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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. I want to believe. The truth is out there :whistles X-files theme song:
  2. And then the cops know it was a mage, with you being the only other mage in town aside from the court adviser you get -10 reputation with that town.
  3. Not a game, but when I walk up to strangers and say "Hi" with a grave afflicted tone they usually run away.
  4. There is no reason to have them defined but I would still like the option of dealing with situations in extreme ways, even though it may not say anything about your character's alignment. Its quite liberating when you think about it since you no longer have to play at being the good/bad guy.
  5. Not really, I realize that's a Nash equilibrium scenario and the army can only win by attrition or coordination. They usually win by attrition.
  6. Not sure if serious.jpg Sex in fiction should be for atmosphere at best and romance at worst, if it doesn't tie with their story then Obs should just stay way from it completely.
  7. Well, they can always ban anyone suggesting romances. That's going to stop romance threads from popping up. Romance threads are the Ouroboros of the Internet, which kind of makes me glad that they aren't a hydra.
  8. For once I would like to not be the leader of the party, the mediator of everyone's problems, the shoulder that everyone cries upon. There must be better ways of exposition to show a character's views than "You like doing XYZ I like doing UVW, let's not get along".
  9. Cults are just one dead Messiah and a few believers away from being a religion.
  10. As far as stealthy assassination goes there is no one right way for every hit. In a realistic scenario I don't see guns gaining an advantage from stealth other than maybe proper planning and picking your shots, which with just one char firing muskets there really isn't any discernible bonus. Stealth on the other hand does suffer because of guns (black powder specifically) because once the first shot is fire you have thrown your advantage away.
  11. I love Sherlock.. I will go in a Moriarty inspired rampage if they don't finish season 3 soon. I've been watching Elementary too (sort of hoping to get my fix actually) it seems that hasn't really stepped into his own narrative. The characters do seem like quirky versions of the originals and the cases have been unimpressive. I'm hoping that they will find their beat.
  12. Well, I already spent some time in Hong Kong this summer, so I've got a good idea what to compare it to But I also have a backlog of games, untouched or in progress that I don't really want to commit to another time sink before I've worked off a bit of the queue. Finishing my first game of FO:NV, DA2, a game in progress of IWD2. Then there is Skyrim, The Book of Unwritten Tales, XCOM, Crusader Kings II, the GTA games and Dishonored which I've barely touched (installed and tested that they work). Oh, and a number of DLC's that require a new playthrough of ME2 & 3 (and DA:O). You get the idea That's not including a number of Good old Games purchases and some lesser known games bought from Gamersgate. Just don't expect it to be realistic in the "not comparing it to Deus Ex" way. Ah yes, Deus Ex is also one of those Steam purchases waiting for me to give it a go some day I would really recommend holding off on Sleeping Dogs, it's not a terrible game but it sort of feels like a poor's man GTA. The environment gets points both for novelty and execution (it is just beautiful at times) but the game does a poor job of showcasing it. The story was consistent until it hits its mid point and then it spirals into an incoherent mess that you're glad to see over. They present a bunch of characters that really have purpose, they don't advance the main story even though they are part of it. Sometimes I think that this game suffers heavily from the "DLC effect" where developers leave some character as a an anchor for future updates. So a large part of the game diverges into storylines that have no conclusion.(Specially the forced romances) The combat system is fun at first but you can only kick so many guys asses before you get bored of seeing the same animation. The upgrades do little to change this, they actually do next to nothing. TL;DR: Is a game with a good concept that they just piled a bunch of ideas on top of until it drowned any originality or fun factor it may have had.
  13. A healthy dose of skepticism is always good, whether in religion or science it helps to keep the person humble. If there is a God or not is an unknown at this moment, anyone claiming an absolute is having a clear bias in their opinion. Also, I do agree that a lot of thinkers and scientist of from Newton's period used God as a scapegoat to their conclusion. Most notably Descartes, whom Newton studied. I can't personally blame them since it was a different time when the church ruled and the existence of God was an absolute. On another note, I would really love it if somewhere in the future someone discovered an error with our mathematical system. It would be funny to me if all those zealot scientists would suddenly realize that their entire society was built upon faith on a system. The greatest difference between science and religion is the search for knowledge, once science stops searching and starts imposing they are at fault of the same sins that they accuse religion of.
  14. Counterargument: Guns are the natural progression of warfare due to ease of use, power and range. Mages (even in fantasy worlds) are usually not common. So even if magic became the force driving progress it would still have to be adapted for the lowest common denominator, which would translate into magic guns or something similar.
  15. Well, if the world of PE is anything like the world of Berserk then raising your kid on the battlefield and teaching them to fight is the responsible thing to do.
  16. Plus he's talking about the brain rather than the mind, so that's two points missed.
  17. I'm reminded of the system in Dark Souls where each weapon is categorized in a different type that has a different animations. The game has a large amount of weapons but only a few animations in between them that they change and mix.
  18. Aside from John Lennox I felt that a lot of those scientists were just **** to the philosophers. Like: "That's why science makes progress and religion doesn't." or "I realised there was a need to discuss this," says Rolf Heuer, Cern's director general." Belief is one thing, but that doesn't excuse bad manners or for someone who isn't an expert to talk about the merits of religion.
  19. Its even creepier when I read your post while looking at your avatar.
  20. Ok.... getting into the creepy Japanese stuff a little sooner than expected
  21. Unless Obsidian has the manpower to fend off a Jihad from the extremist I would recommend they stay way from Muslim imagery.
  22. Any other women want to be immature and overreact? It is not immature of a woman to overreact its just womanly, the sooner you accept it and learn to just nod your head and say yes the more peace you will have in your life.
  23. Flagellants for atmosphere, monks for repetition and nuns for sexy time
  24. Orogun01


    I can't stab myself in the ears enough times
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