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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hi andnico, This should be resolved for patch 1.1. Let me know if the problem with banters persists. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hi JerBear, Are you still experiencing this issue with the latest patch? If so were any crash files created when this occurred? Please provide if so. Best, -Caleb
  3. Greetings everyone, Thank you very much for your log files, Ill get these issues entered for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  4. Greetings Sylph_14, We have this issue currently logged into our database and should already be resolved for patch 1.1. Thanks! -Caleb
  5. Hello sleepytime, Thank you for your post! We do have explosions as a problem for games, We are working on a fix for a future update. Best, -Caleb
  6. Hi Ryz009, This should be fixed for patch 1.1. Are you still experiencing difficulty with this addon problem? Best, -Caleb
  7. Hi Zidster, Would you please provide a save game and output.log and we can see if we can help resolve the problem? Thanks, -Caleb
  8. Hi Gamertaku, Would you kindly attach a save game with the issue at hand? We can investigate the problem for you there. Thanks! -Caleb
  9. Hi Spoting, Sorry for the late reply! This is indeed already bugged. Thanks, -Caleb
  10. Glad its resolved! Please let us know if you have any other problems. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hi Pighardia, Do you have a savegame with this issue? If so please attach so we can investigate Thanks! -Caleb
  12. Hi Torm51, We have this logged as an issue for nvidia graphics cards. We are actively working on getting a fix. Thank you! -Caleb
  13. This issue should be fixed for patch 1.1, let us know if the problem still persists. Thanks! -Caleb
  14. Hi theBalthazar, This was changed during beta, apologies for the inconvenience. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hello EmpError, Thank you for the screenshot! Would you please provide a output.log and dxdiag with the problem? We can look into the issue for you with that information. Best, -Caleb
  16. Hi Castigador, Adding the item unnaturally will break most quests that require key items, load a save that does not contain the gloves or removing them from inventory should resolve the issue. Hope this helps, -Caleb
  17. Hi Noobilla, Are you still having this problem on patch 1.1? Please let me know. Thanks! -Caleb
  18. Hi Jorg, Are you still needed assistance with this issue? There were changes made from beta to live. Thanks, -Caleb
  19. Thanks for the post! Ill get this added to our database with our other instances. Best, -Caleb
  20. Hi Alvaroman, Do you have the pet mentioned equipped? If not, please send us a save game so we can look into the matter for you. Thanks, -Caleb
  21. Hello bartopolis1234, Thanks for posting, Ill get this post in front of a dev to assess. Best, -Caleb
  22. Hi Lokithecat, This typo is currently logged to fix. Thanks for posting! Best, -Caleb
  23. Hi smjjames, This issue is logged from development and comes back with game changes, so I will log the problem as live again. Thanks, -Caleb
  24. This issue should be resolved for patch 1.1. Thanks for posting all! Best, -Caleb
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