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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello garr71, Is this problem still occurring on 1.1? All adventurers should be fixed for this patch. Best, -Caleb
  2. Greetings Pop, Is this issue still occurring on 1.1? Please let me know as I believe this issue should be resolved. Best, -Caleb
  3. Thanks for your post! We have this issue logged in our database so we can get a fix, as it should be pretty simple. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hello GMV, These issue should be resolved in our latest patch. If you are still experiencing the problems, please send a save game to us. Thanks! -Caleb
  5. Hello Oblomovkin, Do you have a save game with the issue at hand? We would need it to look into the issue you are describing. Thanks! -Caleb
  6. Greetings dsoAT, All four of these issues are logged and fixed according to our database. Thank you for the post! I am sorry we took so long to get to it. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hello GuyNice, Thanks for the post! and I am sorry that this issue took so long to respond to this post. We have this issue in our database currently. best, -Caleb
  8. Greetings AttonRand, Ill get this into our system as a problem for Russian localization. Best, -Caleb
  9. Hello Cherudek, Thanks for your post! Ill get this added as I do not believe it is yet, though we do have issues with beneficial abilities and items being resisted. Best regards, -Caleb
  10. Hello all, This issue is indeed in the other thread, and bugged already. Thank you for the assistance! Best, -Caleb
  11. Thanks for the link! Since we have the workaround and the issue logged we'll use the other post from here on. Apologies for the lapse in reply! Best, -Caleb
  12. Hello PangaeaACDC, Ill get this in our database for devs to look into how theyd like this failed quest to act. Thanks for the information! Regards, -Caleb
  13. Hello all, This was indeed reported post release, and should already be resolved in patch 1.1. Let me know if it is still affecting your games! Best, -Caleb
  14. Greetings Achilles, Thanks for your crash files. Ill get these two added to our database so the programmers can look into them. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hello Cwealm, Thanks for your post! Ill get this added to our database so we can investigate what is going on with this, and why the trigger doesnt fire if Tikawara is visited before the quest. best, -Caleb
  16. Hello Kragtor, Sorry you are experiencing issues with the endings. I got this added to our database with the steps where the issue occurred. I deeply apologize for the amount of hardships you had with the game. I will work with the team to ensure that we can get these worked on so we can improve the quality of our game for our players. Best, -Caleb
  17. Hello Torm51, Ill get this added to our database if it hasnt been already. Thank you for bringing this issue up with an image! Best, -Caleb
  18. This issue was addressed with patch 1.1. Please let me know if the problem still occurs! Thanks, -Caleb
  19. Hello Kampel, Would you be able to disable GSync if you have it running? We also have made changes with patch 1.1, so is the issue still present? So sorry for the late reply! Best, -Caleb
  20. Hello Melusina, Would you be able to clarify your issue with a save game? We do have a close to board option, and a surrender option to avoid fights. Let me know if those do not resolve the issue at hand. Best, -Caleb
  21. Greetings all, Sorry for the late reply. Pallegina should now be correct for her Pillars one histories in patch 1.1 Thanks, -Caleb
  22. Hello Gary1986, This is being addressed and bugged in another forum of the same post. Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello topologista, We have made some modifications to our Histories concerning Vela. Is this stil present for you after the fact? It may require a fresh game to investigate. Thanks! -Caleb
  24. Hello Glurak, Thank you for the post, and sorry for the long reply time! Ill get this added to our localization page so our off site localization team can look into it. Best, -Caleb
  25. Hello Madscientist, Sorry for the very late reply. I know we are doing work on histories with our latest patch, do you know if this is still the case for you for the history? Thanks, -Caleb
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