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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello IndiraLightfoot, Thanks for the post! This is bugged and being currently looked into. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hello Run-D.M.C.A., Thanks for the post! Ill get this bugged and looked into on our end. Best, -Caleb
  3. Hello Irrose20, Thanks for the post! Ill have this looked into and bugged if necessary. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hello master guardian, This is being addressed in a future update. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  5. Hello Achilles, Thanks for the post! Would you be able to provide a savegame with the issue so we can attempt to reproduce? Best, -Caleb
  6. Greetings GMV, Thanks for the post! Ill be sure it gets bugged to be correct for a future patch. Best, -Caleb
  7. Hello z_liquid, Thanks for the post! I'll get this looked into and see if it needs to get bugged as suppressing beneficial effects as well. Best, -Caleb
  8. Hello Scadouge, Thanks for the post and easy to reproduce steps! Ill get this bugged for the devs to invesitgate. Best, -Caleb
  9. Hello ganbarigarry, Thanks for the post! Ill get it in as an issue for ship combat as this does not sound like what is to be expected, so no worries! Best, -Caleb
  10. Hello Odoakar, Thanks for the post! Ill have this looked into for the issue at hand to see the intention. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hello holscher, Thanks for the post! Ill get this bugged for the devs to look into. Thanks for providing the files too. Best, -Caleb
  12. Hello wogudwkd12, Thanks for the post! And especially for the files, I'll get them in and logged. Best, -Caleb
  13. Greetings Not Hypebringer, Thanks for your post! We'll get this bugged and looked into on our end. Best, -Caleb
  14. Hello mnighteyes! Sorry youre experiencing this issue, would you please provide a savegame so we can look into the issue? Best, -Caleb
  15. Hello Solostran, Thank you for posting and attaching your savegame! Ill get this issue bugged and looked into for a fix. Best, -Caleb
  16. Hello all! Thanks for the post, we have made changes to the histories for PoE 1 for Eders end states. Best, -Caleb
  17. Hello roguelike, Thanks for the post! Ironman is meant for this mode as explained in the New Game menu. best, -Caleb
  18. Hello SableShrike! Thanks for this post! And I appreciate the very detailed steps to reproduce. Ill get this issue bugged in our system for the devs to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  19. Hello Dragoonlordz, Thanks for the files! We'll get this bugged for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  20. Hello Maf, Thanks for the post! We have this issue currently in our system for investigation. Best, -Caleb
  21. Greetings! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Ill get this typo bugged for fixing. Best, -Caleb
  22. Hello democlaw, Thank you for posting! Ill get this entered into our system for the devs to investigate. Best, -Caleb
  23. Hello Moonway, All our localization is taken care of for an external team. If you could provide instances of the mistranslation we could send that information over to be looked into. As far as the PoE1 name issue, I will get it bugged for the devs to look into. Best, -Caleb
  24. Hello Beamer92, Thank you for your post! Ill get this issue investigated with the information you've provided. Best, -Caleb
  25. Greetings Ascaloth, This issue is logged in our system and is currently being looked into for a fix. Best, -Caleb
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