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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Greetings Xykier, Thank you for providing your files so we can look at this crash for you! Ill get it in and logged for our devs now. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hello Murklight, Thanks for this post! Ill get this bugged so we can make sure its not possible to get two copies of Engolio De Espiers, even though it is very cool Best, -Caleb
  3. Hi Dr. Explosion, Thanks for your post and bringing this to our attention! Ill add this to our system so the artists can look for a fix. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hello pomenitul, Thank you for your post! We have this issue with GTX 10 series cards logged, but if you could provide me with a dxdiag and output.log so we can help look into possible reasons for this affecting our games frame rate. Best, -Caleb
  5. Hey Disdam, Thank you very much for this post! I'll pass this along to the devs and let them know to look into SSD and HDD for crash problems. Best, -Caleb
  6. Hello rodyan, Would you be able to send me a savegame with the issue you are seeing? I can look into the quest progression blocker for you in this way and see if it is something we can resolve with your save for you, or at the very least get this bugged for a future patch fix. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hello Alessio, As mentioned by Insolentius, this quest is not mandatory and you should be able to continue the VTC questline without issues. If you are not, please let me know and Ill look into the matter for you! Best, -Caleb
  8. Hello all! I'll get this in front of our translation team to look into. Note that it is not on site and we outsource this, so we'll do our best to keep this information to them! Sorry that I cannot understand most of these posts! Best, -Caleb
  9. Hello malchiorita, Thanks for your post! We do take care of all our localization off site, and we do have them looking into more in depth localization. Thank you for your patience with the matter, and if you have particular instance with translation please feel free to create a post depicting the problem. Best, -Caleb
  10. Hello cyberpunker, Thank you very much for providing your files for us to investigate! Ill get this logged for the devs so they can look at the source of the problem. We may need more information or an earlier save, so please keep an eye on this post. Best, -Caleb
  11. I can't attach don't have right to attach that kind of file. Apologies as the forums don't have the best ability to post these, would you please attempt to use the support site at support.obsidian.net?
  12. Hello Farsha, Sorry to see you're having this issue, and I see you said you have a save attached but I do not see one. If you're having issues, maybe you can post to support.obsidian.net as there is a bit more bandwith for the site. Best, -Caleb
  13. Hey ArnoldRimmer, Thanks for the post! As mentioned this is the intention, but let me know if you are experiencing something different Best, -Caleb
  14. Hey dunehunter, I did see this in the former post, but thanks for bringing this up again! Ill make sure it is in for QA to bug Best, -Caleb
  15. Hello broodax, Would you be able to provide a dxdiag and output.log of the issue, and any crash files that were present so we can look into the problem for you? Thanks! -Caleb
  16. Hello Skoot, Thanks for your post! We have this currently bugged in our system as a high priority issue while looking for a fix. Best, -Caleb
  17. Hey Jackbpace, As mentioned above, are you experiencing this on patch 1.1 with your items currently maxed? If you still believe this to be a bug, would you mind sending us a savegame file? Thank you! -Caleb
  18. Hey Jackbpace, Thank you for reporting this! We currently have this bugged for investigation. Best, -Caleb
  19. Greetings abelius! Thank you for providing all your files! It makes it very easy for me to get the issues looked into and logged, which I will do now Best, -Caleb
  20. Thats great to hear its working out for ya
  21. Hello Kelduar, Do you happen to still have the save in which this issue is present, and if so would you be able to send it to us? We can look into the problem with that in house. Thank you! -Caleb
  22. Hello Wulfbiter and lonnyrose, Thank you for providing your information! Ill get this logged in our database so the devs can look into it. Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello all, Thank you for bringing it up, even if it is only happening to some and not all . Ill get it updated and see if we can get it to happen for us in house as well. Best, -Caleb
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