweak the game around what frequent players do and what forum posters talk about instead of assuming that players who stopped playing after an hour will pop back in and rage that their lvl 3 character has been radically changed. This is a good thing, because if anyone here remembers PoE at launch with the lack of hard counters and other unfortunate issues I'm willing to bet they strongly prefer the WM revisions to PoE to the launch version.
  7. WotEP has a base damage of 9-15 (normal greatsword is 15-24) but before the recent patch it hit the target twice, so essentially it worked as doing bonus aoe damage in the cone and roughly base damage to the target. Needless to say the nerf killed it's single target potential and pushed it into a very niche category. I suggest you use this mod if you want to use the weapon https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/75 best upgrade depends on build and preference, I like the impale attack and stacking recovery reduction for mainline Battlemage and he really ****ed **** up pre-patch.
  8. Yes, seems like it, I've made a lvl 1 character with the same dmg modifiers as my lvl 20. The result is that carnage dmg with the same weapon is definitely different. I wonder how exactly does power lvl affect this ability, maybe the developers could provide more information in the description (like they do for sneak attack for instance). They should, but atm it's not clear that Carnage does Raw damage instead of a weapon attack. Ideally almost every active and passive martial ability would benefit from higher PL and show the degree in the description, but right now that isn't the case.
  9. Why should any class used by adventurers be mundane? Adventurers aren't civilians, they're highly skilled individuals with skillsets suited to combat with magical creatures and similarly skilled individuals. If I'm going dungeon delving I'm not going to take everyone and their brother, I'm going to take guys who can handle themselves and this isn't going to be a couple of dudes who just picked up a sword. D&D had to introduce NPC classes to separate adventurers and civilians, so the precedent for your characters being a cut above mundane regardless if warrior or mage has already existed for well over a decade. Thanks to splat books, EVERY SINGLE (base)CLASS in D&D could use magic as well. PoE didn't invent the precedent of magical warriors with no sorcery training, it just cuts out the convolution and builds the option into the base class. You don't have to go very far out of your way, Barbarians and Rogues can avoid a magical active ability at every power level except for 9th while Fighters have non-magical options at every power level. Outside of active abilities there are a number of appealing non-magical passive abilities to take instead, so you can easily avoid the sonic yells and teleportation if you so wish. Meanwhile Wizards have at least 7 overtly magical abilities at each power level, which shows a significant discrepancy in the amount of magic between these martial classes and the one you claim no longer makes you feel special. That's obviously not true, highly skilled adventurers can use magic of one sort of another, and that is a far cry from everyone and their brother. Furthermore such weeabo fitan magic is distinct from Wizards and their spells, which are far more supernatural both in terms of breadth and magnitude. Your original argument is built on a faulty premise, because not only are Wizards still Wizards but the martial classes are far from magical powerhouses indistinct from Wizards.
  10. Not everyone and their brother are innately able to harness soul power, all the classes imply levels of training that would take time to complete. If everyone and their brother trained as a Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue they could harness some aspects assuming they didn't get killed by Xaruips as low-level scrubs, and even then what they are able to harness is clearly different from what the Wizard is able to pull off. Wizards clearly exist in PoE per the class description. "The masters of academic magic, wizards are students of arcane traditions that stretch back beyond the boundaries of recorded history. Wizards are a highly organized group, often forming academies or guilds devoted to research and development in magical studies, and tend to favor environments where inquiry, experimentation, debate, and the dissemination of knowledge are encouraged. Many accomplished wizards eventually become known for their eccentricity, their egos, and their unquenchable interest in all things arcane and occult." https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Wizard https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Wizard Looks close enough to what my first Wizard pnp character did, so not only is there such a thing as Wizard but it's close enough to be similar to 3e Wizards. Comparing the PoE Wizard to PoE Barbarians, Fighters, and Rogues shows Wizards have significantly more supernatural abilities both in terms of breadth and magnitude, to the point you can completely bypass supernatural abilities and roll a martial character whose only magic would come from equipment. These classes clearly aren't Wizards even with magic as there is nothing any of them have that remotely resembles Concelhaut's Corrosive Skin, Wilting Wind, or Gaze of the Adragan.
  11. Cipher, dual pistols and cc. Pretty good for this, and Cipher powers early is nice. Witch would be good assuming Soul Whip affected Carnage, but with the changes to Carnage it's just not as good in theory. Could probably benefit from the Cipher steal-buffs and increased hp from Barbarian. Obsidian wanted every class to have a single class option with Companions, so Serafen got stuck with single class Barbarian. Imo they should change Serafen to Cipher or Mindstalker or Witch and introduce a Dwarf Barbarian from Naasitaq in dlc.
  12. From what I can tell carnage only inflicts a third of base weapon damage as raw damage, no special effects from weapons or abilities seems to affect it barring barbaric Blow and maybe Heart of Fury(the latter which I haven't tested). This means it's a lot less valuable than the PoE carnage(in addition to being unable to see the radius like you could in PoE), and I think they should change carnage to be 50% of weapon attacks using the attack role and any modifiers so it takes into account lashes, ability use, etc. Especially considering the new armor/penetration system is theoretically a lot friendlier to lower damage attacks like Carnage than PoE's Damage Reduction.
  13. If you think PoE Wizards are indistinguishable from PoE Fighters, Barbarians, and Rogues then you've been blinded by butthurt. The weeabo fitan magic given to martial classes doesn't compare to the supernatural **** Wizards (or Druids or Priests or Ciphers or Chanters) are able to pull off. Feeling like your meteor-slinging Wizard isn't special anymore because the Fighter can telekinetic pull enemies 5m away is like feeling your car isn't a vehicle anymore because a kid down the street has a bicycle.
  14. Well this ****ing sucks, Bourdain was a cool guy and I learned a lot of **** from his shows. Reddit makes me want to kill others, namely redditors.
  15. Bumping this thread to share this mod for anyone mad at WotEP after 1.1. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/75 Would be a better solution that the original behavior as well imo.
  16. IIRC it's the upgrade for Flames of Devotion that gives +10% damage as burn for a duration after using FoD. I never though to check that out and if it holds through the DLCs I may do an Arcane Knight instead of a Warlock.
  17. Why not? This is fantasy, there isn't an intrinsic rule that says only skinny nerds in a dress can use magic while everyone else is stuck with hitting stuff with a sword.
  18. He got hit by a bug that removes blue orlans, he'll be back after the next patch hits or someone releases a mod.
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