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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hi IndiraLightfoot, We were having issues with examinables in earlier patches that we worked on for Patch 1.1 and may not have resolved it all. If you do run into an issue please create individual posts with images would help Best, -Caleb
  2. Hi _teknikz, Thanks for your post! We should have this fixed for patch 1.1, please let us know if this is still in game! Best, -Caleb
  3. Hi yoyolll, Thanks for the post! Fampyrs have had multiple issues with domination so we will get this looked into. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hello Stargazer55, Patch 1.1 is currently out, do you still experience this problem with the latest patch? Others have had success with disabling g-sync in order to resolve the issue. Hope this helps! -Caleb
  5. Hi biezel, Patch 1.1 has come out with fixes to this instance. Are you sdtill experiencing the problem after this build? Best, -Caleb
  6. Hi All, Thank you sleeptime for the files! Ill get these added to our database for our devs to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hi Insolentius, Appreciate the post! This definitely looks like a bug, so Ill get this one added in. Thank you! -Caleb
  8. Hi Womerine, Thanks for your post! Ill get these looked into, though it may require a save game to reproduce the problem, if you could provide one it would be fantasticm otherwise we'll do our best to get to this one! Best, -Caleb
  9. Hi Shatterstar, Thanks for the post! Ill get this added in our database for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  10. Hello Unreason, Thanks for the post! We have this issue being worked on currently, so any save game you could provide would help us in investigation. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hey Edvin, Thanks for the post! We have these logged and are looking into making sure all instances of these pickpocket items Best, -Caleb
  12. Hi mirwir, Thanks for the post! We have this issue logged and should be resolved in our patch 1.1. Let us know if you can still exploit the pause feature in the latest patch! best, -Caleb
  13. Hi Ruaffa, As mentioned by Wiseude, Turning off g-sync may help. There is also helpful information here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100913-ive-finally-found-a-way-to-stabilize-framerate-and-stutter/ Hope this helps! -Caleb
  14. Hi Ratbert, Thanks for your file! I will get this added to our database so our programmers can look into the matter. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hi Vixenary, Thank you for the screenshot, but would you be able to provide a save game while we attempt to reproduce the issue in house? Best, -Caleb
  16. Hi all, We've released Patch 1.1 since this post, apologies for the late reply. Is this issue still occurring in that build? Best, -Caleb
  17. Hi Vixenary, We have man instances of Unrevealed FoW and have done a pass pending a future patch. Please stay tuned! Thanks, -Caleb
  18. Hi FuzzyPuffin, Thanks for posting on our forums! Please provide a save game so we can look into the matters of each quest. We have most of these bugged but it could be specific instances. best, -Caleb
  19. Hi Svalen, We currently have this bug logged and should already be resolved for patch 1.1. Please let me know if this is different than what is expected. Thanks! -Caleb
  20. Hi All, Please provide a save game with the issue of loot container so we may look at the problem from its source. Thank you, -Caleb
  21. Hi Hexador, Ill get this UI issue looked into on our end for a resolution. Thank you for bringing this up! Best, -Caleb
  22. Hi bagge6, We have these issues with buffs logged and should be resolved with patch 1.1. Thanks! -Caleb
  23. Hi PangaeaACDC, Ill get this logged in our database so we can look into what the problem is here. Thank you for posting! -Caleb
  24. Hi PangaeaACDC, I will get this logged in our database for investigation. Thanks, -Caleb
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