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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello Cutman3030, Please provide a save game with the issue in question so we may investigate it for you. Thanks! -Caleb
  2. Hi noexz04, We will investigate the issue internally and see if we can reproduce the drop shown in this image. Best, -Caleb
  3. Thank you very much for the files! I will get this entered into our database, and I am sorry it took us so long to get to addressing your problem. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hi all, This issue should be resolved in build 1.1. Is Vela still missing for you? Please let me know! Best, -Caleb
  5. Hi waltc, If you experience any issues from in game that needs technical assistance please let us know! Best, -Caleb
  6. Hi Zwig, Are you still experiencing missing this item after 1.1? Please contact us at support.obsidian.net if so! Best, -Caleb
  7. Hi Skorpionex, Are you still experiencing this issue with patch 1.1? I believe it to be resolved, but please let me know if it is otherwise. Best, -Caleb
  8. Hi nhilep, Thanks for your post and sorry for the inconvenience. I will get this logged in our database so our devs can look at the issue. Best, -Caleb
  9. Hi Kenti, We have this issue logged and it is currently being worked on for a fix. Best, -Caleb
  10. Hi Sloul, Thanks for the post! Ill get this entered if it isnt already as this is meant for party. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hi nstgc, I believe this issue is resolved in build 1.1. I will get it tested from QA to see if the change is warranted with the devs. Best, -Caleb
  12. Hi linzlotus, I will get this added for your programmers to look into. Thank you! -Caleb
  13. Hi MindWeb, Are you still experiencing this issue with the latest patch 1.1? Please let me know! Thanks, -Caleb
  14. Hi TT1, This issue should be resolved for patch 1.1 and may require a new save to see the disposition change. Please let me know if this isnt the case. Thanks, -Caleb
  15. Hello dunehunter, Please provide a savegame with the issue so QA can look into a fix for the issue as it cannot be reproduced in house. Thank you! -Caleb
  16. Hi Luagha, I will have this looked into with the devs to see if this is the intention or needs adjustments. Thanks! -Caleb
  17. Hi thelee, Thanks for the post! Ill get this instance looked into as it definitely should be applying the prone effect on graze. Best, -Caleb
  18. Hi vircof, Thanks for the post! This issue with pets should be fixed for all instances in Patch 1.1. Let me know if this is not the case for Xopn'aua. Regards, -Caleb
  19. Greetings IrritadoBR, This issue should be fixed for patch 1.1 which is live. Are you still experiencing the problem? I also see you tried to attach the crash files but I see nothing attached, so if so please try once more to do so, sorry for the inconvenience! Best, -Caleb
  20. Hello Wiseude, Are you still seeing this problem in live patch 1.1? Best, -Caleb
  21. Greetings robovoid_dev, This issue with going to Hasongo before visiting the Queen in Nekataka should be resolved in patch 1.1. Are you still experiencing the problem? Best, -Caleb
  22. Hi yoyolll, Thank you for this post. Ill get this bugged if it isnt already as I am sure this isnt the intention. Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello SynicalSyn, This issue should be resolved for patch 1.1. Are you still experiencing this issue? Best, -Caleb
  24. Hello all, The issue at hand is most likely linked to your ship not being outfitted enough for nautical travel. As mentioned above, try flying a different flag or getting a more imposing arsenal to prevent this issue, or utilize surrender feature. Best, -Caleb
  25. Hello Aramintai, Thank you for your post, and I belive this problem to be fixed in patch 1.1. Let me know if this is incorrect Best, -Caleb
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