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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Pretty sure they don't have silencers yet in PE. Now, if they'll put in parts where you can assassinate people with silent bow attacks to avoid detection or not will be seen. But firearms being noisy as hell should definitely be a factor in whether or not you use them for a particular encounter. Suppressors (nitpicking, sorry) don't actually muffle the sound they redistribute it. Their big advantage is completely eliminating muzzle flash, which was impossible with black powder guns because it needs large amounts to shoot (so if they had to compensate the powder volume for what its loss with a suppressor it could rupture the barrel ) and it had a very heavy smoke that gave away the shooter's position
  2. I think that you described the last 4 BW games.
  3. me too, love ridley scott. Aside from Legend I've thoroughly enjoyed all his movies.
  4. They became a superpower for centuries? No, actually, in the end, they were had by some half-naked barbarians, so i guess the bikini thing looks totally lagit from there. That's... disputable. The goths were not half naked.
  5. It split into two with the Byzantines spreading Christianity and therefore they are indirectly responsible for this thread?
  6. I disagree, they should do away with party limit restrictions instead.
  7. Orogun01


    I can't stop...listening to this song.
  8. Then your main character would be white...again.
  9. No, that may feel too much like real life for me.
  10. Ok, first of all is a fantasy world and that means they have magic and a whole other set of technology than us. Second, if you want to go by pure realism then arrows don't penetrate plate armor or laminar armor. The numbers that you'r quoting are the maximum range and not the maximum effective range. At those distances they fired in volleys (as I said before), meaning there were a bunch of bowmen firing at a high angle to a large group of soldiers hoping that an arrow catches one of the weak spots in the armor. Not a viable tactic when you're dealing with small groups. At those ranges guns were worth the trade in accuracy just because of power and versatility, since most guns where also used as clubs once spent. Just because of armor penetration guns are more effective, I mean guns completely eliminated plate armor and took it off the battlefield.
  11. Again, I think it depends on if you're firing Minié Ball style conical sabbots out of rifled barrels or not. Once you have a musket with a rifled barrel and you move away from round ball ammunition, it's effective range goes from 50-75 yards to 500. There's no way you're going to hit targets consistently at 500 yards with a bow and arrow, or if you did, the arrow wouldn't have the same penetration at all. Anyway... I guess all of that is moot. You're unlikely to engage any enemy at a range of 500 yards in an isometric RPG. :D A Minié Ball might be a little bit overpowering for the game, specially if you consider that they might not use gunpowder (or at least a better formula) higher muzzle velocities equal more accuracy. Plus, if they are going to have blunderbuss and handcannons a Minié ball might be too advanced. Also I think Bokob overestimated the effectiveness of a bow and arrow, at those distances a single bowman wouldn't be as accurate. That's why they fired in volleys, at close quarters they actually took care when firing since ammo was limited and expensive.
  12. I would really like to see some kind of soul gestalt type of vicious cycles where the collective experiences of souls in a specific area affect the surrounds as they reincarnate. For example a thieves town would have more dangerous monsters than other areas as the souls of thieves corrupted the fauna when they reincarnated.
  13. I would really like to see them implemented in sort of a Musketeer/Duelist type of class, particularly because duelist fall short in combat when not dealing critical hit damage. It would really be a great way to balance a class that I've enjoyed playing. It would be really simple to add guns to them and be both balanced and useful in a realistic manner. Muskets for accurate shots at long range but with so much armor penetration and reload time that makes them ineffective at close quarters. Blunderbuss for close to mid quarters because of spread shot being able to hit multiple targets. And a combo of multiple handguns plus rapier/sabre for hand to hand combat.
  14. Well, I'm ok with this as long as it doesn't turn into another BW bashing thread. DA2 was a bad game but that doesn't sully BW's previous projects for myself and in way BW is still doing what I knew them for. Which is entry level WRPGs that are easy to digest for those not used to the more straight forward mechanics of other games. I'd like to think that if any of BW customers are backing up PE is because they enjoy the genre and are looking for a different experience, rather than what they believe would be an improvement on the BW formula.
  15. I think in the particular example you provide is the intent that matter, both the rebel and the reformist act out the desire of change for the better with varying means. One of them is just misguided but that all depends on their "evil" government, on whether it acquiesce to reform or brings down the hammer. The main problem with ethics in the real world is that they have to be judged on a case by case basis using different means but since we are dealing with role playing its the intent that's most important. It is really up to the writers to present each option so that it each becomes "tailored" to the player's views or to build up to a few reasonable conclusions.
  16. I really hope that this game leveling curve will be perfect, meaning there won't be any need to abuse it and players who do will feel bad because they feel that they are missing out on the experience. That's what it was for PS:T and that's what I want here, something crafted so well that the player won't want to alter the experience because they realize that it would ruin it.
  17. This where extremist feminists fail, they are getting into a pissing contest with men and making a mess about. There is nothing wrong with gender roles or role reversal and I particularly dislike that most arguments seem to complain about fictional pieces of work. Not only is the negative focus of their rhetoric hurting them, it's quite possibly blinding them (and the world) to the myriad of positive examples shown through history. Nitpicking at fictional work instead of providing with an alternative does not progress make.
  18. Hopefully if they decide to put in dragons they will flesh them out and tie them to their universe's lore. I believe i'm tired of dragons because there is so little effort to present them in different ways, they are basically the same in every fiction.
  19. He is easy to misinterpret, specially when it comes to ethics. His focus was mostly on personal empowerment and active opposition against nihilism, so is partly his fault for exposing so little of his views on morals. I don't tend to think of consequentialism in such confined terms, in said cases is just utilitarianism and it searches for "the greater good for the greater amount of people"(do you hate this sentence too? ). But my point is that whether or not the end result is favorable it is independent of the character of a person. As such consequentialist ethics aren't really the ethics of an individual but rather those of a state or government. The word ethics come from the Greek ethos meaning character, and while consequentialist ethics do represent the character of communities we can only roleplay a person at a time. Although if there ever was the chance that a game allows the player enough power to actually affect the game world then they may concern with the greater whole.
  20. Indeed. I wouldn't mind some sexualized characters, but when 90% of women look like models and fight in sexualized and ridiculous armor, something is wrong. Fine, warriors shouldn't be sexualized. But we still get to keep bossomy wenches that bring beer while giving ample view of the valley between their mounds.
  21. 23 pages in a day Seriously, you people must be starved for love.
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