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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. By different artists? So you want to pay different artists to have changeable portraits, despite the cost for such a menial feature. No.
  2. I bet that would make a nice KOTOR3. Alas, not going to happen... Collaborations of said magnitude only work as far as it remains a collective effort in the same directions. If it indeed happened they would be bound to clash and fall apart.
  3. If they are going to do an in-game economy system they should at least let the player participate in trading. Instead of carrying three swords let the player be able to use them to pay off a trade merchandise that may fetch a higher price in another city. In a setting where the player travels regularly in between cities it seems like a nice way to let the smart people make a profit without carrying exorbitant amounts of loot. More over I would love it if the decisions you take in the game affect the economy, Alpha Protocol style.
  4. Did you already picked one of the bridesmaids?
  5. I'm sorry but if a Creative Assembly's game doesn't have the "Total War" moniker in front of it I'm not touching it. Then they better put that "Total War" suffix to their Alien game too.... Dude, I would totally buy that. Also...what Alien game???
  6. I'm sorry but if a Creative Assembly's game doesn't have the "Total War" moniker in front of it I'm not touching it.
  7. I don't get you, you say you dislike restrictive roles and go on to present an example of a restrictive situation. Where does it say that to have a well trained army you need to be a despot? The US army is pretty much at the top and AFIK we don't torture them or shoot them in the head for deserting.
  8. Neil Gaiman did some lip service to him as well.
  9. I can personally attest to the fact that Alberto Korda has seen no royalties from his picture (his is a case common to a lot of artist on the island), having met the man in person and seeing his situation is probably one the things I remember the most. Because the man who made one of the most famous symbols of the revolution is struggling just to get by, and that's putting it mildly. I wouldn't trust any of the info coming from the government they are quick to " tirar la piedra y esconder la mano" (cast the stone and hide their hand). Although I will agree that the right wingers harbor intense feelings that make them a biased source. Che was indeed in charge of concentration camps, although the term is far too strong. They were facilities where "undesirables" were gathered; that denomination was everyone suspected of espionage, behavior that was deemed "counter revolutionary" or "ideologically diversifying", which ran the gamut from homosexuality to listening to the Beatles or having long hair. The people were confined to said facilities, there were cases of torture by the staff, people that were suspected of espionage or rebellious activities were "transferred" (never to be heard from again). A lot of these stories come from the mouths of people who were resident in said facilities who later were set free. I mean the regime has certainly softened since the fall of Communism, but I doubt that its crimes will soon be forgotten.
  10. Hello Amentep, welcome to CAA and thanks for sharing. It's been a year since I stopped moving sliders to make characters and learnt to use the presets, before that I was very unhappy with the way their faces look and restarted games constantly just so I could fix their nose. Ever since I stopped obsessing about those details I finally got around to actually playing Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ME, ME2,ME3, DA:O, and DA2. After playing those games I wished I wasn't cured.
  11. There's already a thread for hugs.
  12. I will need Benazepril for the stress of adventuring, some kind of analgesic for the pain(preferably not an opiate), some benzodiazepine to sleep and some zoloft for the trauma.
  13. Hmm, can I capture evil girls and cage them in the basement for use in "alchemical" experiments?
  14. I think I'm off my meds again, could somebody translate?
  15. It seems like a mage build rather than a class.
  16. Oh you mean stuff like rapid cooldowns? Or do you mean Spell spamming? Well we've been told the cooldowns aren't like cooldowns we've seen so I personally am giving them the benefit of the doubt until I see more about how it works. That doesn't mean I don't understand a lot of the dismay some of this has caused in terms of expectations from past implementations, though. Did they say something like "Yo Dawg I heard you like cooldowns..."?
  17. Perspective has nothing to do with RPG. Games don't become less of an RPG just because they aren't isometric, turn-based or rtwp. But gameplay does and I would say that a game needs to have a certain amount of level progression before its considered an RPG.
  18. A desperate move to sell copies so EA doesn't close down Bioware and/or roll their studios into EA. I also find the comment by Epler funny. Pretty sure most gamers would agree that people interested in FPS games like COD aren't going to be interested in RPGs. Even games like DA2 where there is a lot of dialogue and managing a party in combat. He makes that comment about interpreting reality wrong, but apparently they don't even understand the COD fanbase and choose to "believe" they'll be interested in a game like DA2. It's really just a comment to catch CODtards attention and get them to check out DA2 by saying it's something they would like. Of course it didn't work. That's an interesting view point. Would you say that there is no chance of mass-effect appealing to COD audience as well? I thought of ME2 as well when reading that comment, the game certainly has a distinctive GOW feel to it with some Rpg elements. It seems something that might appeal to a core FPS player looking to branch out. Whether DA2 was affected by this change in target demographic or if this change came about because of pressure from higher up is a different matter. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the direction of the game midway.
  19. Well, since they already got the "barbarians" they could always tie the paladin as an opposite soldier of an empire a la Roman empire.
  20. Actually for me it was like choosing from two different brands of vanilla ice cream, I went with whomever I thought was less boring.
  21. That's not evil, that's just being selfish and apathetic. Evil would be crushing them under your boot, or plotting to send them to a gruesome fate all while you revel at their suffering.
  22. I think you just described the Godsmen from PS:T.
  23. Nonsense, that's just poor writing in fiction. They don't want to portray evil characters as humans and so they deny them the most humans of connections because they don't want the audience to feel empathy for villains.
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