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Yes, I played a Shattered Pillar/Soulblade with Whispers of the Endless Paths (and Offensive Parry). I used the Community Patch here as well because the Shattered Pillar got nerfed too badly in the vanilla game (only generates wounds with auto-attacks AND the max wound count is limited to 5 instead of 10). Community Patch brings the max wound count back to 10 - and that's much more balanced with the other monk subclasses. It's cool to charge both wounds and focus with the same attacks. In my case it was also cool that Offensive Parry generates both focus and wounds, too. And Soul Annihilation works well with the cone of WotEP (which profits from the huge INT increase of Turning Wheel).2 points
I think I've posted about my reasons in the BG3 thread, so I may not be quite comprehensive here with my issues, but (not in rank-order) ... Too much resources wasted on cinematics and VO that should've been spent on core cRPG elements. Gameplay ddevelopment decisions were clearly made with what was needed for co-op play over single-player. The entire combat system. Avoiding combat results in lesser outcomes than fighting, and also results in less XP and loot. Main story full of plot holes. Too much disregard for decades of established FR lore. The entire "origin" PCs concept. The custom PC being the least attractive way to play the game because the custom PC is the least plugged into the game (your origin companions are more central to the game than your custom PC). Choices throughout the game often not including obvious good-alignment options (or where good-alignment options are silly/unrealistic) and where choices favor playing evil (according to people I would trust on the Larian forum, there is no consistently good path the PC can take through the whole game, though a consistently evil path exists and is easy to accomplish). All companions being some form of primadonna/diva/hipster type character, and not a single sympathetic character among them. Poor writing. Period.2 points
2 points
Congratulations Intel, after re-releasing Raptor Lake on desktop as "new" generation, complaining about AMD's laptop naming scheme is really, really pathetic. Never mind the refreshes of the past, and the confusing naming schemes of the past... uhm... fire whoever made this immediately. Edit: anyone wanna bet whether an intern made these slides or if they tried their new AI accelerators on a marketing AI? Can't have been someone with more than two brain cells or at least semi-familiarity with the current tech landscape.2 points
Pretty good mix of information, but it smacks as much of rampant nationalism and imperialism as it does white supremacy. Not that those things make it any better, but they definitely fit with the times. It's also a pretty mixed bag, with this quote: Contrasted by this: His comments on India are even more contradictory. So it's safe to say Churchill was a pretty complex case, rather than an outright bigot or racist. I'd also say it is safe to say that when it came to the politics of race, he tended to stick with what was politically expedient over any specific morality. He's not exactly a paragon of virtue, but I don't get the impression that he is seen that way by the British. That being said, I'll stick by my stance on politicians and statues.2 points
Honestly, Bateman is a perfect BG3 protagonist. Just another narcissist psychopath into the mix. (wait, was BG3's original title Seven Psychopaths, but it was already taken?!)2 points
Well then Trickster > Legend is perfect because you can now pick Fighter for the 21-40 levels for a classic "while you were gaining mythic power, I studied the blade" build. Assuming you're using a 18-20 weapon you'll be hitting crits on 11+ rolls and have a Bab of 40.1 point
For what it's worth, practically every update Bethesda releases breaks the script extenders as far as I know. So it's more like business as usual. I'm utterly unsurprised paid mods are back, but mildly shocked that it'd be with Skyrim and not Starfield. Must not be very many playing that ****.1 point
Not doing gestalt but I am giving myself an extra feat each time and I'm only playing on Core but with extra enemies and abilities turned on. Maybe I will go Trickster to Legend.1 point
Brujah, Tremere, Banu Haqim, and Venture are the clans that the game is shipping with if anyone cares. They sent me an email about it so that's how I know.1 point
i'm pretty meh on wounding shot in general. I think it's mostly useful as melee ranger support. And even then, I would prefer Hunter's Claw until I'm maxed out on stacks (20, though you could cheese your way to more) Stunning Shots doesn't stun like in PoE1, but interrupt is much better than in PoE1. I haven't played too many SC rangers, but all of them have happily taken stunning shots. good enough it might even make a case for putting a point into accurate wounding shot.1 point
Trickster to Legend is probably the funniest route and it's mechanically very strong, especially for crit builds which the Virtuous Bravo definitely is. EDIT: I think you're doing gestalt as well, so doing that as a Legend is just ****ing crazy good.1 point
1 point
I would love to see more party vs party encounters myself, thematically I enjoy the idea of a clash between groups of similar power and skills. I'm struggling to think of a game that did it well, maybe PoE and BG2? It's been a while for them. That said I'm not opposed to a single powerful boss on principle, slaying the big dragon or demon or whatever is a fantasy staple for a reason. The problem with that in BG3 is that mechanically 5e's meta leans toward multiple enemies being much more of a threat than a single powerful one due to the stats scaling relatively slowly and capping relatively low. So this means your big bad dragon that you've built the campaign around will probably get it's ass handed to it going 1 v 4+ with a decently component and geared party (for reference), which isn't particularly fun and part of the reason I stopped playing 5e as pnp [insert rant about Pathfinder 2e's better design].1 point
Piling on here to say that your mod has kept me enjoying the game for far longer than I would have otherwise. I came back to the game a month or so ago, and have been appreciating all the work you put in. For me, the mod is required to keep the fun alive. Cheers!1 point
Reached episode 12 of Frieren. Almost binge watching it at times now. That potion I mentioned earlier.... showed up again No, it's not really an anime with a lot of nudity (none) or even innuendo (very mild).1 point
That's exactly the reason why I thought about giving a Shattered Pillar/Ascendant MC a go, because the way both class resources are working is similar. Perhaps I will try the first island like that and see whether I like it. I don't have much experience with multiclasses but this combination at a first glance sounds pretty good to me.1 point
I acknowledge that I was not asked but I would like to reply. My main issue at the moment is how poorly Larian handles the setting and the storytelling. (Also, the UI, system requirements, RNG, and the inconsistency of the character controls[*] but those I can get used to). The combat encounters can be minimised and the animations, while lacking, can be skipped. Though, at the max settings and 60FPS, the effects blur away the limitations of the mo-cap, so it at least looks technically well and some scenes (e.g. Dame Aylin's armour summoning or Astarion's companion quest ending) are over-the-top enough to be good. On a positive note, I adore the immersive sim elements (would prefer if they were consistent, like in Dishonored), the number of diverse LGBTQ characters (especially that paladin), and the absence of DRM, MTX, and DLC. [*] The turn-based combat, the real-time without pause exploration, the time-freeze dialogues where, as a bonus, the characters do not move for the onlookers. Looking forward to it. Though, I am worried about the DRM - it effectively kills the preservation (as my recent experience with DA:I has reminded me). The game is also likely to be released half-complete with the patches and paid DLC coming for a year or two.1 point
I'm trying to add a new Objective Node to the quest Hunting Season to make an alternate route to account for the player heading to Bentbranch Bog before the animal attack takes place on Sayuka. I can't seem to get it to work though. The quest seem to start and displays the string for the new Objective in the left hand corner, but shows it with a check mark as if it were just completed. And the quest log displays only the description. The output_log.txt shows the the following error that I believe is connected: Invalid Quest Tracker size! (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) ERROR: Failed to execute compiled script Void StartQuest(Guid). See the following exception. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. at System.Collections.BitArray.Set (int,bool) <0x000f2> at Game.QuestManager.SetStateVisited (Game.Quest,int) <0x0011e> at Game.Quest.EnterState (int) <0x003b4> at Game.Quest.AdvanceHelper (bool) <0x00ae4> at Game.Quest.Advance (bool) <0x00051> at Game.Quest.Advance () <0x0001e> at Game.Quest.StartQuest (int) <0x0007e> at Game.QuestManager.StartQuest (System.Guid,int,UnityEngine.GameObject) <0x003bd> at Game.QuestManager.StartQuest (System.Guid,UnityEngine.GameObject) <0x0003b> at Game.Scripts.StartQuest (System.Guid) <0x0004c> at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope) <0x0007a> at Game.ScriptManager.ExecuteScriptMethod (OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ScriptCall,bool,Onyx.ExceptionMode) <0x002a5> The only way I've found around this is linking to node 5 instead of creating the new Objective Node. This actually functions pretty flawlessly, except for the text in the strings containing mentions of events that don't occur when taking this route. Interestingly looking at the .questbundle in Visual Studio there would seem to be a "AlternateDescriptionIDs": field on a each node. But I can't see that there would be any way to add alternate description IDs to the nodes or really anyway to activated an alternate description on a specific event node.1 point
I expect that from radical right and some AWB protestors, it will fail but people will still try. It's no different to demands Gori, Georgia take down Stalin's statue because he was a commie. And it's always motivated by the same reason, outrage about something they ostensibly did in the past while ignoring or being unaware of their overall contribution towards the country but then judging them on today's values and morality. His important stand he took against the Nazi is really what he is remembered for and that's no myth. So the Nazi being defeated in WW2 is not a big deal to you? That's what I mean by overall contribution and the USSR and Stalin played a part in the Allies' victory. Yeah, he probably could have achieved the same result without being quite so much of a prick about things, but then so could Churchill...1 point
1 point
1 point
Uh, I think they are just revealing the game in 2024. It will probably come out in 2026.1 point
Ah, the dev too has worked in tourism and is working through his trauma with this game. The whole game makes so much more sense now.1 point
Well if it's any help there's a brothel and it gives skill boosts instead of STDs, so that's that. Almost done with Sunless Sea, moping up some quest lines. Funny how this game low-key and without judging lets you be a heartless monstrosity who helps out with mass production of cigars made out of pain and torture or feeds tourists to spiders. Also I'm pretty sure I'm not me anymore after ritual beheading. Started Sunless Skies. Whoever said it's easier is a dirty liar. For starters, no savescumming, which combined with no possibility to sneak past enemies like in Zee is a Very Bad Thing for my preferred playstyle, so I keep getting owned by RNG and random floating monstrosities. Also, starter ship is tiny and steers like a drunken baboon.1 point
Announcements of announcements. Desperate to tell they're still working on the game.1 point
Done with lies of P: NG+ optional final boss sure is something. Actually, the optional final boss is still the only one where I feel I have not really gotten a decent grasp on how to play against, but I've defeated it twice now (need to play through all the three endings for the achievements, and you need to fight it in two of them) by playing just well enough to get it down within a handful of tries. The other two non-optional bosses before it, well, they were pushovers in NG+. Anyone playing and struggling, well, don't sleep on throwables. There's a shop in the Malum District that carries an unlimited supply for all of them, at a fairly cheap price to boot (this should alleviate any concern about having to horde consumables), and they do pack a punch, inflict status effects and a large amount of stagger. If you can get any boss down to half their health there's a decent chance you can just throw stuff at them until they die. Adding extra belt slots and increasing your throwable carrying capacity through the upgrade system is very much worth it. The summoning system where you can get an NPC specter to help you fight bosses on the other hand is really hit and miss. I played though the entire game without using it, only trying it here and there on the later runs. In theory it is a good idea because the specter sometimes has aggro from the boss and you can freely wail at their backside, however, many boss attacks and abilities hit in very wide angles, or even cover 360°, making them more of a curse then a blessing. They also don't stop the boss from just switching to you in a sequence of attacks that is patently hard to read from behind them. Probably the least interesting aspect of the combat system. Could use some work. Looking forward to the teased Wizard of Oz game from Neowiz.1 point
Starship Troopers: Terran Command Would You Like to know more?1 point
Hi all, It's been a while since there has been no discussion on this topic, and the activity on the forum as a whole has been reduced a lot for a few months. I don't know if it is related to BG3 release (not playing myself, not enough time to launch myself into something as new as freaking real 3D) or just the semi-old age of the game in general. I think the mod has been stable for long enough to consider it complete and to take the time to thank everybody involved for this experience. I'm not completely quitting the mod (I would correct any critical issue) or even the forum but I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you before there is no one left here. Cheers to everyone who participated on this mod (it was my first mod ever), on this thread, on this forum or even on PoE1 forum ! My first thoughts go to @Noqn who made some of the changes for the mod, resident @Boeroer for all his advices even he was not a direct user (I presume) and @thelee for his Faq and general expertise. And for all the ones who "liked" the release post of the new versions, it always help keeping oneself motivated ! It's been a major hobby for a couple of years of my life, and I enjoyed a lot the community here !1 point
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie AKA Knockin' on Heaven's Door. Which I think is the also name of a Neon Genesis episode. Sorry, I actually meant "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie: Knockin' on Heaven's Door: The End of Cowboy Bebop" (...although from what I read, this movie actually occurs between episode 22 and 23 of the show even though it came out years later, so not really). I read a comment that suggested this is basically a really long normal episode that treats itself a little more seriously but without any of the horrid melodrama of the main series' central story...and I thought what are the chances that someone who dislikes the show ends up liking the movie? Probably not great. But then I considered that maybe it'll be a reverse of Escaflowne, where I love the movie but hate the TV show! Yeah, fat chance, but whatever, I'll just turn it off if I need to. Strange thing about that thought: I specifically thought of it well before I started watching, and then as I did start to watch it...well, speaking of Escaflowne, this Cowboy Bebop movie sure looks a lot like the Escaflowne movie. I paused it to find out that the Escaflowne movie was a joint production between Sunrise and BONES released in 2000, and this Cowboy Bebop movie was...a joint production between Sunrise and BONES released in 2001. Hmm. Well, this film is more or less exactly what that comment I read said it was. Here's the really weird thing: I quickly found myself enjoying the film, actually caring about what happened, laughing at most of the humor, and I even paid attention during the action scenes. The film did feel just a little bit wobbly at points, but I didn't ask myself too many questions while watching, and as a whole, it was fairly compelling and I very much wish the show had been more like it. Intertwine the serious and the silly better, slow everything down a little, make it all just a tad more tethered to reality instead of almost always doing that annoying "nothing you're watching really matters because we're not being sincere" tone, have our characters actually do things beyond just the pointless action and the annoying smarm...and suddenly, I enjoy it. Wow! It's like magic. Now I'm almost tempted to go watch the rest of the show...but I think like the eventually cancelled first season of Ranma 1/2 that I very much enjoyed in direct contrast to the not-cancelled rest of Ranma 1/2 that I very much did not, it might be better to just let it be. A reverse Escaflowne indeed.0 points
Somehow disappointing: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dungeons-dragons-co-op-multiplayer-game-on-the-way-from-payday-devs0 points