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Found 10 results

  1. I have some good news! I made this mod for KOTOR II that enables You to romance Mira! You can get the mod here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/mira-romance-mod/downloads/mira-romance-mod2 Sorry it took so long, at least now You will be able to romance Mira! I hope it's been worth the wait! Enjoy the mod and have a great weekend!
  2. Hello again, One more bug, again related to meshes. It seems Ikiuq, one of the recruitable helmsmen crew members for your ship, has no head model assigned to him, instead having a flesh-coloured round void where his face should. The following pictures should help illustrate the issue: And this isn't a matter of the face being so low-res you can't see it - I have screenshotted my other crew members and they clearly have, however ill-defined, traces of faces, unlike void-faced boy up there. Although it probably doesn't help steam's screenshot function is incredibly lossy in quality. This has been reported on the latest patch on the main branch. Here's a link to the savegame, if it's needed.
  3. Since 2.0 invetory naviation become sluggish and with a lot of stuttering. It doesn't matter how many things are in a inventory - it's noticeable immediately - even before the first fight with Benweth.
  4. Hello! Last answer about this issue was on June 08, it said "we're working on it for the next patch". I just would like to remind you that there were 2 patches since June 08. Or make it as another "penalty" on Ghost Heart Ranger
  5. Today I've hit the 100 hour mark in Pillars of Eternity. But out of this 100, I've spent at least 90 either without any companions, or with the custom made ones. I haven't done a single companion quest, my only knowledge of them comes from their first dialogue. I just can't have an inefficient companion when I can make the custom one and optimize its stats as I see fit. So when it was announced that 2.0 would make it possible to respec your companions, I was really hyped. I was more hyped about it than about the DLC. Finally, I thought, I might explore all the characters with their unique stories! I can finally do their quests! I can enjoy the party banter during the dialogues! Boy, was I wrong. When I've tried respecing my Aloth and it didn't let me change the attributes, I went to the bug report subforum!!! I haven't even thought that it could be something other than the feature not working correctly! And over there I've found out that you can only respect your main character and the custom ones. I've been so mad ever since! I did accept it during the 1.0 because there were no respec mechanic in place back then, but I'll never understand this arbitrary restriction regarding the preset companions now. You may say that the game is easy enough for you to complete it with the preset companions even on PoTD, and I would agree with you. But I won't ever have a 12 Might Wizard in my party. Or 11 Might 12 Int cypher. Or the 19 Resolve priest. Or any other mediocre companions. Sorry for the rant, but I'm truly disappointed.
  6. Hi So I bought PoE via the Apple App Store (I had an iTunes gift card so why not?) While it looks like 2.0 and the expansion are available on Steam and GoG, when will the App Store have an update? I'm fine waiting a few more days since I'm playing through Shadowrun: Hong Kong right now, but a time frame would be nice. If there's no concrete time frame (I know Apple is finicky about apps) can I purchase the expansion on GoG and have it still be compatible with my game?
  7. Hi! I've a simple question; well, maybe not so simple to answer. I want to play a Paladin, for RP reasons, but I want him to have high scores (min of 16) in the more "talky" stats: INT, PE and RE. I know that with 2.0 PE, being mainly offensive, doesn't synergize very well with the other two, that are oriented towards a tank-buffer character. So my question is: what kind of viable (not broken) build can I make with this limitations? I'm not a powergamer, and I don't want to play with him in PotD or something like that, but I want something that 'works' and feels rewarding to play I'm open to any kind of combat role: tank, off-tank, ranged damage... Thank you!
  8. I have continue lag in change area i have reset all my save and start a new game but the problem persist i attach mi output log in zip file. output_log.zip
  9. Hello, I've run into a problem in Galvino's workshop where every time I enter the enemies start at varying stages of damage (barely injured, etc). I found myself having an obscene amount of trouble getting passed the first mob. At first, I thought I was applying the wrong strategy or just hitting the mob with types they are resistant to, but after many attempts (more than I care to admit), I finally turned off expert mode so I could read the combat info. The injured enemies have crazy stats -separate from the healthy ones, and and not just defenses, as I noticed I was getting hit with crits nigh-constantly. Moreover, attempting to leave and come back results in different levels of starting damage on the enemies. I am guessing this is a bug? I mean I know I'm playing on hard but exponential stat buffs for damage? Unfortunately, my saved game was too large to upload, but I do have my output log and I took a screenshot of those lovely defense numbers. i hope it helps. Thank you for any time and help you can provide, --Don output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  10. i have to say i for one am very pleased. i was a bit surprised at first at all the disengagements by the enemy, but i think it only makes sense for my opponents to go after the squishy big hitters. after all that's what i am doing, too pallegina (specced as a kind of off-tank/support/dd) seems to do decent en passant strikes and now i am glad i took her along instead of aloth. before she was kind of redundant in my setup. edér is still pretty great: one time i accidentally pulled another group and i would have wiped if it weren't for him. he finished off the last 4 mobs alone with the help of the sanguine plate i needed to kite a little bit with GM, which i didn't mind. i've only done the first crägholdt map so far but i already learned to keep her way back at the start of fights. she probably will switch from robes to padded armor in the future. i am playing on hard btw. but yeah, from my first experience combat seems a lot tougher, more punishing and more positionally dynamic. it's going to take quite a bit longer to get through the game now. what do you think about it? i haven't experimented with the new party AI at all. what are your experiences with it so far?
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