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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. We will get this looked into for the cause. It may be that the unrecognized characters put it into a state that it does not save the History at the end. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  2. Hello All, We are getting reports of this issue on the latest patch, would any of you be able to provide us with savegames after the character is created? Any information really helps us get the issue looked into. Thank you, -Caleb
  3. Hey Aramintai, Does this issue happen to you 100%? We are attempting to test this in house and do not see the issue occur as described; While the intros play the areas that contain the buttons in the Main Menu don't appear to click under them. Is there anything else we should be doing when trying to reproduce? Thanks, -Caleb
  4. Hey Osra, Do you happen to have a save game where this issue is occurring? We have had some issue with recruiting Mirke in the past and may have missed this instance. Thank you! -Caleb
  5. Hey Gary1986, Item Changes are not final, but we are pushing toward it. If you do have feedback for items, the discussion thread is a great place to post as we do have some of our devs keeping an eye on them, as well as I am taking note of the changes that people are happy and not so happy with. Thanks, -Caleb
  6. Hello Ascaloth, We have this issue bugged and are looking at a cause and fix. Thank you! -Caleb
  7. It's very appreciated Thank you for your kind words!
  8. Hey Achilles, Ill get this in for a dev to assess if this needs work or not. Thanks for bringing it up! Best, -Caleb
  9. Hey Dopsim, We do have this in currently, pending investigation. We'll work at getting this resolved for a hopeful future patch! Best, -Caleb
  10. This is indeed known and bugged. Thanks for your patience and diligence! Best, -Caleb
  11. Greetings Suen, Thanks for coming across this, Ill let the devs know simply touching foot on the Digsite will progress the journal and break the quest in the way mentioned above. Best, -Caleb
  12. Hello All, We are still actively working on Summoned Weapons, and hope to get them in for an upcoming patch. Thanks! -Caleb
  13. Hello EtherGun, Thank you for letting us know there is something going on with Auto-Pause! We will look into the settings and see if NPCs casting out of LoS still create the issues you're mentioning. Best, -Caleb
  14. Hey there omgFIREBALLS, Thank you for the post! Ill get the trading issue in for buying stacks in front of QA so the can get it bugged up. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hey Kojk, We would just need the savegame that has the issue you're describing so we can try to recreate the issue in house Thank you! -Caleb
  16. Hello nt102982, Do you still have the files that have this issue? We would need them in order to look into the problem you are experiencing. Thanks! -Caleb
  17. Awesome wRAR, glad its working out, the latest .31 might resolve this long start issue as well Best, -Caleb
  18. Hey topologista, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I believe we have this in already, but I will post it for QA to investigate. Kind Regards, -Caleb
  19. Hey AndreaColombo, Thanks for the images! Im sure we can get this item found, but if you do happen to find the name please let me know Best, -Caleb
  20. Greetings Thenightelf, I will get this looked into and bugged in our system. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  21. Hey Skazz, Thanks to Wiegraf Folles for the assist! I'll still get this logged so we can avoid having to resort to a work around to resolve the issue. Best, -Caleb
  22. Hey wbc889, Thanks for the save! We'll get this looked into on our end by loading the save and getting a bug in as necessary. Best Regards, -Caleb
  23. Greetings Eidoran, Would you be able to provide us with a savegame that has the issue so we can get this looked into? We would greatly appreciate it Thanks! -Caleb
  24. Hey CENIC, Thank you for this bug! If you have a save file it would help us investigate the problem, but I will get it in for testing in the meantime. Best, -Caleb
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