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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hi br54, We have these two bugs in our system currently for fixing. Thanks! -Caleb
  2. Hi s1rlancerlott, Thanks for posting! We are looking into the problem for all areas, so any issues you have for specific instances it helps us greatly to provide a save game where the issue is present. Kind Regards, -Caleb
  3. Hi wbc889, Thank you for the bringing this up, Ill get this added to our system to get the devs to fix or to clarify. Best, -Caleb
  4. Greetings Tarlonniel, We have this logged as fixed in build 1.1, please let us know if it is still a problem. Thanks! -Caleb
  5. Hi Zargan, Thanks for the post! We have this issue logged and being worked on currently. Best, -Caleb
  6. Hi Flucas, Would you please send us a dxdiag and output.log with the issue at hand? Thanks! -Caleb
  7. Greetings error4o4, Thank you for the post! We have this issue in our system currently for fixing. Best, -Caleb
  8. Thanks for bringing this up, if you have any technical issues please feel free to contact us here. Best, -Caleb
  9. Hi CodeTalker, Sorry for the late reply. We have this issue logged and looks like the issue is his abilities that should be suppressing negative traits affect positive ones, and is being worked on. Thanks, -Caleb
  10. Hello robovoid_dev, Thanks for the bug! We have this issue logged and pending a fix for a future update Regards, -Caleb
  11. Hi warbaby2, This issue should have been fixed with patch 1.1, it may require a fresh save to see the changes in effect. Thank you, -Caleb
  12. I rdc-tec, Are you still having this issue on patch 1.1? Please let us know if so -Caleb
  13. Hi Folain, We currently have this problem logged for fixing in our next update. Thanks for the post! -Caleb
  14. Hi all, This issue is bugged and should be fixed for patch 1.1, please let me know If this is still occurring Best, -Caleb
  15. Hi mishkoff, Thank you for posting this with the issue, this is currently bugged pending investigation. Best, -Caleb
  16. Hi Kirk, Are you still having problems with this after patch 1.1? We have the problem with Pallegina in our system as bugged so it may already have been fixed with that patch. Thanks, -Caleb
  17. Hi Aerothorn, Thank you all for the information, Ill get this added for Goods and Services so our programmers can fix. Kind Regards, -Caleb
  18. Hi wih, Thanks for the post! This issue should be fixed with patch 1.1, are you still experiencing the problem? best, -Caleb
  19. Hi Lokithecat, Are you still having the problem on our latest patch 1.1? Please let us know if this issue is still occurring as it should be resolved. Thanks, -Caleb
  20. Hi SableShrike, Thank you very much for the post! Do you still have this problem in game after our latest patch 1.1? If so would you please add them so we can investigate the matter? Kind Regards, -Caleb
  21. Hi Zagadka, Thanks for the post! Do you have a save game or any crash files that were created when this issue occurred? Please provide them if so! Best, -Caleb
  22. Hi CAlmond, Thank you for the post! Ill get this looked into for the deadfire headpiece. Best, -Caleb
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