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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Thank you all for the assist! Spikepit, if you are on steam on mac you should be able to get your files at: MacHD>users>[username]>Library>Application Support>Steam>steamapps>common>PoE 2 Folder. Hope this helps! -Caleb
  2. Insolentius with the great mod assist, thank you! But I'll definitely get this in to see if we can get this implemented for Veteran difficulty. Gracias for the post! Best, -Caleb
  3. Hey Irrose20, KaiG, Thank you very much for posting this! If it is not bugged already, Ill be sure to get this in for the devs to fix. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hey all, Thanks for the posts! As mentioned, we do have this bug in our system for Xoti's Lantern currently under investigation. Appreciate letting us know its still showing up in 1.1. Best, -Caleb
  5. Hey b180man, Would I be able to get a savegame file with your issue? I have it logged in the meantime for QA to look into for the moment. Thank you! -Caleb
  6. Hello Cylion, It's worth getting it in to the devs to look at. The modal on and off is a bug that I believe we are addressing still for a future update as quickly as we can get it working. Thanks! -Caleb
  7. Hey anishar and all, Thanks for the post! We'll take a look at the feedback and process them for the devs. I believe we already have the summoned items being looked at, so we really appreciate the input! Best, -Caleb
  8. Hey CheesecakeRising, Thanks for your post and good find! Ill get this bugged in our system for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  9. Hey All, Thanks for reporting this! I've logged the bug from the saves attached seeing the fire rate issue and will get it to the devs to investigate. Appreciate it being brought to our attention! Best, -Caleb
  10. Greetings Myetel, Thanks for posting! We do currently have this bug logged and is expected to be included in our next patch for fixes. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hey kingblah, Have you tried to load the latest Beta Branch for the game? It should address the issues you are bringing up with the Nvidia drivers. Please let me know! Thanks, -Caleb
  12. Hey juldrew, Sorry for the slight lag (Still getting steam forums up to date) but I've entered your bug into the system for the devs to look at the problem. Thanks! -Caleb
  13. Hey ibanix, Hope this clears it up for you, as our community members have answered this questions. Let me know if you have any others Best, -Caleb
  14. Hey guys, Sorry you're having these issues, if you guys would please sned us your savegame with the issue at hand we can investigate the problem for you. Thank you, -Caleb
  15. Hey all, I'll get these input so our devs can get it bugged up. We do not do localization in house which is the main hurdle here so I'll do what I can to get it to the team we work with. Thanks, -Caleb
  16. Hey man, sorry for the late reply. We are trying to cover a lot more social media venues that we kinda let slip so they had me bring them up to speed. But Ill be back on the forums more so now moving forward. As far as all 6, I know for sure the blunderbuss (And I believe all ranged abilites) Are not triggering backstab and it is in, but the others I will investigate right now, and get all bugs in that need them Again, my apologies! EDIT: Sorry. 1 is also in and should already be fixed for our next upcoming patch!
  17. Hey Insolentius, Thanks for the post, and sorry you're having this issue. I loaded your save file and see the issue, so I'm getting it logged for the devs to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  18. Greetings charlescc9, Thank you and all for this post, and sincere apologies for the lapse in time for a response! This issue should be resolved with the latest patch. If it is still giving you problems, please feel free to email us at support.obsidian.net so we can further investigate the matter for you. Best, -Caleb
  19. Greetings all! We'll get this bugged for our system so we can see if there is an issue with the loot, or if this was meant to be cut. Thank you! -Caleb
  20. Greetings all! Thanks for the posts! We have this issue currently bugged in our system, for both Essential and Substantial Phantom abilities. Please look out for a future update! Best, -Caleb
  21. Hello all! As addressed in the post above, if you have areas that are specific bugs please feel free to create new a post so we can address it, or contact us at support.obsidian.net. Any information you can add like a savegame, dxdiags, or output.logs are always appreciated and sometimes necessary for us to investigate! Thank you -Caleb
  22. Greetings Kirk, Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We will be sure this gets in so our localization teams can look into it. Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello CENIC, Thanks for this post and sorry for the late reply! We have had this brought up to us many times, so fingers crossed we can get some love on it! Best, -Caleb
  24. Hello JamesDyk, Thanks for the post, and sorry for the delayed response! We have our custom AI not saving settings in our queue for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  25. Hello IndiraLightfoot, Thanks for the post! We have this logged and are looking into the problem on our end. Best, -Caleb
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