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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. France makes jokes about going on strike when someone gets fired until that person gets reinstated with backpay while Americans give their boss head and a $100 tip on the way out.
  2. All classes get Weapon Proficiency at level 4 then every 3 levels, except for Devoted Fighters. No mod, but other than abilities and a few talents proficiency doesn't really do anything.
  3. All weapons technically have special effects, but this sounds like it would be more complicated than having 2-handed weapons deal less dps but be more effective against high AR than dual wield. It can be if you've got lashes and additive boosts. Maybe 2-handed should get an accuracy bonus instead, in any case they need some sort of tune up to be competitive for full attacks.
  4. That would be way too huge there.-1 pen might be too much for 1 handed weapons considering the armor buff the ennemies get in POTD. +3 pen is too much for 2 hander, meaning they will overpen anything the game throws at you. +2 maximum i'll say. Not really, the -1 Pen nerf is only for fast 1-handed weapons while the slow 1-handed should stay the same. +2/+3 (with talent) Pen for 2-handed wouldn't allow consistent overpen against a lot of content on normal/veteran and signifigantly less on PotD. I meant a multiplicative +25%, similar to how Might worked in beta. Though if +3 to average damage might be too much then a multiplicative 1.25 would certainly be overkill.
  5. Give 2-handed +2 Pen/fast 1-handed -1 Pen, make dual damage weapons have normal pen values instead of a penalty, and don't have 2-handed weapons cost double to enchant. Give the 2-handed style ability +1 pen as well. For Full Attacks, give 2-Handers max or bonus damage(+25%) and single-weapon an accuracy bonus(+10/15) to make them competitive with dual-wield.
  6. Here's one from 2016 that appears to say the opposite.http://uclacha.org/2016/04/25/life-expectancy-suicide-wealth/ Otherwise I get the same as TN.
  7. Lol just work harder. No irony, if Muharrim Ince wins it would certainly be a revolution given how entrenched the AKP is. If they go to a 2nd round he has a decent chance too since every candidate who isn't Erdogan seems to hate Erdogan, including the islamists and conservatives who should be his allies. A narrow first round victory would still mean 50% of the vote for Erdogan, and it's all he needs for his program. I'm sure he'd like Putin numbers for bragging rights, but a win is a win. I think that smjames thought that you meant incel (involuntary celibates) revolution An incel revolution wouldn't look much different than Erdogan's current practices.
  8. I guess that means in 20 years or so GD can support him in the Libertarian Party primary and hope to finally crack the 5% barrier. Can't, I'm Cuban Cuba will have been sold to the United States of Wal-Mart in the AnCap hellscape of 2038. I honestly would feel terrible about that, as much as the government pained me I would loathe to see a single building that stood the test of time and has so much history be torn down for another ****ing McDonalds.It's not going to be a single building, it's gonna be every building. Cuba will end up a giant shopping mall with every bit of history wiped away to make way for fast food and retail stores.
  9. The second DLC is going to be combat focused and the closest we'll get to a megadungeon, but personally I want sea monsters more than a big dungeon.
  10. I guess that means in 20 years or so GD can support him in the Libertarian Party primary and hope to finally crack the 5% barrier. Can't, I'm Cuban Cuba will have been sold to the United States of Wal-Mart in the AnCap hellscape of 2038.
  11. I guess that means in 20 years or so GD can support him in the Libertarian Party primary and hope to finally crack the 5% barrier.
  12. Man STFU, I don't need a bunch people ruining Costa Rica. That's my retirement plan. Who are you kidding, you're not going to retire.
  13. It takes a lot of time and balancing, almost every encounter in Deadfire would need to be redesigned to allow for spellcasters having access to all potential spells. This is in addition to Deadfire already needing to fix broken or weak options and make PotD more difficult. That removes all but 6 grimoires from the game, which means that they would have to design many new spells to make a reason to use grimoires in the first place. Limited in what way? Giving them all their spells would be equivalent to over doubling the amount of ability points they have available to them if they didn't get passive abilities, with 1 passive ability poer power level in addition to knowing every spell single class casters would become superior to any other class in terms of versatility and power. Why do they deserve them and why only those three classes? As it is, Priests and Druids already get 1 more active ability per level while Wizards get 2 per level they can change at any time. 1. You're making this up. Nothing needs to be rebalanced in reaction to what I suggested. The fights have already been designed with the knowledge that all possible spells, and any combination of them, can be used by the player. Because players can already do this in the current state of the game. The balancing factor (which is unaffected by my suggestion) is the fact that you only get 2 casts per level per encounter. Your claim that giving casters access to all their spells would somehow unbalalance things is false. 2. If that means that only 6 grimoires remain in the game, then that's just fine. Grimoires will become highly coveted loot drops. They'll be special for once because they offer wizards unique spells that can't be learned upon levelup. I can see this only as a vast improvement over the current system where the grimoire is essentially just a crutch needed by a crippled class. Furthermore, I think it would be a good outcome if, as you implied, Obsidian had to develop more new unique spells to put in more grimoires. 3. Halve the number of ability points that Druids/Wizards/Priests get upon levelup. Or quarter it. I'm not sure what the exact "balanced" percentage should be, but I'm sure Obsidian can figure it out. Since Druids/Wizards/Priests will only get passives, they won't need as many ability points to spend. So they won't get as many. Simple. 4. I'm not opposed to the idea of giving all single-class characters, regardless of class, automatic access to all their abilities. I just felt that requesting that was a little too ambitious for this thread. If it was up to be I'd let single-class Rogues/Ciphers/Barbarians/Paladins/Fighters/Chanters/Monks/Rangers automatically gain all their active abilities instead of just Druids/Wizards/Priests. Because to me it seems that only multiclass characters should be required to choose a limited selection of abilities. Multiclass combinations need to be carefully balanced. But single-class characters shouldn't have to suffer the same penalties, restrictions, and limitations. 1. No I'm not, if three classes are changed from only having access to a few active abilities per power level to having access to every active ability per power level they need to redesign encounters with this massive improvement in versatility in mind. And again this is in addition to needing to fix the current balance issues present in the game. 2. Then they have to remove almost every existing grimoire or design many new spells to suit this, which takes time away from creating other content such as new abilities for everyone or new **** to do in the game. 3. And now you've introduced complication on top of the currently existing balance issues that will take several iterations to get right and countless ruined builds in the process. Given how many have, rightfully, gotten pissed at the recent nerfs in 1.1 seeing their Wizard lose half of passive abilities will send them into a massive rage. 4. Multiclass combinations are better balanced within the existing framework, such as making almost every ability influenced by power level. Of the three classes you've advocated for only Priest seems to be lagging behind and that seems to be more of an issue regarding their less than impressive healing capabilities relative to other support classes. Single-class Wizards and Druids seem to be doing pretty good, which happens to coincide with Power Level effecting most of their spells and thus making having a high PL worthwhile.
  14. Women "pleasure themselves" too bruh. EDIT: Apparently a certain term is censored. Burgerland prudishness strikes again.
  15. It takes a lot of time and balancing, almost every encounter in Deadfire would need to be redesigned to allow for spellcasters having access to all potential spells. This is in addition to Deadfire already needing to fix broken or weak options and make PotD more difficult. That removes all but 6 grimoires from the game, which means that they would have to design many new spells to make a reason to use grimoires in the first place. Limited in what way? Giving them all their spells would be equivalent to over doubling the amount of ability points they have available to them if they didn't get passive abilities, with 1 passive ability poer power level in addition to knowing every spell single class casters would become superior to any other class in terms of versatility and power. Why do they deserve them and why only those three classes? As it is, Priests and Druids already get 1 more active ability per level while Wizards get 2 per level they can change at any time.
  16. That completely removes the point of grimoires for wizards and enables all 3 of those classes to load up on passives while other classes have to split their points between their active and passive abilities. Single classes already get 1 more ability point and 2 more power levels so it's not like they're significantly weaker.
  17. It's still 2 years earlier than I can retire.
  18. i hope obsidian would buff the 2H sometime later... hopefully not the other way round (nerf DW). i kinda love DW at the moment.. obsidian shd buff weaker stuff instead of nerf better ones. 2H would be more effective and more inline with PoE if they had 2 higher pen across the board, reduce fast weapons pen by 1 as well.
  19. Both, because McDonalds workers were on $7B worth of welfare in 2013 and it has likely increased since then. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/view/articles/2013-11-13/how-mcdonald-s-and-wal-mart-became-welfare-queens And college will, theoretically, give you better job prospects while McDonald's will just make you fat.
  20. 1. Big, each has their own line of bounties and about 5 quests. 2. Neketea is big, but more importantly dense. I estimate about 20% of gameplay is in that city. Dunnage is small, 4 areas. 3. Your companions might hate you but at the moment the raw bonuses to your character exist only for evil.
  21. Sword because there are a lot of them, the dual damage types helps against immunities/high ar, and the modal has no dps penalty. The +5 Accuracy is good, but if you're single wielding you already get +12 accuracy.
  22. Ydwin would have been cool, but I will be eternally booty blasted about the lack of sea monsters and that should make it into a DLC before sidekick to companion or any non-dwarf companion. Companions were supposed to be like BG NPCs, low content characters you have to go out of your way to find. A lot of BG2 npc mods have signifigantly more interaction and content than that, sometimes more content than vanilla BG2 npcs. I'm under the impression PoE is relatively easy to mod, but I don't know how inserting a new companion ranks on difficulty and assume that multiple companion mods may need a merger of some sort.
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