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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello Silent Watcher, Thanks for the post! We have this issue logged for investigation, Ill add your info to it. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hello Osra! Thanks for the post! We are aware of the instances and are evaluating in house for the intended result. Best, -Caleb
  3. Hello MasterDaemonum, Thank you for your post! After using Google Translate, it appears that the issue youre experiencing is a quest blocker. Would you be able to provide a save game file so we can look into the matter? Best, -Caleb
  4. Hey kmbogd, Thank you for your post! I think this one is in already for dual weilding giving off hands the buff, but I will double check to be sure. Best, -Caleb
  5. Hey antman45454, We have this bug still in for our next patch, though we have resolved some of the DoT issues we were experiencing in previous builds. Look out for a patch in the future! Best, -Caleb
  6. Hey omgFIREBALLS, Thanks for your post, and sorry for the late response! I will get this into our database if it is not already for testing. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hey there Moonway, After launch of patch 1.1, is this issue still affecting you? Best, -Caleb
  8. Hello Silvaren, Thanks for the post! We have this logged for the devs to look into for a possible fix Best, -Caleb
  9. Hello bryndragon, Sorry for the late response, but are you still experiencing this problem now that the patch is live for 1.1?
  10. Hello rone, I believe we resolved this with our latest 1.1 patch, are you still experiencing this issue? Please let me know! Best, -Caleb
  11. Hey all, As mentioned above, we have this logged currently for investigation. We do appreciate it being brought up though, so thank you! Best, -Caleb
  12. Hey hsandris, Thank you for your post! Sorry for the late reply, are you still having this problem occur on the latest 1.1 patch? Please let me know when you can. Best, -Caleb
  13. Greetings Grambori, Sorry for the late reply! If you are still experiencing this issue, would you please post to support.obsidian.net with your dxdiag and output.log so we can investigate the matter. Thanks, -Caleb
  14. Hello Vindred, Thank you for posting this to us, we'll pass this info along to our localization team so them may look into a fix. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hey mammasaura, Thanks for the post and the assist w finding this! Ill be sure it is in our system if it is not already, good catch Best, -Caleb
  16. Hey Catbus, Thanks for your post! Are you able to get me an output.log and dxdiag so we can look into the issue? Best, -Caleb
  17. Hello Myztik, Is this issue still plaguing you? Have you been able to get in contact with GoG? Please let me know so I can try to help with the matter. Thanks! -Caleb
  18. Hello QuiteGonJin, Thanks for your post! Ill get this in front of a dev to check out. Best, -Caleb
  19. Hello H2NCH2COOH, Thank you for this post and for your files! Ill get this added to our system for investigation. Best, -Caleb
  20. Hey thelee, Thanks for this bringing this up again! The bug is still pending investigation so we'll asses as soon as possible. Best, -Caleb
  21. Hey there dunehunter, I'll get this bugged at least for the devs to assess if it is the intention or not. Good find! Best, -Caleb
  22. Hello Goggolor, We'll attempt to get this looked into for you, the save game would be the very helpful and I do not see one attached at the moment as our forums do not have the best workability with uploads. It may help to try to load your files to support.obsidian.net or load them onto a shared drive and send us your link. Apologies for the inconvenience! -Caleb
  23. Hello Murklight, Sorry you're having this issue and I'll get it logged for our devs for a resolution to the problem, and thank you for providing your save! Kind Regards, -Caleb
  24. Hello cfleeton, We are still currently working on this bug for a future patch. Apologies it is still in the game for now! Best, -Caleb
  25. Hey Yosharian, Thank you for providing these detailed notes! Ill get this entered so that the programmers know that AI having problems for these instances
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