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Everything posted by SChin

  1. Hey everyone, We are very interested in this frame rate degradation issue and want to investigate it as we have not been seeing this in house. Would you be able to help me by sending some files so we can look into this issue? I'm interested in your output_log.txt file after this starts to occur as well as your system specs and a save file. You can find instructions on how to obtain these here. The files are likely to be too big to fit on this forum thread, but you can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Hello Thelee! Thank you for bringing us another one of these! I have taken the information and submitted a bug report for the issue. QA and Area Design will investigate and look for a fix for the issue. If you discover more of these, please let us know! Thanks again!
  3. Hey there Edwgabriel! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We have a few different fixes for how abilities are displaying on the ability bar and the character sheet coming soon and this one seems to be part of that. Keep an eye on the patch notes(as you have been) to see when those fixes come in! Thanks for the help!
  4. Hello Quasxen! Thanks for reporting the issue! Fortunately the programming team has been working on this issue already and it is currently being tested before it's implemented to the live version of Deadfire. I also like to have my party a very particular way so it is totally reasonable to consider this a nuisance Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience this bug has caused.
  5. Hey Thundercheese! Thank you for such a thorough report on Scordeo's Edge. I've taken everything and put it into a bug report for the QA, Systems, and Programming teams to investigate. If you discover anything else about this, please let us know! Thanks again for the help!
  6. Hey Xsanf, Thanks for bringing this to our attention and thanks for the detail of it all. I especially love the build number and save file already being thrown in there! We have a few of these guys reported in our bug database, but I'm going to create a general one to get QA and Area Design to do a wider investigation just in case. If you discover anything else about the bounty targets, please let us know! This thread is linked to our bug report so the team will see it while they investigate. Thanks for the assist. Xsanf!
  7. Hello Loub! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have created a bug report for this and sent it to our QA and Character Art teams to investigate. If you discover anything else about Ikiuq's missing face, please let me know! Thanks for the help!
  8. Hello Xyron, Thank you for reporting this to us. I have created a bug report and sent it to QA and Systems Design to investigate and get any potential fixes for this issue. If you discover anything else about this bug, please let me know! Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
  9. Hello again Skie! I'm sorry you've run into these crash bugs. It's odd that they aren't creating logs. I'll report this and tell the team to keep an eye out for anything similar. If you discover anything else about this, please let me know! Thanks again, and sorry for the inconvenience Skle.
  10. Hey Arnold! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We actually do have a report for this in our bug system as something we would need Programming to take the time to implement. The original concern being we didn't want players who like to manage level up themselves to not have the option when their inactive party auto-leveled. We are looking into different ways we may want to implement this feature. If you have any other cool ideas or bugs to report, please let us know! Thanks again, Arnold!
  11. Hey Pinsalinj, Sorry about the Daily Wage bug that you've been experiencing. We have gotten many reports of this since Beast of Winter released and the Programming team has been working on a fix. We hope to have this fix released in a patch soon once testing of the fix has been completed. As a workaround, all other users with the same issue have reported that loading the save again fixes the issue. I apologize for the inconvenience and understand the frustration this bug is causing.
  12. Hey Barbarian! Thanks for bringing this up! Fortunately, the QA team has already brought this up to the Programming team and this issue is slated to get fixed. Keep an eye on the forums for the latest patch notes to see when this goes live. If you have any other cool ideas or notice any unreported bugs, please let us know! Thanks again!
  13. Hey Belfaldurnik! Thanks for reporting this to us! I have created a bug report for this and sent it to our QA and Programming teams to investigate. If you discover anything else about the Ranger companions, please let me know! Thanks for the help!
  14. Hello Belfaldurnik, This was something I believe was supposed to be fixed in the 2.0 patch that released along side the Beast of Winter DLC. I just want to be sure that you are on the latest build. In the top right of the title menu should show the build being v2.0.0.0030. If that is the build you are running and you are still getting this bug to occur, would you be able to do me a favor and send me a save file where this is occurring? Instructions for finding save files can be found here. You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience of this bug.
  15. Hey Indika! Thank you for reporting this to us. We made a change to consumable items where they should no longer be scaling with Attributes. Are your scrolls and bombs still being affected by this? Please let me know and thanks!
  16. Hey everyone! Sorry to hear you're running into an issue with Bear's Fortitude not applying to Tekehu. I tried this myself and didn't end up running into the bug. As soon as I closed Level Up after giving Tekehu the passive, he gained the +10 Fortitude. Just2Cold, if you are still having the issue, would you be able to provide me with your save so I can have some folks investigate the issue for you and try to get a fix? You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
  17. Hey everyone, This is indeed a known issue that is in the process of being fixed by the Programming team. We hope to have a fix soon and I believe Architekt is correct as I have seen other people report being able to reload the game as a workaround until the final fix is implemented. Thanks for reporting the issue and sorry for the inconvenience it is causing.
  18. Hey everyone! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We are aware of the bug, but are unable to get it to reproduce in order for programming to find a fix. If you happen to get a save file from before the conversation that triggers the bug, please let us know and send it to us if you can. You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email to us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily. Thanks for the help!
  19. Hey Skie! Thank you for reporting this! It does seem like it may be a general issue with Secrets of Rime, but I'm going to add this to the database and link the two issues for Systems Design to investigate just in case. If you discover anything else about this please let me know! Thanks for the help!
  20. Hey Starmantle, I'm sorry to hear you are crashing when you attempt to leave the Wild Mare. I have written up a bug report and sent it to our Programming and QA teams to investigate. Have you been able to continue your adventure or are you completely stuck in the inn right now? Sorry for the inconvenience this bug has caused.
  21. Hey Sharp! Thank you for reporting this to us! Fortunately the Programmers have already started working on a fix for this and hope to have the fix out soon. Keep an eye on the forums for the patch notes to see when the fix is implemented. If you discover anything else about the Daily Wage bug, please let us know so we can add the information to the bug report. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
  22. Hey Morpten! Thanks for reporting the nav break issue! I have added it to the database and sent it off to the Environment Art team to investigate. Thanks again!
  23. Hey Morpten! That is hilarious! I almost don't want to report this, but alas I must. It looks like he's riding on a Roomba or something. Thanks for reporting this to us!
  24. Hey Morpten! Thank you for reporting this to us! Fortunately the team is already aware of this and currently investigating the issue at hand. We hope to have a fix for this as soon as possible. Thanks and keep the bugs coming!
  25. Hey Morpten! Another astute observation! I put this into a bug report and sent it to our Area Design team to investigate and fix. Thanks again for another great find!
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