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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello bsolar, Make sure Steam Cloud saves are disabled for this game, you can right click Pillars and go to Properties and go to Updates. You should be able to then delete your files without them getting resyned. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hello All, Thank you for the support in getting this worked out! I do think it still needs to be logged to work while equipped, so Ill ensure the case is bugged so the devs can look into it. Best, -Caleb
  3. Thanks for the post! This is currently bugged and being looked into for both topics. Best, -Caleb
  4. Thanks for the post all! We are still actively working on the respec issues as it looks like some of the problems still arise. Best, -Caleb
  5. Hey PangaeaACDC, I think we have this one bugged and fixed, but I will double check. Do you happen to know which Gods conversation this problem happened on, or which scene you left that it occurred after? Thanks! -Caleb
  6. Hello EmilAmundsen, Thanks for the post! Ill get this bugged with these files for the devs to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hello PangaeaACDC, Is this problem still in patch 1.1? The tester I asked that test ship combat does not see the issue present. Please let me know if so with an updated screenshot I've sent this one to them as well. Thanks, -Caleb
  8. Hello Folie a deux, Thanks for the image! Ill get this added if it has not already. Kind Regards, -Caleb
  9. Hello SunDD, Are you still having this issue? Do you have a save before the issue occurred that we can look into and one afterwards? Let me know! best, -Caleb
  10. Greetings Skorpionex, Thanks for your post! These are currently logged in our database for fixing, and I believe they may already be for patch 1.1. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hello All, Trial of Iron playthroughs are intended to have a single save. It may be the result of other saves with the same name if they are manually pulled or entered, though a crash might also be the culpirt. Providing any time of crash logs or output,logs to support.obsidian.net would be the best case of action. Hope this helps! Best, -Caleb
  12. Hello Lapsed, Are you still having this problem? This should be fixed with our latest 1.1 patch. So sorry for the long wait time! We are actively attempting to catch up and look at our forums. Best, -Caleb
  13. Greetings Tillerz, This issue should be resolved for patch 1.1. If you are still having problems, please visit support.obsidian.net and provide a save game and output.log so the devs can look into the problem for you. Sorry for the late reply! Regards, -Caleb
  14. Hello CodeTalker, The quest issue is logged currently and I believe fixed for patch 1.1 I will ensure that the enchant for whispers is in and being investigated, though I believe it already is. Sincere apologies on the lapse in time! Best, -Caleb
  15. Greetings CENIC, It is logged that Enchants are currently confusing for some that are mutually exclusive and being worked on for a future update. I'm sorry that I dont have more information than that currently, but the devs are diligently working on enchant fixes as I type this. Best, -Caleb
  16. Hello AdmiralHandsome, Thank you for these files! Ill get these output logs placed in two bugs so the devs can investigate the matter. Best, -Caleb
  17. Hello Shakyr, Thanks for your post! I believe this issue to be resolved in patch 1.1. Do you still have the problem? Regards, -Caleb
  18. Hello slackmackan, Are you still having this problem in our latest patch 1.1? Please send a output.log or a crash dump to support.obsidian.net if so, which will inform how to do so on the website. Best, -Caleb
  19. Hello Osais, We have all these issues currently logged and should have most of them resolved for 1.1. If you are still experiencing the issues on fresh saves, please let me know Thanks, -Caleb
  20. Greetings morla, This issue should be resolved in our latest 1.1 patch. Are you still experiencing the problem? Best, -Caleb
  21. Hello therem Do you still experience this issue after our latest 1.1 patch? And if so, would you be able to provide the save game depicting the issue? Thanks! -Caleb
  22. Hello Windermist, We have this issue logged from the crash files attached. Thank you for including them! Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello SarGawen, Thank you for your post! Ill get this added to our database for our programmers to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  24. Greetings Chaos Blade, Thanks for your post and sorry to hear youre missing the talk button for Modwyr. Are you still having this problem with 1.1? If so, please provide us with a save game so we can look into the problem for you. Best, -Caleb
  25. Hello sonycman, Are you still experiencing this issue with the latest patch 1.1? We have made some changes and fixes to how AI works and interacts with the game. Thank you, -Caleb
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